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<br /> o �- D�ED �F TRUST � .� . �::�,.
<br /> � < "_.�.�
<br /> ' � THI9 dEED OF TRUBT,m�d�thb 27� ddy of �b�Y ' 19 97 ' ��� �'
<br /> `_ by end�mon Norne J• Iia�c, alsin�le Pers�n "�
<br /> (henin Ttu�ior'):��d .Jerry J. �_� .__
<br /> f .whow mailinp addr�t�fs 1 ���, �d �1
<br /> t� � .
<br /> � _ `';_, -
<br /> �Il�(�IIt�fU{lN��:Nd associates F�grli.:.ie]. Services CompenV of Ne L*V'
<br /> whop mailirp addaa h 2014 N Lat,rrence Lane. G4'and Isl.and I� 688Q3
<br /> f + m.n�•e.n.r��uy°). •=-=`-
<br /> =,�,T,,.
<br /> ' „� FOR VALUAHLE CONSIDERATION,7►ustor IrnvocYby prmb, tr�ntt�n,cnnwy�nnd aalpn�to Ttustos,IN TRUaT,WITH ; ,;��""��
<br /> . � �• POWER QF BALE,lor th�bm�fit+u�d socurky oi�Q flciuy,und�r�d�ubJ�ct!o th�tarm�and condRbn�oi thN D�sd o}T►utt,th� ��•:���.�_-
<br /> folbwinp deu�ib�d a�l prop��ty,beatod In "a`� County,N�brukw: '�� �`V� �;
<br /> :�,
<br /> i�=:
<br /> � All that certain 1n.t or Parcel of ]and situate in the Cauity of Iiall. and State of Nebr�sl�,� �12� .�-_
<br /> and de�ribed as being parC of the Northeast Quarter(NF�1/4) of Section'[�n (10)� 'IbHnshi.p -
<br /> ----- -- •*-L---�_ a ;....
<br /> -- . North, I�e Nine (9) West of the Sixth Yrincipai c'iexid.ian, iiaii ucxnu.y, �v�u��, a� •a
<br /> � more particularly de9cr.'ibed as follaws: _
<br /> , '� �, �-
<br /> �:` Heginn.in8 at the Southeast corner of the Northeast Quar'tei' (NEa) of said Section 'I�n (10), thence
<br /> . ` nuudng►,@st alonA and upon the South ].i►ie of the Northeast Quarter (NEg) of said Section'I�n (10), F
<br /> ' r a di�stance of 180 F�et; R�uuiing thence North ona line Perallel to the Fast Section line of said r
<br /> Section'l�n (10)� a distanc,e of 104 feet; rtuuting the�ce �st on a line par�llel to the South lir►e
<br /> � of the Nortt�east Quarter (NEa�) of said Section ten (10), a clistance of 180 �et; thence South alon8
<br /> � . �' and upon the Fast line of said Section'I�n (1 0), 1 0 4 fee t t o the p l a c e o f b e g i r m i n g. _
<br /> , —
<br /> TpCiETHER yY�TH,�II nnt�,Profib.royaltw�,(naom�esnd oth�r bm�tit�d�rNN from th�nd propNly; dl kw�or subMas�� ----'�"`
<br />� cowrinp th�nal prop�rty or any portbn th�nof.now o►h�r�aMr�xfrtkW or�nt�r�d Into,a►d�JI rpht,titl�and intsrKt oi Trustar
<br /> ..• �' Bur�und�r,d InGnsb��tt�i�w oth�r d���both In taw�nd b puNyr.rfitch Trustor now h�s a may Mr�afl�r�cquk�in IM��I _-
<br /> � . propxqr: aJ as�m�nb,riphlw4way,Nnom�nb,h�r�diGm�nU and appurt�nenat theio}�nd th�r�tq a!!ofl�nd yu�hb�nd _
<br />' . protib�wate riphlt and w�r stock:dl tlyht titl��nd tnt�ntt ot Tniela.eaw owmd ot h�waR�r Itcquk�d,fn�nd to�ny I�nd lyinp __
<br />� within th� r�ht-ot*ray of u�y ttr+�t a hiphway �dJofninp th�roal prop�tty; any and atl buildinpt. fbctur�s,Ynp►owm�nG,and =---
<br /> • . appuRmanas oow or h�naRe�reet�d th�non or Mbapinp th�nto,(h�nin nt�md to as'Imprawm�nN or'Improwm�nte�;end
<br /> j'
<br /> � nny�nd aH tward�mad�kr fh�tak�ny by�minmt domaln,or by any proaKlinp or purchw�in Iku thor�oi,of th�whoN or uny part �,._:_��!
<br /> '� �� of the real prv;�srty. A11 of Uio tareyaing�c4atp. ProRarty and Intereet conveyed to Trutt��h�r�in colN�ttwy nforr�d to u Eh� g,._y�._ ._�_
<br />_"' • •Propaty�. `,+ — .F�. �_
<br /> •� • � FORTHEPUAP08EOF8ECURING: of Niuetee�t ��?�- --
<br /> � — ..�..
<br /> iR �����°���n���S7.x-a[ia �ac'a nob of�wn dat� 1»r�with in Dolla�rri(iclpal sum ��. F . __ _
<br /> � �
<br />�- .. ° top�th�r wih inbnst�t th�ret� or rW� provid�d th�nin. or th�prk�dpal�nd Int�ns!on any futun advenai avld�nad by ��,. •
<br /> �' promktorynob��tatlny th�y w s�cund hsnby,(h�rdn'Nob'w'Notst')and any nnd dl r�wab.rtwd'dicaUons and�xNnsion� • '�
<br /> ' oi such Nd�,bolh princlpal�nd Int�n�t on lh�Not�b�inp payabt�In eceadana with th�t�rms s�t torth U►enin,nt�rmc�to whieh �•`.��' y .;,.,�''��
<br /> � la honhy muls. y�w•�-'��y"-.�_
<br /> , , N)Th�p�rlormnncs of��h�prNmont and covsnant of Trustor h�nln aontakud�and .,'�°`:�`t�?t'Sy;:'�,
<br />_ (c)Th�paym�nt ot nny sum c•sums of monyr wRh kst�n�t th�non whfch may b�h�r�aR�r pe:;ar advn�co�und�r th�t�rm�of thl�
<br /> ' Deed of Tmd. -
<br /> - 1, pAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL AND lNTERE8T. Tru�tor sha41 prompty pay Wh�n du�tho princips: ot�nd Intons!on th� '
<br /> �� Ind�btWn�u evfd�nnd by th�Nob,u�d ai�oth�r chKrp��nnd iwo u provld�d in tho Kotc,and ths princrpnl of end Intersst on wny
<br /> - Futuw Advu►e��t�cund by thfa L)Nd o}Trutt
<br /> - ••—---�� � ...._ ._..�....__��__� ---'..�.......1�...1 b..1.bu�1N�filt�and uhta t0 ffi�ProD�ItV
<br /> �.—� -- _
<br /> — Z. WlUiWlIUI r V►' IIILC. 1 fYtWr w wmY��.��r o.v rv�...���.��_�..-_--_._.---'_ _`_"_"_ " . . -_..__
<br /> � h�nby conwy�d u►d har Ih�rlpht W prent luid convey the Prop�rty;th�PropsRy N trN�nd eNar of�II lion�tnd�neumbrerse��
<br /> �xapf{f�n��ow of raoord;and TnutorwW w�rant and d�bnd th�titN to tM PropNty�inst�ll cNdm�md d�mendt.
<br /> 3, M�UNTENANCE AND COMPWMICE WITH LAWB.Ttuttor�ha�kwp th�Prop�rty In good r�puM and condRbn nnd ihnll not
<br /> commit wut�or pstmit imp�rm�nt a d�t�rlor�Uon uf th�Propwty�nd shdl oompy wkh th�provhbns of any Masa H this DNd o} •
<br />— Trwt is on�i�at�hold.Na Improvsm�nt now or h�nRR�r�t�t�d upon th�Prop�Ry ohsp b�att�r�d,nmovsd otd�moiish�d without
<br /> — th�prbr wrftt�n conant ot B�mflc1W. Tru�tar sheM compy with dl kws, ordlruna�, npulatbn�,cov�n�nte. conditbn� and
<br /> nstrlctiont aif�etlnp th�Property iu►d not commk,�ufhr or p�rmR eny act to b�don�In or upon th�Prop�rty In vlo{eUOn of eny fuw, �
<br /> ardinnnae,r��uletion,cownanL conditlon nr nRtrk:tfon.Trustor ahal compNt�w to�ton promptty end In poad workmnnl;k�mnnn�r
<br /> any Improv�m�nt on tha Prop�rty wh�h may b�dnmap�d or ds�troy�d end pay,wh�n du�,�II etelm� tor labor p�rtorm�d and . ,
<br /> mntoNals Nmtshod thenlor�end tor any akar�don�th�not
<br /> ORIOIN/LL(1)
<br /> 607011 REV.�OS Nkrldu EORROWER COMY(1) °0�� . .
<br /> . RETltJT10N COPY p)
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