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<br /> � � 5.Hatard or Property In9urance. Borrowcr shall kcep thc improvcmenta now existing on c�rc.�ftcr crcct�d on ihc Propeny �
<br /> � insurcd ngulnst loss by fve,huuuds incl�dad within the term"exter►ded coveroge" and nny other hu�.nrds,including flaods or x
<br /> � tlaoding,far whtch Lcnder rcqulres insurance.'Il�+s insurmice shall be maint�ined in the nmount9 and for the periods�hat Lcndcr �,
<br /> � requires.71ie insurunce cturier provlding Ihe insurunce shnli be chosen by Borrower subject to i.ender's approval which shall �ot I
<br /> I be unrcasonably withhcld. I[ Borrower fails to maintain covcrago described ttbovc, L.endcr muy, a� Lcndcr's option,o6tain . -
<br /> � covcragc to protcct Lcndcr's rights in thc I'toperty in accordancc wlth Paragraph 7. �
<br /> ° All insurancc policies and renewals shaU be sccepu►ble to Lender and shall Liclude a standnrd mortgage clause. l.cnder shall . -
<br /> hava the right to hold the pollcics end rencwals.If Lender requires,Borrowcr shall prompdy glvc w Lcnder all reccipts of paid � _•
<br /> premiums and renewal nodccs.In the event of loss,Borrower shall give prompt notice to Uic insurance carricr and Lender.Lcnder
<br /> may maka proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. � ` '�-�
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrowet othenvlse agrce in writing.inswance proceeds shell be appGed to mstomtion or rcpair of Uic _,.;�rt'���
<br /> Prope�ty damaged,if the mstoradon or repair is economically teasIble and Lender's security is not lessened.If ihe restoration or _`,:;`_'�.��
<br /> repair is not ec�nomically feasible or Lcnder's security would be lessened.the insurance proceeds shall be nppGed w the sums ==----
<br /> secured by thls Socuriry Inswment, whether or not then due, wi�h any eacess paid to Borrower.If Dorrower abandons the ' -��_
<br /> Property,or does not ar►swer within 30 days a nodce from Lender that the insurance carrier h�s offered to seule a claim,then �"
<br /> Lender may collect the�nsurance pr�ds.I.ender may use the prace�ls to repair or restore the Propesty or w pay sums sccured =
<br /> � by this Security Instrume�tt,whether or not then due.Thc 30-day period will begin when the nodce is given � _ _ _
<br /> Unless Lender and Bormwer othenvise egree in wridng,any applicarion of proceeds to principal shall not eatend or postpone �,
<br /> the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the nmount of the payments.If under paragraph
<br /> 21 the Property is acy�ired by Lender, Borcower's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting from damage w tho
<br /> ' Propexty prior tn the acquisipon shall pass w Lender to the eatent uf the sums secured by this Security Instrument immodlately �
<br /> prior to the acquisi6on.
<br /> 6.Occupancy�Prrservation,ll�intenAnce wnd Pmtection ot Ihe Property; Dorrower's Loan Applkation;LeASChokls. _
<br /> �`. Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Prope�ty as Borrower's principal residsace withii►sixty days after the execudon of _
<br /> thLv Securiry Instrument and shall continue w occupy the Prope�ty u Borcowu's principal residence for at least one year after the _
<br /> � date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agroes in writing, which consent shall nat be unreasonably withrield, or unless
<br /> `9 extenuating clrcumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not destroy,damage or impair the Property,
<br /> ._ .._.. . . __ allow rhe Pmneicv tn deterIorate. or commit waste on the Prone�tv. Borrower shaU be in default if any forfeiwre action or .,
<br /> " proceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender's�ood faith judgment could result in forfeidue of the Property or
<br /> otheiwise mate,riaUy impair the lien created by this Securtty Instrument or I.ender's security interes�Borrower may cure such a
<br /> �•=-
<br /> = default and teinstate, as provided in pardigraph 18,by causing the acbon or proc,eeding to be dismissed with s niling that,in e-_
<br /> T � L.ender•s good feith detennination,prccludes forfeiture of the Bormwer's�nterest in the Prope:ty or other material impaument of �r' _
<br /> ' the lien cmated by this Security Ins�ument or Lcnder's secnrity intuest Boaower shall also be in default if Borrower,during the -
<br /> , ' � loan application process,gave materially false or inaccurate infomiation or smtements w Lender(or failed to prnvide Lender with ^'��—
<br /> any matalal infoimadon) in conneedon w3th the loan evidenced by the Nota, including, but not limitod to,represerit�tions
<br /> � � conctming Borrower's occupancy of the Propeity as a principal residence.If this Socurity Instrument is on a leasehold,Hamnwer �� -
<br /> shall comply wlth ell the provisions af the lEase.If S�rrower acqiilres fee titic to the Propeaty,the leasehold nnd the fee tide shall
<br /> . .� not merge unless I.cnder agrees to the merger in wridng. `.�-�-
<br /> 7.Protection of I.ender's Rights in the Property. If Bonowcr fails to perform ihe covenants s�nd egreements contained in
<br /> • �� this Seciuity Instrument, or there is a legal pinceeding ihat may aigniCcantly affect Lender's rights in the Property(such as a
<br /> pm�eeding in banlcr�ptcy.probAte,for condemnerion or forfeiwre a to enforce laws or regulations),then LEnder may do and pay -__ __
<br /> � for whauvu is nocessary to pmtect the value oF the Property end Lender's rights in�he Property.I.ender's acdons may include �= _
<br /> . • payIng eny sums secored by a Gen which has priodty over this Secucity Insuument, appearing in court. pnYinB reasona6le _
<br /> , attomeys'fees snd eatering on the Pror?erty to make repairs.Alt6ough Lender may take acdon under this paiagraph 7,Lenda �„� _
<br /> .• � •�►' Q�s n�:h�ve to do sn. --�__.�.�._ ' -
<br /> - � My amounts disb�sed by Lender under tttis pacagraph 7 shall become addidonal debt of Borrower secared by this Sacuriry . --- -
<br /> -- , Insmunent Unless Borrower and I.ender ag�+ee to other terws of payment, these amounts sl�all bear intemst from the date of =--�.
<br />=�� �� ' disbursemeat at the Note rate and shall be payable,with interest,upon noace firom Lcnder to Botrower requesdng payment, :''�'"--�
<br /> . .r• r-��`�.`
<br /> S.Mortgage Insw�tnce. If I.ender required mortgege insur�nce as a condition of m�lc6ng the lnan secured by this Security ;,.�
<br />_ Insuumen4 Locrowcr shall pay the premiums requircd to maintain the mQrtgage insurAnce in cffcxt If, far any reason, the �''�r • ��__
<br />' . � mortgage insurence cove:age requucd by Lendea lapses or ceases w be in effect,Boaower sdall pay the premiums required eo t � �.,�'',
<br /> `;ti;i_.-,e� �`
<br /> obtain wvernge substentially equivalent w the mortgage insurance previonsly in eKect,at a cost substandally equivalent to the . . ��`��:"•"��'
<br /> cost to Borrower af the mortgage insurancc previously in effect,from an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender.If • - -
<br /> � substanUtiaL4y equivalent mongage irssurancc coverage is not availabte, Bomnwer shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to �' • - ,
<br /> 'a ,4� .
<br /> one-twelfth of the ycarly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the ins�rance coverage lapsed or ceased w
<br />- , be in effocG Lender will aocept,use and re,tain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss nsenre _ „
<br /> Form 302E �/�0
<br /> �-6R(HE)(o2�z).ot P�p�3o18 innuu: , —
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