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20110814� <br />abandoned Properiy. Boxrower shall also be in default if Bonower, during the loan application proces.a, gave <br />materially false or fnaccarate information or atate�cents to I.endet (or failed to provide Lend� with any material <br />anformation) in connection with the loan evidencxd by the Note� including, but not limite� to, repres�tations <br />concerning Boxrower' s occupancy of the Properiy as a�riacipal residence. If this Security Instnmoent is on a <br />leasehold, Borro�c+er shall comply with the provisions of th� lease. If Bortower acaquires f� �tle to the Properly, the <br />leasehold and f� title shall not be merged unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. <br />6. Condemnal3on. Tha proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with <br />any condemnation or other taking of any par� of the Property, ar far conveyance in place of condemnation, are <br />hereby assigned and shall be paid to Lender to tha extent of the full amount of tha indebtedness that ranains unpaid <br />under th� Note �nd this Security Instrumen� Lender shall apply such proceeds to the reduction of the indebtertness <br />uader the Note and tlus Securiiy Instrument, first to �ny delinquent amounts applied in the ord� provided in <br />paragraph 3, and theu to prepayment of principal. Any application of the proceeds to the principal shall not extend or <br />postpone the due date of the monthlY payments, which are refexred to in pazagraph 2, ar change the amoimt of such <br />paymants. Any excess proc�cis over an amount re�uired to pay all outstanding indebtedness under the Nots and this <br />Security Inst�vment shatl be paid to the sntity legally entifled the�reto. <br />70 �arges to Borrower and Protectton of I.enderPs R�ghts �in the ProperLy. Borrower sha11 pay all <br />governmental or municipal charges, fines and impasitions thaY aze not included in paragraph 2. Boirower shall PaY <br />these obligations on � directly to the entity which is owe� the payment. If failure to pay would adversely affeet <br />Lender' s interest in the Progerty, upon I.ender' s request Borrower sha11 PromPtlY fumish to Le�der r�eipts <br />evidencing these payments. <br />If Borrower fails to make these payments or the payme�t,s required bY P�h 2, or fails to perform any other <br />covenants and agreements contained in this Security Insttvment, or there is a legal proceeding that may signific�y <br />affect Lendar's righfs in the Frogeriy (such as a proceading in bankruptcy, far condemnation or to enforce laws or <br />reg�alations), � Lender may do and pay whaY.ever is �er,essary to protect the value �f the Properiy and Lender's <br />rights in the Froperty, including payment of taxes, ba�ard insurance and other items mentioned in paragraph 2. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lendec under this paragraph shall bec;ome an additional debt of Borrowar and be <br />secured by this Securi4y Instrument. These amounts shall bear interest from the date of disbursement, at the Note <br />rate, aad at tlae option of Lender, sbatl ba immediately due �nd payable. <br />Bora�ov✓er sh�ll promrptty discharge any lien which vas priority over this Security Ins�t unle� Bonower. <br />(a) agrees iix writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner ac�ptable to Lender; (b) <br />contests in good faitli the lien by, or defends against enforcement of tYie lien in, legal proc�edings wlrich in the <br />I.ender's opinion mperate to prevent the enforcement of the lien; or (c) secures from the holder of the lien an <br />agreement satisfactory to Lender subardinating the lien to this S�urity Instrument. If I.ender determines that any part <br />of the Property is subje�t to a lien which may attain priority over this Security Instrumeat, Lende� may give <br />Bonower a notice xdentifying the lien. Bonower shall s� the lien or take one or more of the actions set fmth <br />above within 10 days of the giving of notice. <br />8. Feeso Lender may collect fces and charges authorized by the S�cretary. <br />9. Grounds for Acceleratlon of Deb� <br />(�) Defaul� Lender ma.q, �cept as limiteri by aegulations issued by the S�retary, in the case of payment <br />defaul�, require imme�iate payment in full of all sums secure�i by this Security Instrument if: <br />(i) Borrower defaults by failing to pay in full any monthly payment required by tius Se�urity Ins�at <br />priar to ar on the due date of the next monthly payment, or <br />(u) Boirower defauits by failing, for a period of thirty days, to perform any other obligations containe� <br />in this Security Instrument. <br />(b) Sale Withont Credit ApprovaL Lende� sha11, if permitted by a�plic�ble law (including Section 341(d) <br />of the Garn St, Gennain Depository Institutions Act of 1982, 12 U.S.C. 1701j-3(d)) and with the prior <br />approval of the Seaetary, recluu'e immeriiate payment in full of all sums sec�u� by this Security Inslrument <br />� <br />2200183491 n v4xt�: <br />i�a�: � <br />VMP�-4N(NE� �oao��.o� PeBe 4 of B <br />