<br /> ,._ .-� ::.�-
<br /> -:, _--. --
<br /> ... �...TNE AUOUSTINE CO. ORMID IOUND.NEOR. . .... . . . . .. .. _ ... .
<br /> ss.
<br /> �'. $. 3p6E86. de Wf $81� County, Entered in Numerical Index
<br /> i
<br /> and filed for record in the Register,o f Deeds' o fl'ice o f said County,
<br /> TO wDeedty the � day of BTp4e�'1b8T 192� , at 3
<br /> B en�am in C. Sh8.IIk8 o'clock and 30 minutes, p. M.
<br /> ��� ��=�-� .
<br /> Register of Deeds,
<br /> By � Deputy.
<br /> ��tu� ,�.11 ���t b� c� ����e ����r�tt�:
<br /> That ,J, g, gp�,ese and Lizzie Speeae,each ia his and her o�vn right,and as hueband and �rife,
<br /> of the C'ount�of , and State of �8bT88ka , for and in consideration of the sum of
<br /> pne Hvs�dred Fif ty and no/14�:.�=.�-��:.—,�.�----,-.--=.�.�.�--=�--�--- DO�LARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and con�rm unto B@A�8,tn3A C1. ShBYikB
<br /> i
<br /> of the County of HRll , and State of ldebr�.ska , the follvwing described real estate situated
<br /> in Gil'8.]�1d I818.Yid in HR17. County, and State of ��bra8�a _ , to-urit:
<br /> All of our undivided one-ha.lf interest in and t� Lot Eight (�) in Black Siat�-eight (6�) i�
<br /> Wheeler & B�nnett�a seoond Additi.cm to the Citp of Gramd Island�Ha11 Co�tq,Nebr�ska,as aur- ;
<br /> veyed,platted and recorded. S�b�e�t,however,tc unpaid s�wer tax.
<br /> --------------------
<br /> ($.50 ,I.R. 3ta�p s �
<br /> (Caneelled
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above deseribed, together with all the Tenements, Hereditaments and Appurtenances thereunto belonging,
<br /> unto the said Ben�amin C. 3haz1k8
<br /> i
<br /> and to I3'18 heirs and assigns, forever.
<br /> And 1►e► do hereby covenant toith the said Grantee , and witlx Wg heirs and assigns, that
<br /> W6 S.TO lawfully seized of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance
<br /> that W8 have good right and lawful authority to sell the same; and W8 do hereby convenant
<br /> to warrant and de�'end the title to said premises against the lawrud claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br /> And the said �T. S. 3p ee s e a.nd L i z z i e $p 9e 88 hereby relinquislies all
<br /> right ,title,claim and interest
<br /> in and to the above described premises.
<br /> Signed this 26th day of 4ctober, , A. D., 19 23.
<br /> In presence of
<br /> L. 3. Jackson J. S. �peese
<br /> I�imrod Johnson Lizzie Speese
<br /> State of �tebrasga ss.
<br /> 9cottsbluff County ; �n this 26th day of Oetober,A.D.1923,b�fore me,the t�z�dersigned Phebei
<br /> �lbertson a Notary Publia,duly eommiesioned artd qua:i'if�ied for and residing in said eotu�ty,per�-
<br /> sonallg cam� J. 3. Speese,'�ueband of Lizzie Speese,grantor herein,to me known to be the identic�l
<br /> person whoee name i� �ffiued� to tl�e foregoing instrumen� as g�antor and acknowledg�d. �he �ame'�
<br /> .. .
<br /> to be her voluritarq
<br /> ac� anr3. daed.
<br /> �Pitness ffip hand and Nota.rial Seal the daq ar�d year las� above written.
<br /> ' (3EAL) � Phebe Albertson
<br /> he rd ,da oi� O�t:l' 2 . . ,Nota� publ�e. .
<br />'
<br /> D�q commission expires t 3 . Y _ 9 ,� . . __
<br /> 3tate of Nebraska ) as. . : .
<br /> Douglas Coun�y ) 4n this 29 da.q of aatober,A.D. 1923,before me,the undersigned �ir�rod '
<br /> �ohnson a �Totarp Public,dulq commissi.oned at��l quslified for and residing in eaid countq,persQn-
<br /> I allp eame Lizzie Speese,wife.. of J.,S. 9p��s�e.,gra�t.tp.r herein,t,o me �no�n to be the>� ide�tical per�cm
<br /> �hose name is affixed to the fo�egoing instru��aent as gran�or and acknowledged the eame t0 tie
<br /> her voluntary act and deed. � � : � , , . , ,: , - ' .:.
<br /> �itness mp hand and Notarial 3ea1 the da.p and year last above written.
<br /> ,... :, , ( S�L)• ��.mrs�d. Johnsoa
<br /> , .
<br /> �otasy Publia.
<br /> �y commisaion expirea the 3 -day af June���9�� � :
<br /> ::
<br /> ,� �.
<br />