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<br /> _ DEED F TRUST
<br /> .�.�.�� . ' �
<br /> .. � :� ��
<br /> PARTIE9:Thli Doed of Truet It msde on F£BRVARX 7�19,9? ,emonp the(irenror, GANTfV S. POM�M.L• r�*m � �
<br /> rauRt.e x opFtn.r7.i.� Nt1Ai�nbm � _ ('Borrower'�. � ; . - . r�
<br /> .... ....e (�t� . �'. ,r1*F:..._
<br /> .���
<br /> whoie roildence sddreae is pn Rnx ,aa ar,.�n Ta1wnA u�>> County, Nebraake 1'Truatee'6 and the Benoficiery. \C - •:�w��/ �• .`Y
<br /> ^,- 1�..fr�,�-
<br /> � nw• n*vrvna n rl�n�i neanrrnmTnN ,a aorporation arpanized ��''��-°^-=�=�-----_
<br /> •'S'�__..__
<br /> and exiatlny under the lawa o} NRHRAAXA whose addrosa la �?� aoLrr�t �cusT--�T-B�� '. �,�s:-�
<br /> ,, �gg�TCTANi]� NRBAARKL 6Riif1? 100Q ("Lender"�. .y.-.:':_,-- �
<br /> '4„--
<br /> ' CONVEYANCE:For value received,Borrower trrevoaably grants end conveys to 7rustee,In truat,with power of eale,the real property,o}which °.='��`;"'-
<br /> < .,t..�_..
<br /> Borrowar Is lawfuty ael[ed, descrlbed below and ell bulldinge, flxtures,end existinp end 4uturo Improvemonts thereon end all riphts-of-way, „ �;�,�;_.
<br /> oasomsnu, rente, fesuee, profits, income, tenements, hereditamente, priv(lo0ee end eny appurtenances thereunto balonging (all called tho `°?`�,�'
<br /> 'prope►ty'1. e nT:nT� , (}�atd*+ �S7 ATtt7 , NebrASkO �+98�1 ` ����
<br /> PROPERTY ADDRE3S: 25 � �•s�.,
<br /> LE�AL DHSCRIPTION: � �S�reacl ICiqi [zta Code1 •,r:_,,
<br /> SEB ATTACHED EXHIgIT "A" _,;-"�
<br /> .�� ��,��-���
<br /> � 'i�5''
<br /> ' YA"
<br /> :Xr
<br />� , �.
<br /> .a
<br />_` � , --
<br /> . . �
<br />-� :� lostt�d In Nar.t_ County,Nebraoka. ��
<br /> . � �. TITLl:Borrowu covsnmt�md w�rrant�tltl�to the propsrty,sxcspt for —
<br />����� • RCWIlD D[�Ti This dwd of trwt��cuni to L�nd�r rsp�yment of the ucured debt�nd the pertormancs of the covenents end�preem�nt� ��.-.
<br /> a;ti:. , .� . cont�lrnd In thl�dad of tru�t�nd In�ny other docummt Incorpontad Iwreln.Secured debt,a�u�ed in thiy deed of vu�t,Inotudss any�mount� -""
<br />- Borrower ow��to L�ndn und�r thla deed of truet or under�ny In�trummt�ecured by thts deed of trutt,�nd oll modifications,ext�nNona and
<br /> r. . . ' '� nrnwai�tMrsof.
<br /> s4.��• .
<br />.�. . ` � TM s�cured d�bt It evldsnced by lllat ell Instrumente�nd aproements secured by thi�deed of trust and tM d�tes theteof.): _�:
<br />�`'�.'.:'"- ' �j . � DR�1titaCORY i��TF._1L1ti^J AI?�L112TTY Al3RF_E}��fEt�?T DATF.D FFBRL�Ry 7� iQ97 �°
<br />?�1�ai",7M.�ar.� — —� -
<br /> 'r""S'�.y""'.!�„�
<br />-sr�=��=�--�� �Wtun Advanan:The above smount le secured even though ell or part of It may not yet be adwnced. Futuro edvancei are =
<br />�„��x'��" contempist�d�nd will be eecurod to the eame extent es H made on the dete this deed of trust b executed.
<br /> .,,..__ _
<br />""°-':�'""" .�'� ❑ Ravotvinp Ilne ot crodlt ayreement dated ,with initial ennual interoat rete of %. ��
<br /> - - fii��''o
<br />__�-�'�.,yd-i� All amouot�owsd under thls apreement aro securod even thouph all amounts may not yet be edvnnced. Future advancec under _
<br /> �.<-���;�:�� the eproement�ro contempleted end wiil be secured to the�ame extent�e if msde on the date this deed of truat ia executed. Y
<br /> �'►"�� The ebove obllpatlon 1�due end peyabie on R�8Ri7ARY ��,, �nno if not peld eerlIar. --- =--�=--
<br /> __ _�.
<br /> _ � �{;
<br /> The tot+l unpaid beiance�ecured by this deod of trust at Any one time�hell not exceed a meximum princlpel emount of_
<br /> -�'^'°�'�� � Oollare 10 ��,�7�-7� 1,plue intereet, -
<br /> �`�s,i.o�~v^.
<br />-_;�s!�._`�;,; ptu�nny emounte dtsbureed under the terms of thle deed of truet to proteet the eeeurity of thfa deed of truet or to Ferform eny of the
<br /> �Y;�•µ;� covenants contalned in this deed of truet,with intereat on such disbursemonts.
<br /> '��` � ❑Vorl�td�R�t�:The intereat rate an the obiipatlon secured by thla deod ot trust mey very eccordfng to the terme of thet oblipetion. - -
<br />'�'•`,7 t�-. 'LC,., i
<br /> -,. � • ❑ A copy of the losn epraement containinp the terma under which the Intereat rete mey vary fe etteched to thla deed of truet end �
<br /> -' made e part hereof. �^�-°
<br /> �nairimw�;�,--
<br /> RIDERS:❑ Commerclel pLl( AAQY�NMRNT oF �a.nrrc ❑ �`"�``8"�"
<br /> � - DESIONATION OF HOMESTEAD F'���=���"
<br /> -'r " � Vursuent to the Ferm Homeatead Proteotton Aot,deaignation ot homesteed ❑ is attached to thle�eed of trust and made a pert haroot �ut��, ��
<br />� �" ❑ hea 6een dlactalmed;the dieclalmer le ettnched to thle deed of trust end mede e part hereot. )�''�
<br /> _ „
<br /> .�.Ti'�'i�
<br />.� -' � $ �R�i�y�Ilj� �.��i•'rn � �
<br /> . u�N t th�t�rms�nt!covwi�nt�cw�tatn�d In tfiis d�sd of uust.l g tfiot�on pp�2��MJ I�I - -�v�.'�;h�3y ,�'
<br /> � �flf�f�M{C �BORO K. � _ .��t.:.u'»:-`F=.��,
<br /> ,�`
<br /> t �. . i
<br /> .aa.�� _ . .
<br /> _
<br /> --
<br /> _ - - v �
<br /> � ACKNOWLEODMENT:STAT[OR NEBRASKA, unr.t. _County as: ". ' ��
<br /> Tho foregoing Instrument wae�acknowledped before me on this 7TH day of_EEBBIIBBYy �997 . �.
<br /> by _'_ ' __ �� *�� ip_ q�pp},ii� AA7[) WtFR - . _
<br /> Rltlelsll
<br /> ' . Caporeb m O} INem�ot Corporetlon or PutnenNp) -
<br /> PlnnlrlNp
<br /> �cknovnwome� s _ _on bohalf of 4ho corporatlon or pannership.
<br /> y comr�r�w�w��,�(1 98
<br /> : � pq,MM,l,lri� �mvuo vtne7MAtY �//�ihr� _INOUryPubllCl ,
<br /> Thls i�atruman was prepared by '
<br /> �# � m1886Z�IKEH9 BV9TEMS,�NC.,8T.CLOUD.MN 08301(1•800.397•23471 FONM OCP•MT6NE 8f18/81 APPL# 0002 889l3. �pepe 1 O/21 NEBRASKA � , � , -
<br /> Q k� ,�t �
<br /> CCD# 0100463282 ,
<br />