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�, <br />2oi1o8�ss <br />Exhibit "A" <br />A Tract of land comprising a pari of the West Half df �he �lortheast Quarter (W �/2 NE114) of Section One <br />(9 ) Township Ten ('l0) t�orth, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Ha11 County, Nebraska, and more <br />pa�ticularly described as follQws: <br />Beginning at the nor�hwest corner of the West Haif of the Norfheas# Quarter (W9/2 NE114 ); thence <br />€y, along artd upon the nortf� line af said W�st Half of the Northeast Quarter {W 112 NE114), a <br />distance of One Thousand Four Hundred �leven and Eighty Seven Hundredths {9 ,4�E 3.87) feet to the <br />northeast comer of saic€ West Half of #he Nor�heast G2uar�er {W 112 NE114); thence dsflecting right <br />93°09'S1" and running souiherty, along and upon the east line of said West Half of the Nartheast Quarter <br />{W 112 N�114), a distance af Six Hunclred (600.0) feet; thence deflecting right 38°42'45" and running <br />southwesterly, a distance af C?ne Thousand One Fiur�cired Eighty Two {1,182.0) feet; thence def[ecting <br />right 50°44'�3" and running westerly, perpendicuiar to the west line af said West Half o# the Nor�heast <br />Quarter (VN112 NE114), a distance of Six Hundrecf Fifty Six and Eighty Five Hundredths {656.85) feet to a <br />point on the west line of said West Haif af �e �io�east Quarter (W 1!2 NE1l4); Yhence deflecting right <br />90°40'0�" and run�ing northerly along and upQn the west line of said West Haif oT the Nor�heast Quarter <br />(W 9J2 NE�€/4), a distance af Qne Thousand Four Hundred Fifity and Six#y Two i-luncEredths {9,45Q.62) feet <br />to the poin# at beginning. <br />