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<br /> • �.-1�t; �r ;�< -; �. ' .2 � t
<br /> � �J ` ' t ' P� . . . . _ _ _ . _ .. .F .�h
<br /> ' ' . - �< "d t . . . � ..ar!-.. .Fi':t.Y_r
<br /> r_` � � ' ' _
<br /> . ......
<br /> . . :ti�%Y.:__ j44 _ '—' � _.�." "' _ . ....._�_.. .. _4__-
<br /> . . . ". . 4� . ♦ . .. _ ' " .. -. t . .
<br /> __ _ ♦ • '" . ' , _ ` . ' . ���r.� ��� -
<br /> �:. .. • . ' � .�� . . �t-�
<br /> .--- �i.����l1���[�fOh 8�[�'C[S��1 L11C��Ip(O�S�tIDM!txlStlel�O[ 6lf�a$!►!'lO�iOd:'.011 1�1D- ;,;��.
<br /> -- �lO��t�t[Ed 9,�RSt 1055 by f1tC.�i�Cltlded�Yftbib t�IC lEtRl�C7[tCI1410d COV�[7ge'��IIy Other�5...�Il�qf,:.,?',�;
<br /> - �OOdS O�nOOQtt�.fOf�YbICb�+COdtl[OQltt[CS 111A1J�'�IS 1[lSU1�11C0 5�1���!t 111il0t�t�ID t�aR10Y0ts�fOt f�IC,�IC(1(Idf�;,:
<br /> ',,.—------ - - - t�!I�er�lttx_-Tfie imcur�no�qirier_prastidiag ii�e_in��sh�llbs s�i bY Borrowe�sub�ct co Lend�er's�approval;�; =—_ _
<br /> :- Mbicb�n1I mt be ann�on�b[y vritbNeW.If Homawer fails to mainta'in ooverage d�ci6ed sbavet I.ender mry.at i.ender's',.
<br /> "` option.uEnin ao�Yr+ge to p�otaE L�s rghts in Q►e P�uperty iri a000rdanoe witb R�Bz'��-,
<br /> ` '` Alt ias�uance potides an��newals slyll be aooeptable w i,ender aod s6att inctvde a s[andaF¢�noctg�ge ciauso. Leadcr `,
<br /> �� .
<br /> - � -�' s�I-�c��s i��-aadi�cwa�•,,,.-IE I�[-it�ttitES.�,.--".. �!1�i1i'v�ve tel�all n�eiots ctf =- -
<br /> ..� L � _ ' c! �._����-�;r—i. r'V' �. .`. . __ _ . _,__.:
<br /> � p�i�saaioms aAd.tene�raf mtioes.(n ttk event af toss.�e�s6a11 've pcompt natioe ta tt�e insuranoe canier anct lei�der.
<br /> _r.s-_ . . .. .. ..
<br /> , A_°::_�} ;, _ t.a�der u�y��p�oufaf�toss if aat�wde promptly by Boi�+ower. � -- . ;•_ . -- --.
<br /> . r,-.S-•���u Qak.ss 1eadEz a�d 8artov�er othetwise agroc in writing.insuranoe pra�eeds sbal!6e applied to restoratioa or repair of tAo
<br />` ` ` ' � pe�p��r d�ed•if t1�e t�atian o��ir is eoonomically feasibie and l.eader's so�vrny is nat ksscoed•!t the restor�tiob or
<br />-ti,,z��;; _•,-.�.
<br />_•.��f�t'. . s�;.. '. tr�eic is mt eaonomiplly feas+'ble or 4'nde�'s security wouW.be 1es�nad,ihe insur�nce ptaareds�11 be appl.iFt1 to thesut»s
<br />_.�.:�:,c•.-
<br /> 1 •�i°' `'�'�"��� socut�ed ihis' Inswmeat,wbether ar nat then due.with any exoess paid[o Borroaer.If BomnMU abandaQS tbe
<br />� '.;'._: s�„=�`� - bY. �ticy
<br /> ;-s,- >:',�.;.. ;..,-.. Rmpaty."ot does mt ans�rtr vFrthin 30 days a nuttee from 4�der tb�the insuranoe carrier has oBeiod m settk a ct�im.thea
<br /> �•+',•'`�` ; �r,. �,p1dE[Im�t OD��EC!t�IC t[IS�II.7110C Q[OGCEdS. LCII�!f�d.x itSC tA4 Qt10L�5 LQ tCjlat�O!tC5t0IC 111C�Ry 0��t►�jt SIIAIS
<br /> � . ..
<br /> Y- ,:i: , r" 7ir���` �,y�{�Y�$p{�(j/IbSiN01C11t.WII�OE�.t'�ti tSttC.T�C��Q-�y QCQO�WIII(1C$lp WACII QIC IlOt10C 1S gtVCll.• . .., .
<br />� ���,:�`"-''�`��' ,��` ' . ; ; UWe�l.ader a�d HoRUwrx athex��se-a�es�io-��g.at�•appla�tion of pruoee�ls to p�it�ipal.slr�U aat eztentF at . ,
<br /> �� s!r U
<br /> -` ' ° °�r'F��_�� - �po�woe the due date of the montWY p�aprii�ss�'�E'ai�3 to in paragrrphs 1 and 2 or.d�uge tbe a(noaqt ni tt►o paymeats Lfi' �: :
<br /> ��f� _ s .�Sdef�a�gAph 21 t6e Pmpetty is aoquiced bsr;�#'�.A'°n°Nrer's rig6t to at�insurar�ce paliries arM ptoee0ds rewlting fcotn '�;\�
<br /> F' ' .'' �
<br /> tn the Ptopecty prio�w tl�e aoguisid�u sfii��s:fu I.ender m t6e exc�►e qf tl�e surns spcnred by�this Savrity t�strame�¢ � :;
<br /> �r , , '�.` . � ` � ';,�r,:�,,�-Prior to t6c acquisit'ton. u � ' � : t �
<br /> ��. `�:.. `c:� �+k;��i��,y,pte�rv�tiow,Maioit�asoe a�d PCOtMioll Of t�_�Mopair:Boero�er's 1.o�R Appliqtion;1.e�9elni� <�;.t,
<br /> � � � ' ,e:n:�- •- .
<br /> E � . ��oo��PY,e�blish,�d ns�e the Property u Boc�ow�t'`s��sideoce witl�in sixty days after the exa�cutioe.�f �;.�,
<br /> � -- t��;r� �..; . `' i_ dus Seaiiityi lnsuua�and shall eunanue w accupy the Pmpert�t as�&r�►v�'"s�rincip�sl residence fa:at.kau one year after � .. !-
<br /> :i• ' ,� tbe date of aocupan�.y:�s Le�der otherwise agrees in wtitiag:;,ata�"r;'�'�tiali not be usueaso[�bly witt�etd,or unless „A
<br />� f � '.z:.`, � •• _.
<br /> ��, :, • excemwting cinv�t�s e�isi;aYbi.�fs are beyond Bo�nawcs's r.tiutr.i?�:•�+�r s�all,noe destmy.damage ar imQair tbe �— _
<br /> ti ' +,°£' .' ���� Pmperty.allow the Property to d�e.ar commit waste on tlte Pr+npe�ty. 8otrower shal!6e in default if any fodeiture . .� �
<br /> `. �� <<�`� r{r�y���b' : action or pmceeding.whether civi"!er siiminal.is begun that in L�ender's goud_�itb judga�oE��utd r,esutt in fodeiture of the ` _�
<br />�,5��. . �)i� �Y'.�'i;.;,��,'�ir��" . - ' ' � - -
<br /> c�.. � ;�y�°. ���,:• , ,c� Pnope�ty or ott�erwrse�aterially impajiti�e lien crcated by this Security(nstr^�ituer�°ar�.ender's`•sec�nty r�rest.Bortawer msy .G 4�-.::
<br /> ;.k� �� I`�y..�•��= - _ -
<br /> '-� ,;`. �,:Ar:�<,a,7Y`i'������`''� cur+e such a defaalt and reinstate.as pravlded ia par.�raph 18.by causing.tE�,6ct3�ra or pmceeding to 6e disrinis s e d wi t 6 a ru ling - �—
<br />';f,.-, rr,�r;�,�f�-=; � , _
<br />;_,, 4;��fEfF���r�;'=�.,_�,�-�}t• th�t. in Lender's good faitfi dctermista�tioa. preciedea forfeiture cs�'1be��'s intcrest ia the Praperty or athcr mdtterial, � , .��?_'
<br /> ..;4<< ,}"'�. �s��w�},�� f t or �secvrity inter+est. Borroa•er shall atso be m defai�.if`. � ' , •�iaz`��
<br /> ' e.�.� la�pai�;o the lien cn�ted 6y thi's Securicy in�tcumen I�r
<br /> :t��„f, ;•._.t'�, .,'�'.,trYt,,i,' ��R:���g����tication praaess.gave materially f�ar inaccurate infam�ation ar state�nents to Lxnder lorb� '- "�`�—
<br /> �-- I.''�' [iti`:t,°��� .�!_. ,' i ..����---
<br /> •;;f•� `•=: to pc+avidt'��:ender with any mate�ial infclmrationl in oonnectian wiiIi the laan evidenced 6y the Notc.including.but not 9��ti ! �
<br />,.�( ' rc ��i. �� � ;_i!� - 4 �"�
<br /> r�- � �'cr,�t�fi'j:t'�:�r�; - tO�nepresentations conceming Barrower s accupaz�cy of the Praperty as a principat:cs�dence.[f this Se�vrity Instmmenc is on a ...,.t . � ,..�•..,,...
<br /> � ' �t��'.- •-;;'f`;� �� it�sehotd. Borrnwer shall com 1 witti all the �isionc of the lea�e. if Harrow� nir�s tee titfe to thc Pr tlsc � :";�''t,;. ..'
<br /> P Y P� �l �S• f,� 't;:.i ,;,
<br /> � .,: . .. . � c�.f,. �,. • r. �,��, . . ..
<br /> ' '4};;};';; ltasehold and the fee titie s�all nat m��unles.�I.endes agrees to�he merger in writing. . ,....�,
<br />- �'r��>i�'�'•' .��,• : :,;1;; ,.�.. ..:
<br /> ;;,t�:.,E� 7.P1+nt�ectioo ot I.eta�e.s ltigbts�thc P�npetiy.lf Borrowc�fails ta perform the covcnanes and agr.xm�-nts corrtained in �., ti; �':�'.',,';;� f"-. .'-f.
<br /> �.,.., :�,� .�#=:<;.
<br /> �•{: . 'r1h<;':r., : � -
<br /> , , t�. , tbis Security Instcument,or there is a fega!procoeding that may significantly affcct l.ender's rights in the Property(such as a _
<br /> r'' ., praoeeding in bankcuptcy.probatc,far conde�arn_or forfeiture or to enforve.laws or regulatians►. then Lender rt�ay do and � . : � �'
<br /> �- . � , • • pay for whatevet is necessa�tn prat�ct the valug of tt�e Property,aad�L�r's iigh�ti in the Property. l.ender's actions may :. • `� =.`-`
<br /> �),�:_: � "'� ;:,, ineiude paying any sums secured by a lien which has priarit�:`,u��:.�s:u�:�:i�rit� Instrument. appearing in court. ga}ing r • . • .� F-
<br />:.-,�:` ', ` - .',s�:��;'" reasotrabie2ito s'fees and enterin nn the Pro ta mai�e '�F1n+;ri�:_?:i.ender may take actio�undcr this paragsapfi ; � •
<br /> ) . . . .,•�; �Y S PertY �� _ , _
<br /> ;. •• , .
<br /> . ;��.; ���r 7.l.er�ler dues not have to do ui. '�� - :�.• ; '. : ..-._._
<br /> , . . . � -
<br />� ��'�' �•°�• - Any amounts difb;used by Lcndcr undct this p���q�� ?',��ra+i`-,�r.ytmsp�::o»ditional dcht af Barraw�r ucure�.!l���tTiis
<br /> i
<br /> i .::<:,., � .. . � . , ..
<br /> %� ` .�',;r!, , . Seeutiry lnstniment. Unless Barrower and l.ender aget�i�a.;.a��;is•i:�.n nf�a;.rtiens:thctic amaunt.�hall b�at:mt[xes&.��r��3he ;• . �'�R�
<br /> t'•, �;�r,:�:;�.'� date of das3urscment at the YoSe i�te :utd shall b��°:3#r�.; w�9'�a=atcrest. up�in notice iiom Lcadcr to B•rriv�vet'se�5i�.'ing ; , .
<br /> % , t(�,:< < >• . •, ,�. •. .�. . • , ' • ., .. ' ; �'" �,
<br /> LyS �2}1tI �II71eAt` '. -, ''�' .. : , , , .� ., �v
<br />' ' ' ' 8.1Nottgage Ins�trsnea If i�.xc requitod i�s,_+�_ �. �.s���.�r�e ati a cnnditinn�if makia ttu 1a�n wcuc�d thic Securit .�t,,.:�„ .: '� i:�`77`��' �
<br /> , �,. �i " .4,t�����4'� ,.. , , s,�,,:.;..-.� �. b'Y Y � , trt t
<br /> '� � Instn�ment.Bamowcr shalf pay thc premiumy i�,ti;�!��4.s.i rs�aiatain tfie murtgugc in.uranc�in rffecs_ �{'.;"1ur any reas�n, the �,�. . . � ,,..
<br /> ,. : r 'Ikr,`�.�' .. . . .�'���. ' . , ., •
<br /> . ;;fj. . . � . ' -mortgage insurance cerv.rage reyuired b�l.endc����'���ccau�to be in cffe�K.&�rrower,h:ill pa� th:pxE+riiums required to .,,
<br /> �' ' r',�;::;,;:`i;',.;,` ' - ' " obtain oa��age substantially equivalem to the mas!��L:ttsu�a".i prcv'tou+ly in citc�K.at a c�►yt.ub��antiaiiy cqeivalcnl tn�!w �' "� .,
<br /> :�' ' .� ,, ,1��_ , �
<br />- cast w.B�t�tjwer of the rrwrtgagc in�urancc previ��utily in eii'�.,.fa,m an altemate mnngagc imurcr appruved by lxcr�. lf �
<br />-`,.,,,� , : . ,�,�; •
<br />-�� �• ` .. ' , ' substanS�a[t�equivalcnt mortgagc inyutancc a►vcragc is�ef�:�d��i�;.&�rruw•cr�hall pay t��I.cndcr cach month a suns�qp�l.an
<br />�:.�,:.., . . . ;
<br /> �,• • ,,`�:;� one-twelfth of the yrarfy m�irtgege in+urance prcmium'��:����_';':;: &+rruw•cr when the in,urance cuvc'rage{ap�:d ur cut�.'�t� .
<br /> , . ,. , • .
<br /> k,����•` ;, . � be in effYCt.I.ender will accept,uscand retain�hesc Fa;��iic's�:����,,a�l:7titi rr�crvc in liru �if mnrtgage iacafran�. Lass.reserve i •
<br /> i. . rF�. � ��,4'':�i� � .� .. ffvrenldl����0 � ( .
<br /> ^ . ,�.�.�..(`.': �.' .. , � ' . . - Pe9e 9 a f• . . i .��
<br /> }�) I � �rt7Si ;� r . . � . +
<br /> �4. � � �� �`i�'f . . 11�`ffi1'$�� , , , . � � �.
<br /> �•` r�, ,tiF 'a;, . . �,
<br /> ��' t }��£fJti`�:���.,,
<br /> + . sti� �� fti � , .
<br /> !„�<�`
<br /> � � ��� �
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<br /> � ,r� . ftt: - . }� r. . t. , .
<br /> ' ��y��•�. . . :y�i•,':..�' �'_�'Z'l;f6�,:!� ' . � ;� 1 IS:'h',,._.. �° . -
<br /> . . `,�� .�S • .. . • . . � t'`-- ' . ' ,
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