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20i108147 <br />1�. Foreclosnre Procednre. If Lender reqnfres �immediate payment �in fall under paragraph 9, Lender m�y <br />invoke the power of ��1e and �ny other aemedfe� permitted by applicable law. Lender shall be entitled to collect <br />all �enses incurred in pnrsu3ng the r�med�ies nnder this paragraph 1�, including, bnt not I�mited to, <br />re,�sonable attorneys' fces and costs oi t�tle evidence. <br />If 4he power of sale is invoked Tavstee sh� record a notice off defanit �tn each county �tn which any part of <br />the Property 3s located and shall m�il copies of sach notice 3� the manner prescrib� by applicable law to <br />Bo�wer and to the other persons prescribe�l by appflcable law. After the tlme reqnired by applic�able law, <br />Trastee shall give pnblic noHce of sale to the persons and �in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Trastee, <br />withont dem�nd on Borrower, shall sell the Properiy at public anction to the highest bidder at the blme and <br />place aad unrler the terms designated �in the no�.ice of sale �n one or more parcels and in any order Truste.e <br />detet�mines. Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the Property by pnblic annonncement �t the time <br />�d place of any prevflously acheduled sale. Lender or its des�ignee may pnrchase the Property at �ny sale. <br />If the Lender's interest �in thi� Security Instrament is held by the Secretary and the 5ecretary reqair� <br />immediate p�yment in fnll nnder Paragr�ph 9, the Secretary ma� invoke the nonjnd�idal power of s�le <br />provided �in the Single Family Mortgage Forexlosnre Act of 1994 ("Act'� (12 U.5.C. 3751 d seq.) by r�nesting <br />a foreclosnre commissioner des�ated nnder the Act to commence foreclosure and to sell the Property a� <br />provid� �n the Ac� Noth�ng �ln the preceding sentence shall deprive the Se,cretary of �ny rights otherwIse <br />s�va4lable to a I,ender nnder this Paragr�ph 1S or applicable law. <br />Upon rece�pt of payment of the price bid, Tanstee sh�ll deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying <br />the Propertye The recitals in the Trustee°s deed shall be prlma fade evidence of the trnth of the stt►tements <br />m�de therein. lrnstee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the following order: (a) to all costs and egpenses of <br />ezercisin� the power of sale, �nd the salc, �tnclnding the payment of the Trastee's fces actaally �incnrred, not to <br />�ce� 5% of the pi3ndpal amonnt of the notc at the Hme of the declar�tion of <br />defanit, �nd reasonable attorneys° fees as get�itted by law; (b) to all snms secured by this 5ecnrity Instrament; <br />and (c) any ezcess to the person or persons legally entitled to i� <br />19. l�conveyance. Upon payment of all sums s�ured by this S�urity Instrument, Lende� shall request Truste,e <br />to reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Security �nstrument and all notes evidencing debt s� by this <br />Security In�irument to Trustee. Trustee shall recon�ey the Property without wananty and without charge to the <br />�erson or persons legally entitle� to it Such p�son or persons shall pay any recordation costs. <br />20a Snbstitate Trastee. Lender, at its op4ion, may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor <br />Y�stee to any Trustee appointeri hereunder by � instrument re�orde�i in the county in which this Security Instrument <br />is recordedo Without conveyaz►cx of the Proper9.y, the successor trustee shall succeed to all tha title, power and duties <br />conf�aed upon Trust� herein and by applicable law. <br />21. Iteqnest for Notices. Borrower r�uests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrower' s <br />address wluch is the Properly Address. <br />22o Riders to th3s Secnrity Instramen� If one or more riders ara esecuted by Bonower and r�orded together <br />with this Security Instrument, the covenents of each such rider shall be incorporatefl into and shall amend and <br />supplement tha covenants and agr�ts of this Security Instrumenf as if the rider(s) were a part of this S�urity <br />Instrument, [Che,ck applicable box(es)]. <br />0 Condominium Rider ❑ G�owing EquitY Rider 0 Other [sPecifY� <br />� Planned Unit Development Rider � Graduated Payment Rider <br />2200183491 Q5 D V4NNE <br />i��: <br />VMP�`-4N(NE) co4o�].ot Page 7 of B <br />