<br /> EXHIBIT A
<br /> Legal Description of premises located at 555 S. Stuhr Rd., Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska:
<br /> Aarcei 1;
<br /> A tr�ct of land comprising all of Lats 65, 65� 57� 68r 69� 77j 7$�79� 80, 81+ 96� 97,98 and 103, and part
<br /> of l,ots 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 64, $2, 95, and 104,all in Industrial AdditEon to khe City oP Grand Island,
<br /> Hali County, Nebraska, and lying in the Southwest Quarter of Section 14,Tawnship 11 North� Range 9
<br /> West of the 6th P.M., Hali Caunty, f�ebraska, and more particularly des�ribed as foilaws:
<br /> B�ginning at a point 7�,0 feet 5auth and 33 feek East of the Nar�hwest corner o�said SouthuvesC Quarter;
<br /> thence running Ea�rly and paralle!to the North line of said Southwest Quarter a distance of 1,937.5
<br /> feet; thence run�ing Southeriy and parallel to the West line of said Sauthwest Quarter a distar�c�of
<br /> 1,630.32 feet to a p4int on tl�e Nartherly right af way line of the C.B. &Q. Railroad Company;thence
<br /> running Northwesterly along said righC of way a distance of 734.98 feet to a point on the East li�e of tYre
<br /> Sc�ut�west Quarter vf the Souifiwest Quarter,thence running Norther[y aiong the East fine of the
<br /> Sauthwest Quarter of the Southwes�Quarter a distance af 39.58 feet to the Nartheast corner of the
<br /> South�+vest Quarter of the 5outhwest Quarter; thence running Westerly along the North#ine af the
<br /> Southwest Quar�er 4f the Southwest Qu�rter a distance of 76.37 fee�to a point on tF�e N�rtherly right of
<br /> way line af the C.B. &Q, Railroad Company;thence running Northwesterly afong said right of way a
<br /> distance af 1,37'fl.56 f�et to a point 33.a feet East of the West line oF said 5oe,thwest Quarter; tttence
<br /> running Nort�r and paraftet to the Wes�line of said Southwest Quarter a distance of 619.3 feet to the
<br /> poirrk of beginnir�g; L?(C�PTING a certain tract more particufar(y described in Warrar�ty Deed recarded as
<br /> C�ocument No. 95-102929.
<br /> Parcel 2:
<br /> A Cract of land camprising pa�t pf l4ts 5i, 52� 53r 62� b3� 6'#� $2� 83r 84� 93, 94, 95r �O4r 1QS� 106� 107
<br /> and 108,al! in Industrial Addition t�the Gity of Grar�d Island, Hatl County, Nebraska� and lying in part c�F
<br /> the Southwest Quarter of SeckEon 14,Township 11 Nvrth, Range 9 West of th� 6th P.M,, Grand Island,
<br /> Mali County, i�ebraska and being more particulariy described as fallvws:
<br /> Commencing at a poinfi 70,0 f�et South and 33.0 feet East of the Northwest corner of the Svuthwest
<br /> Quarter of Section 14,7ownship xi North, Rsnge 9 West;thence Easterly parallel ta the i�or�herly line of
<br /> said Southwest Quarter a distanGe of 1,937.5 feet to the actual pnint of beginn�ng; thence Southerly
<br /> parallef t�the Westeriy line of said Southw�st Quarter a distar�ce c�f 3.�630.32 feet tp a point on the
<br /> Northerly right of way fine af the �urtington Northern Railroad; thence Southeasterly alang the Northerly
<br /> righfi of way line of the Burfington Nort�ern Railrcx�d to a point 10fl.0 feet West af the Easteriy Ifne of said
<br /> Southv�rest Quarter; thence Northerfy para(fe)tr�the�asterly fine af said Southwest Quarter to a point
<br /> 7�.(J feeC Sauth af the NartherEy line of said 5authwest Quarter; thence V►lesterly paratiel to the Northerly
<br /> line of said Southwest Quarter ko the paint af b�eginning.
<br /> Exh. A-1
<br />