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..��� <br /> � 97� YUi�10 . <br /> 18. Ror�ower'a Right to Relnete�e. If Borrower meeta certain candklons, Borrower nhail have the ripht ta heve <br /> I anforcomont o( thls 8ecurity Instrument dlsconttnued nt eny tkna prior to the eariler of: (e) 6 deys (or suah other perbd as applbtble i , _ <br /> � I�w may apcoly lor rolnstatomcnt)batoro �ab of lhe Proporty purnunnt to eny power of aate conteined h thls SocurS2y Instrumont; ar i <br /> ! (b) ontry of a Judpment entorcinq this Securty Inetrument. Those oondRlona are that Borrower. (a) pays Lender ell nums whbh tnon _. <br /> would be due undor thls Setsurity InelNmenl and the Note ae �� no eCCeleratbn had oCCUrted; (b) Curec any defauR of any olh�r ' <br /> + Sa <br /> covenant or aqreements; (C) paye all ezpenlos ��curred h enforchp thls Securky Instrumont, Inek,dlnp, but not Iknitod to, reasoneble r� <br /> attomeys' lees; and (d)takea such actbn as Lend9r mey reasonably requlre to assurp that the Ilen of this Socurity Inetrument,Londer's <br /> � rlphts tn the Property and Bonower's obllAalbn to pey tho sums aecured by thls 3e�urRy Instrument shell continue unchanpetl, Upon „ <br /> I rehsintement by BoROwer, this S9ourity InslNment and the obllpetlons eecursd hereby shall remain tulty eftectNe as if no acceleratkfn ; <br /> hcd ocCURed. Howsver, this rNjht ta renstale�heU not eppy h the case ol acceleretbn und�r pnrnpraph 17• ' , <br /> 19. Sale of Note; ChaI1Qe of Loen Servicer. The Note Or a paR181 Inte�est h the NOte (topether wRh this SeCUrky I <br /> InsWment)may be sald one or more lMes wRhout prbr notice to Borcower. A sele may resuft h e chanpe„the entfty(known as the . <br /> 'Loan Senrber") that Collecte monthfy paymants due under the Note and this Securky Instrument. There fliso may be one or more _ <br /> Ichan�ea ot tho Loan Servker unrelated to a eale oi the Note. II there is a chanpe of the Loan Serv�Cer, Bortower wll! be plven wrNten <br /> i notica of the ahenpe h accordence wKh parnQ�aph 14 above and appl�able law. The not�e wlll state the namo and address of the <br /> j nBw Loan Sorv�COr nnd tho eddre58 to which paymonts ehould 6e made. The not�e wlll elso contain any other Informatbn requked by <br /> ' ePPibBble law. � <br /> 20. Hazardoue Subatances. BoROwer shall not cauao or permlt the presonce, use, disposal, atorage, or releaso 01 eny ,. <br /> HarBrdous Subatances o� or h the Propsrq. Borcpwor shalt not do, nor albw an ane else to do, anythfny a(fecthp the Property lhat •��+� <br /> Y ,:r.t"�, , <br /> • � Is h vb�atbn of any Envlronmental Lew. The preCedhg two sentences shall not apply to tho presence, use, or storage on the ._;�.�.� <br /> Property of smaN quentR{es ot Hazardous Substances that are peneraly recopnized to be approprlate to norrnal resldontlal uses and to 'rl.;��.`. <br /> mahtenanCe Ot the PrOperty. . - <br /> Borrower shaN prompty flive Lender W�Uen not�e of any InvestVpatbn, ot�im,demand, laweuk or other octlon by any qovemmental ., _,,.,,,t � <br /> or reQuktory agenay or prkate peRy hvolvYq the Property and any Harerdous Substance or Envkonmsntal Lar1 of tvhlch Borrowvw has - -- <br /> aatuai knowledpe. If Borrower leems,or ts notHkd by any yovemmental or regubtory authority,that any removel or other remedlation <br /> � of any Herardoue Substance eBectinp the Property Is necesaery, Bortower shaii prompty take all necessery remedlat actbna In - . <br /> ��T S.. <br /> • eccardance wRh Environmental Law. ;�•- <br /> As uaed h thb pareyreph 20. 'Haa�rdous Subatances" are thoee substances defhed as toxb or heu�rdous substnnces by . : <br /> EnvYOnmental Law and tha foltowhg substences:pasoline,kerosene, other flammabie or toxb petroleum produats,toxio pestbkies and •.�;_ _ <br /> herbbides,volatNe BoMents,materials conuininp asbestos or tormaldohyde, and radbactNe meteriais. As used h this parapraph 20, ;_��� <br /> � 'Environmmtal L�w' msena federal 4ws Nd I�wa ot the Jurisdfctbn where the Property is bcated that relete to heakh, eafety or �=� <br /> • � environment�l pro4eotbn. �-r•� -- <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENAN73, Borrower and Lender(urther covenant and epree as foaows: � <br /> ' 21. Acr,eleraUon; Remedles. Lender ahell �Ive notiae W Borrower prlor to ecceleration foltowin9 <br /> ' �� Borro�nrer's breech of any covenant or eqreement in this 5acurliy Instrument (but not prtor to � <br /> acceleraUOn under perayrspit i i un►o'ss e7N{+iii:aulc �PA r:L:'3L�r..' �t!!°rwier�. Thn noUCE ahsll iQECI}y2 <br /> (a) the defewit; (b) the acUon requi�ed to cure the dehult; (c) e date. not leas than 30 days irom the :` <br /> ;;:.,t dete the natice la qlven W Borrower,by whlch the deteult must be cu�ed; end (d) that feilure to cure `� <br /> „ '; the defaull� on or betore the dete specified in the notlae may rcault in acceleretton of t�e aums •- .;��_: <br /> aecured by thla Securlty InatrumeM and aale of the Property. The notice ehail further inform > �- <br /> Borrower of the riyht to reinstate after aceeleraUon and the rt�ht ta bring e aourt aatlon to estert the , ;f' <br /> non-exinence of s deteult or sny other defenae Af Borrower to ecceleraUon and aele. If the deisult la ��'�° -. <br /> not cured on or before the dsle speclfled In the notice� Lender at Ita optton mey requtre immediate r � ��� <br /> c peyment in �ult of ell aum� secured by this Security Inatrument withou4 turther demend end mey '� <br /> Invoke the power of eele end �ny other remedtes permitted by applicable law. Lender shall bo •_� <br /> entitled W collect elt expen�es incurred in puraulnq the remediea pravlded in thta paragreph 21. •� <br /> ' � includtnp. but not Ilmtted t,o,reaanable ettorneya' iees end costs of tltle evtdence. '�;_,�'�'�'�� <br /> � , Ii tha porioer o4 ale Is Invoked, Truatee ahep record � notice of deteult In �ach county In which .r± �� .�Y <br /> � any Rart of the Property Is located end ahall meil copies of such noUce In the menner prescribed by ,_„Y,.�;-- <br /> �pllcable I�w W Borrower end to the other peraons preacribed by eppliceble Isw. After ths Ume �-::�,,,�.._ <br /> ; required by spplicable lew.Trunee ahall qive publle noUce of aate to the peraons end in the manner <br /> ����—� <br /> prescribed by epplicable law. Trustee� without demand on �orrower� �hall seil the Property at publlc � .�ryi; --- <br /> ��' euction to 4he hiqhest btdder st tF�e Ume end pleee and under tho terma desl�neted in the noUae ot ,.��, <br /> �... . . _ �1� tn one or nuro p�arcela aead In any ord�r True3ee dleterminee. Truatee may postpone sale of ell : _,,.: -_ _ <br /> . �` or �ny parcel of the Property by p�+blic announcement at the time and place ot any prav�aur�jt r���T,���_ <br /> scheduted sale. Lender or Ite dulOnee may purchase the Property et any aale. '�""'��� <br />, , , N,}_,_-Y.��.�9"°i`"�� <br /> . • � Slpon recelpt of payment of the price bid� Truatee ahalt deliver to the purchaaer Trustee's deed ';`:��� _ <br /> � � conveylnq tha Property. Tha recitets in the Truatee'a deed ahall be prims faole evidence of the truth ,.��Y-� <br /> of the �tetementu msde thereln. Trustee ahall epply the proeeeds of the sale In the tollowiny order: .�:"��rr-,e�;;_+•a, . <br /> (e) to �II co�snd e�enuet�t exerclaln� the power o�f eale� and the aale, Including the payment ot - .. ` .�. <br /> the Truetee'�tees actually Incurred.not to excecd 3 9G of the prirocipat emount of the note . . <br /> �'� i st the tlme of tho deotareUan of defeult, and reaso�able etto�ney's tees as permltted by law; (b) W all , ,. . <br /> aums secured by thls Security Inatrument; end (c) eny exceas to the person or peraons leyelly . <br /> entitled to (t � <br /> � 22. Reconveyance. Upon payment of�II sums secured by this Sscurky InsWment,Lender shaH request Trustee to reconvey � . <br /> the Property �nd shaM surtendar thb Security instrument and �N notes evldenah0 debt secured by thla Security InsWment to TNatee. <br /> � Truateo ahaN reeonvey tho Property wRhoul werrenty and wRhout oharge to the pereon or peroone legaly entkbd to R. Sueh person or <br /> parsona shaM pay nny recordatbn costs. � <br /> �.: <br /> � , <br /> 23. Substitute TruitEE. Lender,at Rs optbn, may kom tfmo to tYno remove Trustee end appoht n successor trustee to f <br /> uny Truatae appohtod hereunder by an hshument recorded In tho county h wh�Ch thb SeCUrity Inetrument Is recorded. Wkhout � <br /> ._—. _.. _ _.. _ �_.__..._u�......�w �.. au �hn �Hln nnwnr and dut{9s COfI}0tf0d IlDO(1 TN5�09 h0lAY1 end by L_. _ <br /> _ ..--- .. . _ _ <br /> "l COnwyanGe at tne rwparry, yuwvaav� uua.eo o..o�o�...�......- ... -- •••- --�. .-� - - r .-----•--�---- <br /> � appNcabb law. � <br /> i � <br /> � 2a. Request fur Wo�ic�a. Barower requests thet coples o}tho notfcos ot detauR and sale be sent to 8orrowers addresa � <br />- whbh b the Property Address. � <br /> I 26. Rider� to this Sec�arlty Imtrumen� If one Or mOre ride�s 8re exdCUted by BOrtowor flnd roCOrded topether with i <br /> = I thts Seaurily Inatrument,the covenan[a and ayreernents ot each such rider ehall be hcorporated Into and shall arnend and suppiement � <br />- the covsnants md epreementa of thb SecurRy Instrument as M the rider(s)wero e part ot thb Secur'dy Instrument. <br />� Form 902E C/90 <br /> : Ft01G.LMO(4/oE) Pap�a o�6 � <br /> I I <br /> i <br /> � <br /> ua ; <br /> _ � i <br /> � <br />