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201108126 <br /> BORROWER COV�N�INTS that Boi•rower is lawFiilly seiseci of tihe estate herevy conveyed 1nd has the right to <br /> grant and coi�vey the Property and that the Property is unencutnbered, except for encumbrances of record. <br /> Borrower warrants and will defend generall�the title to the Property ag�inst a11 claiins and deinands, subject to <br /> any encuinbrailces of'recorcl. <br /> THIS S�CURITY INSTRUMENT conlbines uniforin covenants for nitional use�nd non-uiuform covenants with <br /> liinited vlriations by jurisdietion�o constit�ite�uniforin security instrument cove�ir�g real property, <br /> Uniform Covenant�. Borrower and Leiider coven�nt and agree as i'ollows: <br /> 1. I'ayment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrower <br /> shall p�y when due the princip�l of, �nd interest on, the clebt evidenced by the Note aild any prepayment <br /> charges and latie eharges dLie untler the Note. Borrower s11a11 also�ay fiYnds for�scrow It�zi�s pursuailt to <br /> Section 3. P�y�nents due under tke Note and this Security Instrument sliall be macle in U,S. currency. <br /> However, if any checic or other instruinent received by Lender as payi7l�nt uncler the Note nr this Security <br /> Instrument is returned to Lender un�aid, Lender may reqLiire that auy or all suUsequeiit paynzents due under <br /> the Note and this Security Instrument Ue nrade iii one or more ot`the following forms, as selected by Lender: <br /> (a) cash; (U)inoney order; (c) certified checic, banlc checic, treasurer's cliecic or casllier's checic, provided�ny <br /> such check is drawn upon an institution whose c�epos'rts flre insured by a federal agency, insti•tunentality, or <br /> entity; or(d)Electronic Funds Transfei-. <br /> Payinents are deeined received Uy Lender wheii received at the location designatecl in the Note or at such <br /> other location as may be designated by Lencler in aceordance witlz the notice provisions in Section 15. <br /> Lender�nay return a�iy payinaiit or�artial pay�nent if the payinen�or partial payments are insuFficient to <br /> Uring the I�oan current. Lencter nlay lceept any payment oi•partial payment insufficient to bring the Loan <br /> current, without waiver of aiiy rights hereu�lder or prejtldica to�its rightis to�refuse sucl�payinent or partial <br /> pay�nents in the fittlue, buti Le�lder is not obligated to apply such payinents at the tiine such payments are <br /> �ccepE�d. If each Pariodic 1'ayment is applied as of its scheduled due date, then Lei�der neec�not pay interest <br /> oii unapplied funcls, Lender m�y hold sucli una�plied i'unds until Borrower malces payinents to Uring the <br /> Loan current, If Borrower cloes not do so witllin a reasonaUle periocl of tiine, Lender shall either apply such <br /> fu�ds or return thein i:o Barrower. If not applied e2rlier, such funds wi11 be applied to the outs�anding <br /> principal balance u�der the Note iminec�iately prior to foreclosure. No offset or claiui wluch Borrower�iniglit <br /> have now�or iiz t11e fitture against Lender shall relieve Borrower froin inaldng payine�ts due uuder tlie Note <br /> and this Security Ins�rument or perforniing the coven�nts anc�agreements secured Uy lhis Security <br /> Inslrument. <br /> 2. Applieation of Payments or Proceeds. Exce�t as otherwise descriUed in this Section 2, all payments <br /> accepted and applied by Letlder sh�ll be applied in the followiug order�of priority: (a)interest due unc�er tha <br /> Note; (U)principal due uizder the Note; (c) a�notults due under Section 3. Such paymentis shall be appliec�to <br /> each Pei•ioclic Payinent in tlie order in which it became due. tlny ramaining amounts sh�ll be applied first to <br /> late ch�rges, second to any other ainounts cltite uuder this Security Instruinent, and then to recluce tlle <br /> principal Ualance of the Note. <br /> If Lender receives i payinent from Borrower for a delilic�uent Periodic Payment which includes a sufficient <br /> amoui�t to pay any late char�e due, the payment may be applied to the delinquent payinenti a�id the late <br /> charge, If more than one Periodia Payment is outsta�7cting, Lerider may apply any�ayment receivecl fi•oin <br /> Borrower to the repayment of the Periodic Payments if, and to the extient that, each payment can be paid in <br /> fu11. To CI1e extent that any excess exists �ftar the payment is applied to tl�e fi111 paymant of o�le or more <br /> Pei•iodic Payments, sucli excess may be applied to aszy late c11a1ges dite. Volant�ry�repayinents sha11 be <br /> � applied�st to any prep�ymeiit cl�as•ges and then as d�scribed in the Note�. <br /> 231199 <br /> NEBRASKA-Sinc�le Family-Fannle Mae/Freddle Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 302II 1101 <br /> VM P OO VM P6(NE)(1106�) <br /> Wolters IQuwer Financial Servlaes Pac�e 4 of 17 <br />