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� Y�ii - . =�°.:F.-.. <br /> .. '1. , . - . , ^,l�. <br /> .., � �` <br /> .. �1 .. <br /> . '_' . . . �� �, - <br /> .�ti <br /> . . .. <br /> . _._.. . - . . . <br /> . ......... . � �-__ . .. . ... ..� <br /> 97- �.6�,39� ` _ <br /> COVENANT9 �- <br /> 1. Peymsnn. Borrowor uproos to mako all paymento on tha eacurod dobt wiien duo..Unloae Bottower ond Londor aproo othorwloo, any � <br /> paymonts Londor rocoivon irom Borrowor or for Borrowor's banufit wiil o dpptiad tfrot to ony pr�oupte Oorrowor owao on tho eocurod dobt � <br /> excluslve of Intereet or principal, second to Intoreat,and thon to princlpal. f p��tl+�predAymqnt ot th6 eucured debt occure for eny reason, it wlll c� <br /> not reduce or excuse any scheduled peymont untll the oecurod debt le pal In full ' , . , ._ <br /> � 2.Ctalms ApMntt Tttl�.8orrower wlll pay ell taxea, aesaeements,and ott�e�.Gh�fpbb�sttribufablo to th�pr vparty when due end wlll defend title <br /> to the property agelnat eny clalms whlch would Impalr the I:on of this deed oi truat.I.ender mey requlre Borrowar to eealan eny riphto,clelma or - <br /> � defen6es whiCh 8orrower m�y have againet partlee who supply labor or meterlale to Improve or malntaln the property. <br /> 3. In�uranc�. Borrower wili keop the property Intured under terme accepteb!e to Lender et Borrower's expenao end for Lander'e benefit. All <br /> Inauranco pollcloo Ghall Inciudo n etnnderd mort0epa cleueo In favor of Lender.Lender willbo nemed as loae payoe or ae the Ineurod on eny euch <br /> � Inaurance pollay.Any Insurence proceeda may be applled, witldn Londar'�dincre[lon,to elther the roe[oraticn or repair of the Aamepad propnrty <br /> � <br /> or to the sacured debt,If Lender requlre�mortgeps Insursnce, Borrower egree�tw mtintdn suoh Insurencc+}or ae long ee Lender requtres. <br /> �, A.Propnty,Borrownr wlll keep thn propdrry in pood condltlon and m�ks all repalre reesonebly neceseery. <br /> � 8.Exp�n�n. 8orrowsr sflrees to pay eil Lender'�expenao� Includlnfl reeaoneble ettorneyr' tnee,If 8arrower brneke eny covenants In thfa deed <br /> of trwt or In eny obltpatlon�ecured by thle deed ot truet. �orrower wlil pay these emnunte to Lender es provlded In Covenent 9 01 thln dead of <br /> truet. " . <br /> � 6.P�lor B�curi2y Int�tat�.UnleQO Oorrower fir4t obtatna Lcndor'n writton coneent,Borrower wlli not make or pormit eny changea to eny prlor <br /> � securlty Intereit�. Borrower wltl perform sll ot Borrower't oblipntlone under any prior mong�pe, deed of truet cr other aecunty apreoment, ' <br /> Includinp Borrower'�covemnt�to m�ke payment�when due. <br /> 7.Autynm�nt of Rsnt���d ProAt�.Uor►ower easlgna to Lender the rente and profite of the propoKy.Unleae Borrower and Lender have agreod ;'�,��¢"•` <br /> -� .•�u4..w <br /> • otherwlse In writinp, Borrower mey collaot end rotein tha ronte ea lonp ea Borrower ia not In default. if Borrower defaulte, Lender,Lender's -`"'=- <br /> agent, or e court appolnted rocelvor may take posdesslon end manepe the properry and collect the rents. Any rente Lendor collecte ehatl be �=.�:._ <br /> applied firet to the coete o} menapin the property, Inciuding court Goets end attorneye' feea, commiselons to rental apents, end eny other ;�c-r!!' <br /> neceseary retated expensoe.The remaQninp emount of rents wfll then apply to paymente on the secured debt as provided in Covenent 1. ;'"�"' <br /> � 8.LNUtwida•Condominfum�;Pl�d Unk aw�lopm�nt�.Borrower agrees to comply wtth the provlelona ot any leese if thls deed of trust fa on _ <br /> a leesehold. If thla daed of trust Is on e unft in e condominium or a piam�ad wiit Oeveiopment,dorrowar vrllt perform afl of Borrowor'a dutlea <br /> under the covennnto,by-lawa,or ragulations of tho condominium or plenned unit devetopment. , <br /> 9.Authority of L�nd�r to P�rform for Borrowu. If sorrower falis to perform any of Borrower'e duties under thia deed of trust,Londer mey � <br /> oa st uatlon ontithe prroperty le discontin ed or not aarled on in a roa onahleeman er, Lender may do whatever�senecesaB yto prote tcLondnr's _ <br /> = � security Interaat In tha properry.Thla msy Inctude completing the canotructiom ,• -__ <br /> � Lender's fallu►e to pertorm wfil not preclude Lender f►om exercising any of Its other riphts under the law or thfa dood of trust. � <br /> t Any emounte pald by Lender to protect Lender's security Interest wili be aecured by thle deed of trust. Such amounte wlil be due an demand <br /> � j antl will bear interoat irom the dete of the peyment until pald f�fuil at the interest rate in aHeat on the secured debt. ' <br /> , ���i:�••�,..,. !�� <br /> � ? 10. D�f�ult �nd Aoa�i�r�LOn. If Borrower faile to make eny payment when�due or broake eny covenente under this doed of truet or any — _� <br /> � oblipstlon secured by thfs deod of truat or any prior mortpape or deed of truat, lendtlq m�y occelerote the meturity of the eecured dobt end � <br /> y demand immedl�te payment end may Invoke the power oi iale and any other remedlea q�rmitted by appiiceble Iaw. � <br /> yt. •,�. <br /> — 17.R�n�oit for Notic�of D�f�uk.It io hereby requested thet Copioa of the no4ices of defauit and eala 6e sent to each pereon who l8 a party � <br /> • ��� hereto,st the eddreas of each such person,ae eet forth heretn. <br /> 12.Pow�r ot Sd�. If the Lender invokea the powe� of sale,the Truatee shall firat rocord in the office of the rogister of deeda of each county <br /> wherein the t►ust property or eome part or parcel thereof la situated a notice ot defeult Containing the fnformation required by lew.The Truotoe <br /> ehell elso ma8 copies of the notice of de�ault to the Borrower,to each person who le�e�party he�eto, and to other persons as prescrihed by -� <br /> • epplicebto law.Not lees than one month aftar the Truateo ►ecorde the notica of default or two montha if the trust property la not In eny <br /> ' fncorporated city or villsge end ia used in farming operetioru carrled on by the truetor,the fruatee shell give public notica of oele to the peraone — <br /> , �, end in the mAnner preic�ibed by�appplicable lew.Truetee,without demand an Borrower,shell sell the property at public auction to the hlghett :� <br /> bidder.If requirsd by the fum hlomestead Proteotlon Aet,Trustee sheli otfer the property•in two sepa►ate Qales as required by epplloebte lew. �^ <br /> � Truntee mey postpons sale of ell or eny percel of the property by pu6lia announcement et the time�nd plece of any prevfouely echedulad tele. � i ';> <br /> Lender or Its denipnee may purchase the property et any sde. <br /> ;`-. <br /> � Upon recelpt of payment of tha price bid,Trustee shall doliver to the purcht+ser Truetoe'e deod conveyinp the property.The racitiala contalned In '• <br /> Truatee'e deed ehall be prima faale evidlence of the truth of the�tetements contained thorofn.Trusta�ehall appiy the proceeds of the sale In the �- <br /> �� foilowing order. (e) to all expen�ee of the ssie, Includlnp, but not Iimited to,reesoneble Trustee's feea, reesoneble nttomey's fae� �nd ��> <br /> ' retn�tstement teea;(b)to ell sumi secured by thle dead af trust,end(c)the beler►ce,if eny,to the penona togally entttted to receive it. �;- _ <br /> �.h!;r,� a�: <br /> �` 13.For�ebwn.At Lender's option,this deod of trust may be toreclosed In the menner provide by epplicabte lew tor foroctoaure of mortgepea �;��_�, <br /> on reai property. <br /> � .n.n�._ <br /> ,• '� 14.Imv�etion.Londer may enter the property to inspeet it if Lender givee Borrower notice beforehend.The notice muet atate the reaeoneble ���T n <br />-_ ceuae for Lender'e Inapectian. • �� �A <br />� 16.Cond�mnatlon.Borrower esaigns to Lender the proceeda�f any award or clalm for dart�ages connected with a condemnetion or other taking yy�i:;__�� <br /> of ell ot any part of the property.Such procaode will be applied es provided In Covenent 1.Thie asslgnment is aubJoat to the terms of eny prlor ;� <br /> securlty aqreement. '�`� <br /> l� , 1G.�dciva. E3y exerclelrtg nny romadY avallahlo to Lando►,Landor dnes not give up any►ighte to leter use anY other remedy. t3y not exercleir�g •'�:�-_ <br /> ��� eny remedy upon Borrower's defeult,Lendar does not waive eny rieht to tater aornldee the event e deteuit If tt happens again. ;-- _ <br /> ' � 17. JNnt�nd S�v�rr LIaWNri• Co-siprnra; �cc�ssors �nd Asslpn� Bound. X1tl duttea under thie deed of trust are jalnt end several. Any `'_�� - <br /> Borrower who co•siyns thla deed of trust but doan not co-alpn the underlyinh•dbbt'Inatetirtientisl doea so only to grant and convey that r;�'�'�_ <br /> , Borrower'e interost fn the property to the Truatee under the terms of thtn deed ofwsY:In'eddition, auch a Borrower apreoa that the Lender nnd ; � •�.-'"; <br /> eny oth�r Bosrower under thie deed of truet mey eMenct,modif�r or maks any other cfleri�ee in the term�ot this daed of trust or the seoured :J,,-... ^ ' <br /> debt without th�t Battowar's conoent end vAthout roleesinp that Borrower hom the termq�Qf•th�a deed of trust. •"��•'"?"=4—=�-;? <br /> , �1.,. '>'w'r:.(4 jfG.' <br />— . r � The dutiee and benefite of this deed of t rust s h e i l b i n d a n d b o n e f i t t h e e u c c e s s o r s a n d e s s ig n a o f L e n d e r a n d B o r ro w e r. N,.S�?��;�� <br /> � 18.Notic�.Unlase otherwlae requlrod by law,eny notice to Borrower ehall be given by deiiJmr(ng it or by maiifng it by cert{fled mall eddrenaed to � +�' '�"' <br /> � Borrower et the property addrae�or anY other eddrese tTut Borrower has givon to Lender.8o�rqwer wiU give eny notice to Lender by certified • • -'i�'� • <br /> . mail ta Lender'�eddreas on pngo 1 of thle deed oi nust,or to eny other eddress which L�entlsr has designeted.Any other notice to Lender shalt , . <br />— be eent to Le�der's adciresa ea etatod on page 1 ot 4hla deed of trust. , .. <br /> Any notice shall be daemed to have 6oen plven to Borrowar or Lander when given in the merVneY§tated above. � .. , <br /> � 19.Tromhr of ffi�Pirop+rty w a Ban�fteisl IMe�st in th�Borcow�r.If ail or eny pert of tHb'pfoperry or any intereat In It le sotd or transferrod <br /> without Londer'e prior �vritten consent, Lender may domand Immodfete payment of tho securod dobt. Londer may atao demend immedlate <br /> paymont if tho Borrower la not a naturel person end a beneficfal Interest In the Borrov�er Is eold or trenaferred. However, lender may not <br /> demand payment In the above situations If It la prohibited by tederal law ae of the det�ot thls deed of truat, <br /> 20.R�conv�yana�. When the obllgation secured by thts detd of trust has been pnid end Lender has no furthbr obligatlon to meke advances • <br /> undor the inatrumentn or egreements eecured by thla dpad of truat,the Trustee ehalf,upon written requeat by the Lender,recanvey the trust , <br /> - proporty.The Lender ehell deliver to the Borrower, or to Borrower'e eucceasor in Intereat, the trust deed end the note or other evidence of the <br /> oblloation eo satiefied,Borrower shell pey any recordetlon coste. <br /> __. ,_ _. _ <br /> 21. SUCC�if01 TN�tN. Londar, et I.ander'e o�tlon, may remova Trustee end �ppolnt a succeaoor trustee by }Irst, mnllinp e copy of the <br /> oubatitutlon of trustee ae�equlred by eppllcebie ew,end then,by fllin�the subFtitutfon of truateo for record in tha office of the reqlstor of deeda <br /> of each county In whiCh the truat properry, ar eomo part thoreof, la s tuated.The euccoasor truatee,without conveyanco of the property, ehall <br /> succeed to all the power,dutles,authority end titlo of tho Truntee nAmed In tho olecd of trust end of eny euccesnor trustee. <br /> I . � • `, . <br /> .�.:. <br /> ,,.. ra,p.2 0l�t <br /> BAHKfAS SY6TEMS.INC..6T.CLOUD.MN 60901 It•800•987•13411 FOANOCP�MT(FNE E/19�81 ��- . . <br /> �, _ <br />