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<br /> •„ '� (."�) 'f�)UII:;IIII' I.I.191�11 f I I), II� lifll� Ililll�;l: NIII'f l'7' Gli::'I' I.Y� •,
<br /> •ini. �,ru r.n.. ii�u.i. ����nnr•r, in.��i��::r.,�, ,��in ii• :u. r.�r,rt�•ui.nitt,�r � .
<br /> ��i.•:rninr:i� ,ti:: rni.i.uir.:� nr.r,iuuiu�i n'r ,� r:�ii�. �mi•: •�'nuu:cniin
<br /> •i iuu.i: nutn�iu�n •i�n•.irr�r r i�n: ,�nn ::r.vi•.ii •ri•irrii:: �t,.lz`�.�) rrr.r .
<br /> in:;•r nin� �ruu •rm,u,�nrn, r•[vi; nunuiu•:u i�nrr�t�•iinu;�i nini •i•nin•rt :°;, .
<br /> -3GV1;11 ItuI�UItL•'U1IIS (2,�'13•3'T) FIiL1' �uu'PII oi� '1'lIG tlUlfl'tIL'nS'l• ,
<br /> : cvmir•,n ar .�niu :il'sC'1'lUll '1'll�;l�'PY-tllltl; (2)): '1'Ilbtu;� 11UII1liFW . 'j;,':�
<br /> . IIL:iI'l•:III.Y A UI:i'1'Al1�IS Ul� UIIL 7'IIVU.3(IIIU '1'�I() IIU11U(II:U 91r•l•y . .
<br /> ,�•��.
<br /> (1,2G0.0) I�Elil' 'PO A 1'QI11'1' ON '1'll[s L•'118'1'I.,IILY LIllli OI� 'I'IIG S'1'. ; ' ,'j�;��
<br /> I'UJ.N'1' ULiIIU '1'VU '1'11UU8AttU I'IVI�. IIUIIUI11iU 7'lllll7'Y-NIIIL Al1U 1'IUIIiL •�"�-%�5��
<br /> .- T4•'N�PIIS (a. 5.;9.3) I7i:L"'l' SUUTII UI� �PUIi I�ICiI1�Pi1 LINL OI� Snil)
<br /> •'`n�jr
<br /> � �SL'C'PI01� '1'tlGl�'1'Y-HINL' (27); '1'lI1;NCC IIUIIIIIIIU �OU'1'lIGI1LY ALUNa • • 1y`'v�'��
<br /> , ''. `:.` t3JlIU IIItlIPI'-01+-NAY LiNL A UI3'1'ANCL OC SIX IIUNIl1lIiU Tlils'LVC `;:�?}%
<br /> ' "''�;�.`:.:,, AiIU 1'IVL* '1'LN'1'il3 tG12.�) 1'L:L'P� � 1'IIGI�CC IIUtlIIINO I;AgY'CIU.Y ��=�,''_=
<br /> �:�;.:� AIIU PNIALLI'sL '1'U 7'I1C AOUVL LA3'P-IIL:S'P Llt�ls A UIS'PANCG 01� � ;M1�,,-
<br /> OI�I: 'PI(OUSAIIU I�IVIi AIIU '1H0 9'L'H'1913 (1,005.2) I'I:l•:'t'� Y'lIL•"NCG ' ,.AS'
<br /> } .� IiUI11�IN0 NOIt'i'Ut;ItLY A DIS'l'ANCIS Ol� CIVI; flUWUI1I:U IS1UI1'fY AWI) , i __- "-
<br /> + I�IVL•' 7'LN'lII$ (,�j00.,"�) IrL�'P; '1'll[:IJCC IIUI�IIxNO �Aul'LIILY A -
<br /> U2S'L'AtICIi Ol� '1'HO IIUNUttl;n I�Ir'1'Y A�7U LItlll'P '1'I:H'1'lIS (29A.0)
<br />- 1�1:L'P� 7'lIL'IJCC IlUqNIpU IJUII'1'IILiIlLY A UiS'fAIIC� UI► 7'l1ll!'fY-'1'l10 ' -'
<br /> �3Z.U) I�I:C'l' '1'0 •PI16 POiIPI' Or UIi01NIIxUtI, I:XCI,P'PIHU 7'lIIs111i- �,
<br /> l+'110I1 A Cliii'A'AIII 1't1AC'P Ol� LAI�U U4'IiUL'U '1'U '1'Ul; CI'1'Y or unn�iu� [�'
<br /> i9LAl1U tILU1tA81tA, 'PIIi; 5AI11's A� I11iCUIlULI) xfl bL'lib UUUI( l7� • `_.-•
<br /> DA(11: h�lU I�I 'l'lll; UI�PICI} 01� Iil:ql'3'l'I+.II UF UL+ISUS, IIALL C�UH'l'Y, -
<br /> IIISUI{A:iItA, _
<br /> �--
<br /> . AIfU :
<br /> A treot ot 7.and 2ooubo� in l:l�n southaoat punrter o4 �tha
<br />'``:�. � Northa�ot qunrtor (BHl/4 NWl/4) vf Seetion Twenty-Nine
<br />�;'`•� % � (29), To�+nel�ip Cloven (Li) tlorlh, Itatigi3 ❑lno (9), 4Joat o[
<br />_ Fhe f,l:h P.ti.� tlol l r.ouuh.,Y, IteArr�nl:r�, mid moro
<br />�;�"- r-t �nrl•iculnrly denaCJbc�a no fo.11owss '1'r� nr;ar_rl'niu tli�
<br />�' ^':.., `a poln� oC bc+yinning, commenco aL• Llin �IoKChn%1;t: corner ot
<br /> y":``.•'•,•, fiectiun '1'�enl I Jne 7� 7'ow�ushJ J;loven
<br /> _ , ^ ;_�; Y- � ( .. )� p (I 1) ilortli,
<br /> Itattye tilna (9), WoRb oY lha GL•1� P.tL, 11�11 C:ounty,
<br /> -=_= Hebrfleko t tNencr� zmminq aaet on tbe north 1 inn of sc�id
<br />�-'-;Y• .�� Soction 'TwenEy-N1ne (7.9) Poz n dinto�wo ot ��ne Ttaouoand
<br />'"';;,`:,<,.;�r �� 'Three Itundred TNenL•y-Fivo ond Seven'tenEho (1,325.7) toet
<br /> s�.,,,.�
<br />_.°:,;�.;r.���' to tl�e nortlteant aornor oP tho t7orthwest Quartec ot the
<br /> r.,nL•t:��. ��ortlinaet quartar (NtJi/�1 tU:l/4) oP orld saotion Twenty-
<br /> __j�<+!7?;F ttina (29)t thnnco xunning aouth on lha euet lino oP tt�o -
<br /> _�'�` • � S,leot Itnit oE tLa Itorthoant quarl•Ar (H1/2 T1C1/4) ol saiu . _
<br /> --:.:;,�„
<br /> v.;_;�.:���jnY,;:� Rncti.vh 7�+enty-tiine (29) !nr u �1.intnnCa ot 7'wo'Thounoncl �
<br /> �r�iY.�;..� I'1vo Ilundrea Forty-Tt�rae uncl '1'I�Lrty-SOV�+n Ilundl'edthw _
<br /> '"�i:`'�+�'X• (7.,547.77) Yun� to tlte nortl�en�C cornoC oC a Lraot oE
<br /> __:�A'!. .{t�l,_
<br /> :-.vn-, lond oonvoyed to Jon F. Luobn rnaordod itt thn Ragi4ter oY .
<br /> --N"w�;,',:�'� Dcsecta Oltice o! He�.i. Cvunty, Nabroeka, Sh I�eod D�ook 1G1 °
<br /> = µ '�'� at Pego ST1, beinq the aotuox holut o[ bagi��ningt thenco =---- -
<br />�:;i:�....�,,,• - . _..
<br /> � i.:j oonCinuing aouth on '�Ne aloredeecribod aoursa !oY a --
<br /> -...,,�,.„
<br /> -•'' dlntance ot Thirty-TNO (9�) footl tlianao doflacting rSght
<br /> ---:,��„�,�,:""'�' �nd runninq wpsh on a line paral..lol to tlus north llna of , =
<br />---'���'�.�-»F aald ttact o4 lt+r.d rocordod in Ueed Uook 1G1 nt Paqo 571 �_
<br /> ��;,,;""� �ar a Jlatanen oE TNO Itundrud Itin�ty and Four.-fonths ' _
<br />_-�-�:.•.�-�w'� (290.4) faett tttenco dePlaoL•ing rigl�t and running north _
<br /> -• •-•+�. on a lino para11Q1 to tha ouat llna ot tl�o Weeb IIa1E oP�
<br /> �A. : ��`�".�� tt�o ttnrthenet Quortor (Wl/2 • tlPl/4) oE said $eation , ' =
<br />�. . r►iQnty-Nlne (29) Por a dlctnncn�oF Tliirty=iwv (37) feot =-
<br /> � to Che noYth lina oC said tracl: oL lmid recordeil in Doed
<br /> E3ook 161 at Paqe 571i thenca dePlectinq YlyhL nud running —
<br /> , eaet on tlio north lina oP naid trnat ot land roavrdod in ==--_--
<br />- • Ueud Book iGl nt pago 571 £or a distanco oP Teo tlundred � , .'4X;�"�;_
<br /> ttinety and Cour 'lentha (290.4) teet to L•ho actuc�l point ' ��_'�-_
<br /> = oE beginninq, except tite Gant Thlr.ly 'Phrev (]7) f.eeh �c�'=�
<br /> tiieraoE uM{ch in n pnrE oE the trent tlal[ of. I�laine Street . ;;�y3:
<br /> - • � in tl�rz �.tly ot Grand Ioland, llall CouuL•y, NcU[onkn. -;,..-_.
<br />_ f
<br /> i.'`=
<br />_ �ti, • --"zr�t_�.
<br /> _ ---
<br /> .... � �.:
<br /> .
<br /> _ - - - --
<br /> � .. �y.�-�=i�s.�u��?�s '-. -___.....i2i:i��ue-e. -._ _.....�. .- --- — . ... --- --- , �G..
<br /> ..�. .-^ . .�--" .--.-.�..___--. �� .
<br /> r�+m.."c:•mY.,�+'„ 'iai�r�a.�Ui:t�iK:1ElA UWHXyMilR'1+�M!t� •
<br /> ., . . . . �, ' ,� � .
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<br /> . . ; . � .. -� . .
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