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<br /> `'�• DEED OF TEiUST ����
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<br /> UST "Secu InatrumenY) le made on Februi� 27th 1997 . me �
<br /> � THIS DEED OF TR _(_, rtty ,, _.,�� w ,��� „M.�a e a wi a .1 andnts with Ris�ht of ,_��
<br /> Wstor Is RI AHU i.. t;wr���na�3s+rta. v......,� ..0 .. _R_ ---fe _g _o nt T _
<br /> 8urivorahla = _.
<br />- � �"� ('Horrower'�.The wstee Is BANK O DONI HAN P.O. BOX 270 DOPIIPHAN NE 68832 � ,;,;
<br /> 3 �
<br /> '. ('Truatee').The beneflclary Is Blnk of Doniphotn P.O.Box 270 ,and whoae addre�Is �
<br /> whlch ia orgtntr.ed and exlating unde►the lawa of ths tate of Nebras{tii (�Lender').
<br /> " 118 Plum St Donlahen NE 88832 '-
<br />-� eorrower owea lender the pdncipal sum of Fkftv Ssveet Thoussnd and 00 100 �
<br />- � . , Dollaro (U.S.S 67.000.00 1. Thla debt ia evldenced Dy Borrower'e note dated the �;��
<br /> same date na thls 3ecurity Inshument('Noto"),which proNdea for monthy payments, wflh the tull debt, if not pald eari ler, due en d _
<br />-s�";"_ '� payabie on I[�a��h 5 2003 . Thla Security Inotrument secures to Lenda: (a)the r�paymont of the debt evldenced _ _
<br /> [!la
<br />-� „ ' by the Note, with Interest, und all renewats,extenslone and modlflcationa ot the Note; (b)the peyment of aA other suma,wHh fnterest,
<br /> � �• advanced under paragraph T to protect the eecudty of thla Security Inetrument; nn d (o) t he pertormanco of Bortower's covenants and ��
<br /> y ' •`�ry� t+ agreemente, For thls purpoae, Rorrower Irrevocaby g�anta end conveys to Tntetee, tn trust, with power ot eale, the tollowing =
<br />"�� '`"'"'`'�" � daacribed property laoated In HALL County,Nebraaka:
<br />-;�=����� ��"• �� LOTS FOUFiTE�N_(14), FIFTEEN (16),SIXT�EN (16), AND SEVENTEEN(17), OF LEISUR� VALLEY LAKE �
<br /> ..,�
<br />__-''"'-:�''�';� � SUBDIVISION, HALL COUN1'Y,N�BRASKA. _
<br /> —- .. �;,.
<br /> :�,
<br />_ :,'.:,
<br /> _�9.��,r- � _.. _.
<br /> --��--=,�:=_� —
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<br /> X�v�Vtt�._ �."_-__�� �
<br />-:- grr =— — _ --
<br /> _ . . ���-...�-������.v.
<br /> � which has the eddrens ot 213 APRICOT LANE _ .DONIPHAN ,,y��„�,;,,; _
<br /> `- .�,_,a_�__
<br /> [�
<br /> �. ',� Strcot ��H �
<br /> � ' Nebraska 68s32 ('Property Addresa'); ��_- -�'�
<br /> �';t,,.
<br /> Z1p codo . ��'�"'«�.
<br /> j::;. .
<br /> TOdETHER WITH all improvements now or hereafter ePected on the properry, nnd ull easementa,appurtenances, and fucturea now -;��s-,�J�.y�_����_,�:
<br /> or herenfter a part of the property. All repincementa and addRions shali be covered by thls Secu�ity Inatrument. All of the torogoing Is '_°:�,,;�.^,_
<br /> � � retertcd to In thla Security Instrument ae the"Properly.' _ '';'c:-'�
<br /> , BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower Is lawlulry aeised ot the eatate hereby convoyed and has tho right tc grant and convc+y
<br /> , , # the Property and that tha Property Is unencumbered, except tor encumbrances ot record. Borrower warranta and will detend generally
<br />- the UUo to the Properry agalnnt atl clalms and demands, subJect to e:�y encumbrances of resord.
<br /> ' � THtB 3ECURIT1f INS'fRUMENT combines unifortn covenants for national uae and non�unBortn covenants wlth Ilmitad variations by
<br /> _. _ � Judsdlation to conaUtute a unito►m secudry InotNment covedng real property.
<br /> - - l UNIFORM COVENAM9. Borrower enu Lende:r covenani end agmo ao 7���r,�+o: ,_- -- __
<br /> 1. Pay�'1ttant of Prinaipa0 md Interest; Prepaymant and Late Charges. Borrowor ahall promptry pey when due
<br /> the pdnclpal of end Interest on the debt evldenced by the Note and any prepayment end late chargos dua under the Note. .
<br /> — 2. �unda for Taxes and Inaurenee. SubJect to applicable !aw or to a wdtten wnNer by Lender, Borrower ehall pay to
<br /> Lender on tho day monthly paymenta are due under the Note, until the Note Is paid In tull, e sum ('Funds') for. (a) yearly taxes and
<br /> aeeesamente whloh may ettnin prlority over thla Security Instrument as a Ilen on the Property: (b) yearly leaeehoid payments or ground .
<br /> rente on the Property. It eny; (o)yeedy hazard or propaty Insurence premlums; (d)yearty ftood Inournnce premlumn, it any; (e) yearly
<br />— mortgnge Insurence premtums, il eny;and (Q any eums payable by Borrower to Lender, In aocordance with the provislone of paragreph
<br /> - U, In Ileu ot the payment o} mortgage insurnnce pre�nlums. These (ten�s ero cailed 'Escrow Items.' Lender mny, at eny Ume, collect
<br /> end hold Funde In an amount not to excoed the maximum amount a lender tor a tadaraly roiated mortgaga loen mtty requlre for
<br /> � � NEOMSFV�•Slnpla Fumlty•Fnnnlo Mao/Fretldlu Mnc UNIFOHM INSTAUMENT Form 3020 9/90 -
<br /> F1029.U1All(2/90) Puqa 7 of 9
<br /> i
<br /> 1
<br /> 1p000010
<br /> I _ —
<br />