<br /> All insurailce polic'res required Uy Lender and renewals of such policies shall be suUject to Leizder's i�ight to
<br /> disapprove such policies, shall include� standard mortgage clause, and shall naine Lender as moiatgagee
<br /> and/or as an atlditional loss payee. Lender shall have th�rrght to hold the policies and renewal cerirficates, If
<br /> Lender requires, Borrower shall promptly give to Lender a11 receipts oCpaicl premiums and rellew�l notices.
<br /> If Borrower obtiains any forin of irisurance eove,rage, not otherwise r�quired by Lender, for dam�ge to, or
<br /> destruction of, the Property, such policy sha11 include a standard mortga�;e clause and shalY naule Lender�s
<br /> mortgagee and/ar as an aclditional loss payee.
<br /> In the event of loss, Borro�ver shall give proin�t notiee to the instirance carrier and Lender. Lender may
<br /> rnalce proof o£loss if not macle promptly by Borrower. Ui�less Lender�nd Borrower otherwise agree in
<br /> writiilg, any insluance�roceeds, whother or not th�underlying insLU•ance was required by Lender, shall be
<br /> applied to restor�tion nr repair of the Property, if the restoration or i•�pair is economically feasil�le and
<br /> Lender's security is not lessened. During s�ich repair and restoration period, Lenc�er shall hava the right to
<br /> hold suc11 insurance proceeds until Lender has had an opportuiuty to inspect such Property to ensure the
<br /> work lzas Ueen completed to Lender`s satisfaction, provided that such ins�ection shall Ue undertalcen
<br /> promptly, Lender inay disburse proceeds for the repairs and restor�tion in�single payinent or in a series of
<br /> pro�ress payments as the worlc is completed. Unless an agreeinent is nzlde in wi•itiiig or Appliclble Law
<br /> requires iiiterest to be paid on such uisurance proceeds, Lend'er shall not b�requu ed to pay Borrovver any
<br /> interest or earivngs oii such proceeds. Fees for puUlic adjusters, or otiher third parties, retained by Borrower
<br /> sha11 not Ue paid out of the insurance proceeds and sha11 be the sole obligation of Borrower. If the restoration
<br /> or repair is iiot economically feasiUle or Lender's security would be lessened, the insuraiice proceeds shall Ue
<br /> applied to the s�ums secured by this Security InstrumenC, whether or not then due, with ihe excess, if any,
<br /> p�icl to Borrower, Stitch irisurance proceeds sh�tll be ap�lied in the older providetl ror in Seetiai�2.
<br /> Tf Borrower aba�doiis the Property, Lender may file, negotia.te�nc�settle any�ufl.ilable insurance claim and
<br /> related matters, If Borrower does not respond witliin 30 days to a notice from Lender that the insurance
<br /> c�s•rier h1s of�ered to settle a claiin, then Lender in�y iiegotiate and settle the cl�izi�. �'lle 30�day period wi11
<br /> begiii when the ilotice is given. In either event, or if Lender acquires the Property under Section 22 or
<br /> otherwise, Borrower hereUy�ssigns to Lender(a)Borrower's rights to �ny insurance proceeds in an ainount
<br /> not to exceed t11e asnounts unpaid under the Note or�:11is Security Instrument, azid(b) any othei•oL
<br /> Borrower's rights(other than the right to asry refund of uriearned preiniums paid by Borrowei)u�tder all
<br /> iiist�r2nce policies covering the Property, insofar as such rights are applic�tible to the covera�e of 111e
<br /> Property. Lender may use the insural7ce proceeds either to repair or restore the Property o1•to pay amounts
<br /> tinpaid under the Note or this Seaitrity Inst��unen�, whether or izot tl�eu due.
<br /> $. Ocaupaney. Borrower shall occupy, est11�1ish, and use tlie Property�s Borrower's princi�al r�sidence
<br /> within 60 days afl;er the execution oL tl�is Sectu•ity Tnsti'LUnent and shall eoi�tinue to oceupy the Propei�ty as
<br /> Borrower's principal residence for at le�st one yeai•after the date of occu�ancy, unless Lender otharwise
<br /> agrees in writing, whicli consen�sha.11 not l�e urueasonably witl�lield, or unless �xtenuating circtuilstances
<br /> exist wllich ate Ueyond Borrower's control.
<br /> 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections� I3orrower shall not destroy,
<br /> dasnage or impair the P�•o�aerty, allow tlie 1'ro�erty to deteriorate or commit wasta on the Property. Whether
<br /> or not Borrower is r�esiding u7 the Proper�y, Borrower sha11 maintain the Pr�operty in order to prevent the
<br /> Property fi•om deterioratiiig or decreasing in valne cllte to its condition. Unless it is determined pLU�suaiit to
<br /> Section 5 that repair or restoration is not economically feasiUle, Borrower sh�ll promptly rep�ir the Property
<br /> if d�maged to avoid fiirther deterior�tion or d��nage. If insurance or coi�deiru��tion proceeds are paid in
<br /> corulection with damage to, or the talcing of, the Propei�ty, Bor�-ower sha11 Ue responsible foi•repairing or
<br /> restoring tlze Property only il Lender lias released proceeds For such purposes. Lender may disburse proceeds
<br /> 231199
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Femily-Fannie MaelFreddle Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 1101
<br /> VM P OO VM P6(NE)(1105)
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