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<br /> ,a�yrn.. . . �. ' . . .�c�t;:y'� - � , ....,.«
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<br /> g7 �,G�410 ;-,Y1�4� ._
<br /> ' 0anow�'� etorow acoount under the(�deral Real Estate Seniement Procedures Act of 1974 es emended from tkne to tlme, 12 U.9.C. -• � �,
<br /> 2d01 �t toq.("RESPA'),unlasa enother law that eppiles to the Fundc sets a bsser amount. If so,Lender may,at any tkne, aolbot and
<br /> hotd Funde In tn tmount not to excood the lasser amount. Londer may estknate the nmount ot funds due on the haels of curtent deta
<br /> tnd rNtlonabM�stkn�tes ot e�endftures ot luture Escrow Itemc or othemise h accordanco wilh applbub�a I�w. .
<br /> Th� Funds �htll be hekl In an hstkutlon wh�se dapoeRS are insured by a Iederei agenay, InstrumGntalRy, or entRy (holudhp '
<br /> L�ndnr, H L�ndK It suoh an fnslflution) or h any Federnl Home Loan 8ank. Lender shell eppN th0 Funde to p�y the EtCrOw Iteml. '
<br /> L�ntNr mey not ohprp� Bortower lor holdinp and applylnp the Funds,annuaity anatyzhp the escrow acaount, or velrylnp lh�Eacrow ,
<br /> ItKne, unWU L�ndir ptys Borro+�or intcrest on the Funds ond applicable law permks Lender to make auoh�oharp�. HowwM,Land�r , .
<br /> m�y rsqulr�Bonowu to pay � on�-tYne ohar@o lor en hdependent real estate tuc reporthp servb� uad by L�nd�r h oonn�otbn wRh I.. � .
<br /> � thM b�n,un111s �pplbtbM kw provld�a otherwise. Unless en Qyreoment Is mtds or nppl�abte law requiros Htcrc:t to Da p«Id,Lcnd:r
<br /> thaY not W rpuWd to q�y Bortoww any Interest or eaminpa on the Funda. Borrower and Lendsr m�y�pra h wrkinp,howwK,th�e .• .
<br /> � ,,�. ht�nst thaN b� pllld on the Funds. Lender shall gNe to BoROwer, wkhout oharpe, fln annual acaountiny of tht Funds, ehowhp �
<br /> � orsdH� end d�bk�to th� Funda�nd the purpose tor whbh oaah debk to the Funds wae made. The Funds aro piedped�e tddRWnal
<br /> �ocurky lor�N sum��ecurcd by ihks Securky InsUument, +,�_::
<br /> If th� Funds held by Under exceed the amounts permkted to be hold by appl�able Iaw, Lender shall acoount to BortowK for the ___
<br /> �xoN� Fund� fn �coordanc� wNh the requlrements of appibable law. If the amount of the Funds hetd by Lcndor at nny tkrro h not , , _
<br /> Quttblent to pty th�Esorow Items when due,Lender may so nottfy Borrower in wrRhp, and, h such case Bortowu thall pay lo Lond�r
<br /> ° th�amount neait�try to make up the defbienoy. Borrower shail meke up the dat'icgnCy In no more lhan tw�H� monthly payrrwnt�,nt -_—
<br /> L�nd��soM dbontbn. �-
<br /> � ,,. Upon p�ym�nt in fuN o1 ail�ums soaured by this SecurNy Instrument,Lender ehall prompty rofund to Bortow�r�ny Fund��e�b� -
<br /> �L, I.�nd�r. if, und�paupraph 21,L�nder shall acqulre or saN the Property, Lendo►, prtor to tho toqutaRbn or EaM of th�Pro n-+:�
<br /> cppy eny Funas held by l.snc3er�t th�th»ot acqulskbn or safe as a credk ayatnst the oume s�cured by this S�aurky Inttrumw�t. •
<br /> i` 3.AppllcMtlon of P�ym011t�. Unkss appikabte kw providea otherwisa,aN paymont4 recelvad by Lander und�r p�npnphr ,
<br /> � '" � 1 md 2 sh�N b��ppN�d:11rst,lo �ny pnpaym�nt charpes due under the Note; saaond,to anounta paya6M uncMr panyraph 2; thkd � •,� �'�
<br /> +�:�_
<br /> z., _.
<br /> to ht�ntt dw; fourth,to prhaip�l due;and 1ast,to eny late churpas due under ttie Note. �� '
<br /> ��
<br /> � 4. ChMQ�i; Llelll. Barow�r ahaN pty aA taxea,assossmenta, ohuQaa, finaa and Ynposkbns attrbut�bM to th� PropMty —
<br /> . whbh may �ttab prbrky over Ihfa 6�curky InaWment, and Ieasehold psyments or pround rents, M any. Borrow�r shtM p�y thn� ;; ;�__
<br /> ohNp�ttons h th�mtnn�r providld in pangrtph 2,or Y not pald ln that manner,Borrowar shall p�y thwn on tYns dirwty to th�p�non =
<br /> `�: .'� owW p�ymmt. BoTOw�r�hall prompty tumtah to Lender au not�ea of emounts to be p�ld under thf� panflnph. ff Borrowa m�k�� -
<br /> , th�0�ptym�nt� dlrooty, BonowM sh411 prompty/umish to Lender recoipts evidenChp the payment�. ��
<br /> Bortow�r shtY ptompty dboharp�any INn whbh has prbrky over thb 8ecurky Instrument unfese Bortow�r:(a)�prNt h wrRing to
<br /> �� th�payrtNnl of th�obMp�tbn uound by ths IMn h a mannw neceptebb to Lendor; (b)aont�sts h pood(tkh th�Iwn by, or d�Nnds
<br /> � aoahst�nforc�n�nl of th�N�n B, NO��proa�sdinfls whbh h the Lendere opinbn operat�to prwent lha�ntorc�t ol th�IMn; or(o) _
<br /> ` � ' ��ourn Mom th�hofdK of th�N�n m �yrNrtNnt satiafaotory to Lendet subOtdhethp th� 119n to this �cunry iniiiuu�w�i. S L:�i�
<br /> f.
<br />_ . .�•;. dNKmY�s that any part of th�Prop�ty b tubJ�at 2o a Ilen whbh maY A�� p�rky Ovsr lhts S�curky Inswm�nt, LmdK maY olw �
<br /> Bortow�r a notb�ida�dF�inp tM IMm. Bortow�r ahaN a�tfaly the Ilen or take one or more of the ectbna s�t forth abow wkhln 10 day�
<br /> of th�yhriny of notic�. -
<br />- �� 6. Hwrd or R�opert�► Intur�nee. Bortower shali keep �ne Ynprovements now e��stno or ner.aft.r .r.�ud on en• e
<br />-�,•� , " Prop�ty Muund y�hat bts br Hn,h�nrda Mwlud�d wkhln the torm 'extended oovereq�'end any otha� hWUde,hcludhy rioodt or
<br /> fbodinp, for whbh UndK hqulr�f hsunnC�. Thb hsurenca shall be mahtahed In the amounte and fur th� parbd� th�t LMidK
<br />- •� • • nqufra. Th� htur�nC�O�rrfw p�ovWlnp lh� hturana shell be chosen by Borrower subject to Lendere �Aproval whbh shtN not b� _
<br />' ' unnnonaby wkhMld. 8 BoROwK hfi� to mrintah covenpc descr�ed above,Lender may, at Lenders optbn,obtth cowrap�to
<br /> F� � '~ prot�ot L�nd�s ripht� In th� PrOp�rty In aaord�nc�wkh paraflraph 7. �'—"
<br />?'.''"�f'°�•^�" t AN hsunna poNoioe tnd r�n�w�a�htN W accepl�bk to Lunder end ahnA includo a stancfard mortpope ckus�. LandK�haN haw
<br /> �' 'fi�i�,�,� th� �ipAt to hotd the poMol�s Nd rN��vraa. If l.Mder roquires, Bortower ahall prompty pive to L�ndK aA napt� of prld pr�nlum�
<br /> y=-:�i;t�.��4 � � and nn�wii notiat. In th� wM�t of btf, Borrower shnN pAro prompt notke to the insurence carrler�nd LsndK. l.�nder maY mDc� __
<br />'�:a;.=,:. .: proo}of bN M not m�W promply by Bortow�r. -----
<br /> si._:. ,.
<br />��.s t." . ' UnMsi I.�nd�►�nd Borrowu otMrwk�aprM in wrkinp,Ineunnce procoeds ehnN be appliod to restontbn or npalr of th�PtopKty
<br />_w.a;�,S"Y`K--:� —
<br /> -- den�;ed� N the n�ton�tion w np�M I� �oonomlaafN haebb and Lender's securky b not lessened. If the restontbn or nptir a not �. `�
<br />---.;,,,:i.>::'•"�:;`"'— �pp17prt1iC�ily iM{bi�6F LGiC'ii�G G:GUrfiy wott� �9 �'eenstl, tha hsuranco ptoceeds shall be e.�pifed to the sums s�lcund by thN F��--- _
<br /> '` _.'':�.�-`� S�curAyr InsWmmt whMMr ar not then du�, wkh �ny eoccssa pdd to Bortower. If Bonowar ab�ndona th� Propwty, a doN not =---
<br /> ��° • answe� wkhh 30 d�ys � notW from Lmd�r thft th� hsunnce carrier has ottered to Qonte a olakn, then Under m�y colMct th� F�
<br />_. �^• ,. , �
<br />_�=ix*�`�w,- fntur�nc� ptoeNdf. Und�'maY uN th� proCMd� to npak or restore the Property or to piy 6ums sacurod by thk S�CUrky P.-�--
<br />=*�,r:::, Inatrument,whethM or not th�n du�. Th�30�d�y pMbd w0 bpin when the notfce b qNen. t`-
<br /> M UnNat l.�nd�r md 8o►row�r olhKVrk��prN h wrkfnp,any eppli�atbn o} prceeeds to prtnolpel sht11 not exNnd or pottpone tlr�
<br />_. � duo d�t� of th�monthy p�ymmt�rNwr�d to h p�npnphs � and 2 or ohanpe ths amount of ths payn»nt�. It undrr panW'aph 21
<br /> - the PropKty 1�tcQulnd bY I.�ndK�BoROw��ripht to�tny haurtnc�poHCbs and procoeds resufthq ftom damaqe to th�Propety prlor m___
<br /> � to th� acqulskWn �h�M paas to Unde to th� �xt�nt of ths sums secured by thb Securky Inswmer.a Immedlat�M prbr to th� — _- __ -
<br /> eCQuktbn. �=�_-�.�___
<br /> ' �' 8. OcGS�p�ney� Pnt�sru�tion� MalnUnance and Protectlon of the Property; Borrower'� Loen �"�:,;,,.._--.-...�
<br /> �'rti.la—m���
<br /> - - � /Oppllcatlon; LOiilh01d1. Dortov�M ohtq oCOUpy. �st�biish,utd use the PropeAy as Borrower's pnc�lpal resklence wkhh sbcty �.��.ry�;��.y
<br /> - d�ys�R�r th� �oncutbn o1 thN S�curlry in�trummt �nd shtA contlnue to occupy Ihe Property as Boaowo�s p�holpat resldence tor at �.;;._��r.
<br /> � NMSt on� y�ar �RK th� dat�of ocaup�nay, unMs� L�nd�r otherwbe nprees in wrklny, whbh consent sheN not be unnasona6y 'c%•�^-::.+�:
<br /> t, wkhh�id, or unMes�xt�nuttinp okaumttanc�f�xht wh�h �ro bsyond Borrower's control. Borrower shaA not destroy, damepe or ImpaY �•-3-�� _�'�'�-•
<br /> _ �� th� Property, aNOw th�Prop�rty to d�t�rbnt�,or oommk westa on the PropeRy. Borrower shall b0 1n defnuk M any torbkun�ctbn or �- ..'
<br /> .� procMdinq�whKh�r clvN or orYnin�l,b bpun th�t In l�nders pood fakh Judpment oould reauR h forfekure of the Property or othorwiso .•� ��
<br /> -- -.—. ._ . . .. .... ____._, �.. .�� eY...�... �_............ ... �.��.ra mnurev ht�rest. Bortower mav cure auah a defauk and
<br /> ' -=-• - -� mat�na�y mPar m� �wn vrwm� vl .�.�. .,...�..�� ....»�..�... _.
<br />= nhst�t�. u provld�d In p�a�prlph 1e, by o�uNnp th� �atbn or procwdhp to be dismlased wfth a roihp thnt, h Lendex's pood taHh - ,.
<br /> d�q�hatbn. pr�oiudri forNkur� 01 lh• BOrtOwN'� hl�t�ft In ih� Property or other materla� Impakment of the Ilen Crested by this
<br /> S�ourky InttrumMt or Undwl s�ourMy htaNt. BorrowK sh�H�Ko b� N default Y Borrower, duNnp the ban appNcatlon procasa, '
<br /> pive met�rflly hb� or haacur�t� Intorm�tbn or ctel�ntf to L�nd�r (or falfed tu provido Lender wnh nny materlal intormetbn) h
<br /> connootbn witt�lh�foan evldlna�d by Ihe NoN, holudinp,but not NmkW to, ropnsanutbn� conceminy BoROwars xcup�ncy ot the
<br /> ProplRy �f a prholpd ruidMrol. II lhM S�ourAY Initrummt I� cn t Nai�hokJ,Bortower �hnll oompry wNh a8 the provKions ot th� ,
<br /> Nas�. If BorrowM taqulrN IN tNIY to lhi Prop�rty,Iha IN�o�hold end th�be tkb ehs�N not merpe unlesa tho Lender ayrees to the ,
<br /> . Form aose v/�
<br /> � 111K�f�)Wf��11Q. . �
<br /> F1040.1M0(D/Yq P�p�Q o1 6
<br /> j �
<br /> ��� ,
<br /> — -
<br />