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<br /> DEBD OF T ST � � � p
<br /> � ,oQ� , emonp the(3rentor, .
<br /> PARTIEB:Thl4 Deed of Truet Is mede on FFBRVnuv 70. �'Borrower'1.�
<br /> County. Nabreske 1"Truetee'1,and the Bene(icfery,O -_:"--`'��'_
<br /> whose realdence address le _,e corporatlon orpeni:od � ` -_�=
<br /> . _,}{�MR F`Si]F.R7lL B � �-' -�v�-_
<br /> end oxltilnp undar the lewe of NFRUns�ttn _whose eddrese In (•�ender'1. �➢.:'�__:__,
<br /> .�.. -
<br /> � �
<br /> .�r','=``:
<br /> CONVEYANCE:For value teceived,Borrowor Irrevoanbly prents end conveye to Trustee, intruet,with power of aele,the roel property,ot whlch 1�.
<br /> ; Borrower Is lawfuly eei:ed, desaibed below and e11 bulidinge, fixturea, and oxiatlnp a�d future Improvements theroon end ell ripht!•of-way,
<br /> } e�cements, rents, Isauas, profit�, Income, tanemontc, horoditnmente, p►ivileges and any appurtenances thereunto helonping (ell cellod the _ _
<br /> ..�� � 'P►oM►N"1. � ,Nebraske .,. .'..�
<br /> PROPf.RTY ADDRES8:_ ��ty� aiv coai y.i;.�l r,
<br /> L@OAL�ESCNIPTIOM: tstrwt� �`••�
<br /> `;, � LOT TWO H[JND�.ED FORTY-FOUR (244) , W88T LAWN ADDITION TO THE CITSI OF - ,�_,-'..
<br /> � C�Rl�ND T321�ND, HALL COLJNTY, NEBRABKA. "-
<br /> ��:����
<br /> �.,1.:
<br /> , j1� `` i "
<br /> �' � in54(wYC�-.
<br /> .� � �
<br /> �
<br /> ,.
<br /> :
<br /> ,. __ _'�..�_ ' �.
<br /> � loa�ted In Hs►r r County,Nobreeks.
<br /> TITLEs Borrower covenante and warrent�Utte to tha property,except for _
<br /> '' '" iECtli1ED DE�T:Thls deed of vuat secuns to Lsnder repayme�t of thb secured debt end ths pe�tormince of the covsnants end �preement� .j
<br /> • �••�� contdned In this deed of trust md in uiy othsr document Incorporeted herefn.Secured d�bt,n usod In thl�deed of trust,Incttedes�rry amounU
<br />�r,: Borrow�r ow�s to Londar under thio deed of uust or under any instrument�eaured bythis de�d of trust,�nd NI modiflcatlona,sxtMtion�and _
<br /> : . rmewds tharoof.
<br /> -n . The secu�re�d debt la svidenced by(Llst dl inetrumants�nd epreements secured by this deed of Vust and ths date�thereof.l: _
<br />�;^:_i
<br /> � A PRAttiTRCAR4 tia'^R TQ') AFCiiR7TV A(3AFF� � "'°^ �'�RRLTnR�?O� 1�7 - - �.+:'„p'
<br /> .�A,���',i.•'
<br /> z.�e4
<br /> =����,.,r�+:�, ' �j Futun Adv�ne�r.Ttw �bove �mount ia secured even thouph ell or part ot it m�y not ysi b� �dvanced. Futuro a x�cea �ro
<br />��,*;,.,...;;;- , cont�mplated end wiil be secured to the�ame extent ae ff inede on the d�te thta desd of tru�t 1�s::s�uted.
<br /> r i'�� . . ,with Inki�i annual Intereat rote of °1�• �
<br />;ti� `:.'�. ❑ Revaivfnp Iina ot cudft�ynem�nt d�ted
<br /> r r hi��pnement an onta ptatad end will be secureddto the oame exte t ao�lftm de on the date thi�i desd ot trwt i�sxeatsdunde�
<br /> � • '..,,
<br /> �'" -• ... iF�otpifd ecrlier.
<br /> - .,• ..•:a. • _
<br /> - :•.•. � . :. The above oblipatiort is due and peyabf6 on t�rnRirn�Y +� 9 n _ � _ _- -
<br /> '� The totel unp�W balance t�cured by thit desd ot truat�t any ons time ahMl not exceed a maximum principai amount of
<br />-" '�4's;,,Fi;;°": .�IBRi Txnttcati oT p s,:.�;a�c arm uo/,nn Dollanl0?.5ea_on ---1. PWt intere�t,
<br /> _ . covenints contelnad�In thli deed of vuatew th inter�esto such diabureemente,the�ocurity o}this deed of truat or to pertorm�ny of the
<br /> � '�y CI V�ri�bN R�t�:The intereat rate on tho obifyetfon xecurod by thla deed of trust may vary nccording to the terma of that obliq�tion. _
<br /> D A copy of the lo�n epreement contalninp the terms under which the Intare�t rate may vary in atteched to thla deed of truat end �
<br />= •• made e part hereof. °"�"'�°"`L
<br /> � RIDEBS: ❑Commercial {y� A4ST(;t3+��`Td^' OF rzaNTS � r _ -
<br />- ;� la, _ - --- DESIQNAiION OF HOMESTEAD �""a°� —
<br /> aPurouent to ths Farm Homestead Protection Act,deslgmtion of homesteed ❑ Is attached to thls deed of truet end mede a part heroof �- ..�A:Z��,�r��i,
<br /> ❑ hes been dieclaimed;the di�el�imer i�stteehed to this deed ot trust end made a pan heroot. ;��.t,,
<br /> ' ',,��` � StaNATURES:By dpninp 1»taw. BortowK�prM to ttN txms�nd covenant�ConWn�d In tt►li Nd of trust,inciudiny tlws�on p�2,a+d tn ��;:��'r;•'., �'
<br /> ' : �n icr� Y�slyn�d 6y aw�r. / _ `r�s'.:�-
<br />_ ' ,.�y.c�-� � ��� Z C T-..� 'o�'� �.L? :'„'`:��ti.. .
<br />- - � _!_� > ..
<br /> � The foroyoinp Inatrument wes ncknowiedped beforo me on thfs �0?�*� _day of FRBR fARY;?q99 _ ,.
<br /> - b1l i LvRY i1�7fJt:7' AN^ L.[1RT i. RNRS[3HT_ w.m tarnQ - —� �
<br /> . mu.ceu
<br /> ' .� Caponaa (Nm+otCapa�Ua�a I�rtn�nnlpl
<br /> - P�tlMrMIO 0}_ -- — �� .�
<br /> ' Actnowirepmmt a `_ on bohalt ���
<br /> My commidslon expiree: �TEy���
<br /> Is�NI �•�
<br /> - ' Thi�Instrument wa�propared by �*�� °�DP1t ' ,
<br /> :i m 788'iZ�IKEIIS 6Y6TEMS.INC.,ST.CLOUO.MN 6E301 11•Ep0•387d3411 FORM OCP-MTQNB OJ18/91
<br /> APPL# 00029326 fpaAo�o�2J �E��
<br /> CCD# 0100463495
<br />