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:�:�: <br /> . , <br /> .,_.:.. . <br /> .._.._..:.. , <br /> ...------�_�----•--.__.... ... . .. .. - . <br /> . � ------ . --.:�.. _ <br /> � COVENANT9 97� '1�1�� <br /> I1, R�ym�nt�. Borrow�► �pna to mako sll peyment� on tne �eaured debt when due. Untoee Borrower end Lender egree ot arw so, any <br /> � oxcrtiowae��Intoront ue1 ptlnclpnl,eer,�d to�ntureet�end then ta princ pe� pertlel�p►elpaymon4 of t o secur�drdeb2 ocoure for ony roneontlftdwill " _ <br /> , nm reduce or exoueo�nY snhedoled payment untll Ihe eeoured dobt In pnld In full, _ <br /> I Z,Ci�Im�Apt�ln�f TIH�.Borrower wtll p�y dl taxe�, astte�mente,end other oherpes ettrlb�+teble to tho propany whon duo and will dofond title - <br /> � ta th�property aD�In�t eny cletme whloh would Impsir th�Il�n of thlt deed of trun, Lender mey r�quire Borrower to aaolpn any riphte,clalms or t <br /> � defen�e�whlah 9orrowe�mny h�ve sp�ln�t putle�who u�pply Isbor or meterlet�to fmDrove o�malnteln Ihe property. <br /> � 3.Intur�na. Borrowu wlli k�sp the prop�rty In�urad under term� accept�bls ta Lander et Borrower'e expenae and for lendor'e benefit. Ail . <br /> Ineurence pollale�eh�ll Inciude o etendard mortq+�0�a�aute In hvor of Lender.L�nde�v�lll be named u lo�t payee or ee the In�ured on any�uch <br /> � or�to ths�icuiea debt�It Le derrequltei�morlyrpe P a��°a�tel"Dorrovi ce ap o'oo tolmolntalntauchhnflurnnce�f o�ee lon{�jles Landorernqueos roparty <br /> ' 4.P►opety.Borrower wlll keep the propeny In pood aondition end make all repaln rea�onebly necea�ery, <br /> g,Exp�n���.Borrower egreee to pay all Lender'e oxRames includlnp rea�onable ettorneye'feee, If Barrower broaks any covonenta in thln deed <br /> � of tru�t or In any oblipatlon�ecured by thi�deed of t►wt. �orrower wlil pey thett emount�to Lender an providad In Covenent 9 ot this deed of <br /> truat. <br /> � 8.Prla S�curitY Int�nito. Untesa Borrower firet obtalna Lendor's wrltten consent, Blor mortpa�gen doed�of iruai�o�toihe csecu ity tagr emeni� _ <br /> socurity Intoros�a. Borrower will perform ell of Borrower'e oblipetlona under eny p _=: <br /> including Borrower's covenente to make peymente when due. ,;;. _ <br /> � 7.Qsiipnm�nt of R�nts�nd Proflt�.Borrower asalgns to Lander the rants and profito of the property. Udess Borrower end Lender have agreed �!'�.,;!°i_ <br /> otherwfae In writinp, Borrowe►may collect end rotain the ronte es long es Borrower ia not In dofault.lf �orrowor defeuits, Lender, Lender's -:;��,.-e_ <br /> epent, or a court appolnted recelver may take posseaslon end menape the property end coliect the rems. Any ronte Lender collects shall be ' 'm:T:,. - <br /> eppiled first to the coats af manepinp the property, Including court coste and ettorneys' foea, comrniastone to rental egents, end any other :� ; <br /> necossary relatod expenses.The remaining emount of rente will then eppiy to paymente on the oecured dobt as provided In Covenant 1. . � .`_,_ <br /> e,L���hoidr Condort�lnlum�i Plano�d Unk Dw�lopm�nts.Borrower�prees to comply with the provlsion�of eny lesae If thia deed of truat is on ' . .; <br /> under the�co ensnte by lawa or rogulations of the ondomli lu�m oi planned un t developmentnt, 8arrower wi�perform ell of Borrower's dutlea .: <br /> 8. Authority of L�r to P�rform tor Borrow�r.If Borrower falls to perform eny of Borrower'e dutiee under thla deed ot trust, Lender may �Y�:. <br /> � perform the dutlen or ceuse them to be performed. Lender may�IBn 8orrower'�name or pay eny emount if neceaeary for pertormence.If any <br /> J conetruction on the property Is diacontinued or not carrled on in e reaaonebte menner,Lender may do whatever lo necessary to proteat Lender's � — <br /> security intereet In the property.Thia may include compieting the construction. . '�`- <br /> , �;f._ <br /> �► Lender's fallure to perfarm wlll not preclude Lender from exercising eny of its other�iphts under the law a thla deed oi trust. ,,.,,�, ,,: _ <br /> and wlll bee sinte�restYt omt hetdape�of the peyment u�tll pp dtln full at�the�Intereitr ate In�eftect on the secured daEt unte wlll be due on domand ��� <br /> � . :,.;. <br /> 10. D�t�ult�nd 11ccN�radon. If Borrowor fails to meke eny payment when duo or breake any covenanta under thla dead of truat or any <br /> obligation aecured by thia deed of trust or any prlor mortpa0e cr deed of truat.Lender may eccelerate the maturity of the secured debt and `��r� ;� <br /> � damend immodlato payment end may Invoke the power of eale end any other remedles permitted by appYCable law. �,:,.�' , <br /> :,::,y; , �= <br /> I 11. R�qw�t ta NoUc�of D�fwft.It is heroby requeated thet copiea of the nodcea of default and sale be eent to each parson who te a party : <br /> ' _ J hereto,at the address of each cuch person,aa set torth hereln. •�= <br /> � 12.Paw�r of Sr�. If the Lender Invokes the pawer of sale,the Truatee shall flrat rocord in the office of tM register ut aeaus of each couniy -; ,=-'�_ <br /> whereln tl�e trust proparty or some part or parcel thereot la eltuated a notice of default conteininpef etonend toi�otheQ peraons(ae preacr bred by � <br /> ehell etso metl copina of the notica of default to the Borrower,to eech pereon who la e perry h s not In eny <br /> eppllcabie law. Not Ieu than one month after the Trustee rocorde the noticn of defeult or two nnonths If the truet property I .,�I <br /> Incorporated city or villepo end Is used in ferminq operetione carried on by the truatar,the fruatee ahollplve publlc notice of sete to the persona y; � - <br /> � end In the manner preicribed bV�eppplfaebte law,Tru�tae,without damanJ on Borrower,ahall sell the property et publla auction to��cabte�law. <br />