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��y <br /> ��� <br /> �.. <br /> �) � ���� ��j�J��� ��f�a ��� JJ�i <br /> �/ J J ��1�/ <br />_�.__... .__._... _.... ,._ ____. .�_....._... ._. _ _ _ _ _ ' ' °__ ___ �_ "' _ _ _ _ <br /> _ _.. . .,;�,_�._..�... ._ .m ..._.._ ..0..._._ .. ..� ._._..._ ..._._. ._.._�. ...�.... _._. . _...,Y .. �.� . . - _ <br /> i; T�RO�1 I hereby certify that this instrument was entered orc Numerical'I <br /> !; <br /> ? Index and fcled for record this_______ ______l�'�? of.______Mf;�rS3h_.__.___ __� <br /> ..-----Edward...Oswald_,husb....................................... <br /> '' ✓1. D. 19----2� -, at.-- --- -���-�.�-Q -- - -- —-o'elock ---------P_.M'. <br /> _. _. _ -- _- -- --._._.... �larrantp . - � <br /> To �¢ea . � <br /> --- -- - ---- ----- --------------------------- ------- -----,. <br /> Re�ister o Deeds, <br /> ----�ar-r-i�e -�.D awald......._...- _.... ' <br /> .s�_ - - - - <br /> -- --- ----------, <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.r�o� �Y� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�er�t�: , <br /> That.--- ---I ,�dward Oswald-.►'Husband--of -C�,rri-e---G_,_4swald-p --- - _ -- - <br /> j - ____ - -- _ _ -- __ _ _ - _ __ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ ___ -_ _ - -_ - - - -- _ - -- - --__-__ - --- , <br /> II'', of the Count�J �� --- I�eY1V@T_:_ -- -----.and State o�-------. - ------ - -- �'OlOTadO. , <br /> - - - ------ -------- --------�_.Grantor_-_.____, in consideration; <br /> o} the sum of.- ---- - _ ._ _One Dollar Loye and Af fecti._on -- - - ---------.D oLL.��s,� <br /> in harcd paid, do--_--_ --------_herebt� GR.FI.N'T, Bd4RG✓1LN", SELL, �1.ND CO�Y'VEY' unto.--- (,''3r�1G �'.�8�;�,d -- <br /> ,. <br /> , __ - --- ----- - --- - - - -- -____ _ .__ _ - - --- - _ - -___ ----- - - -- -_ _ <br /> . -- <br /> of the Count� �f•------ - ---- -- - .____. - -- -_ -�and State o�- - - - - ------- -- -- - -- ------ , Grantee-------, the followz�n�'' <br /> described premises, situated in the County of.__________________ _.____�8,],-�--�_------ -_- -.-_. __---_-afzd State of ✓1�'ebraska, to-wit: <br /> ' --- The.�.�t�r of seetion Twenty_Nine {29) . in-Tnwnship_ Ten (-lU�--N�rth__Rangs--Eleven _.i <br /> -----�_1�.� _�►est-�_th--�iall_ .County_ Nebraska - _ __ _. ._ --- __- -- - ' <br /> __ -_ - --- __ <br /> --- - ----- <br />, -- -- ---- <br /> I -- -- - --- __ - - --- - -- -_ __ _ ___- -_ _ _ ______ ___ - <br /> i <br /> To�ether with all the tenem.ents, heredltaments, and appzcrtenances thereurzto belon�in�s, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Irzterest, <br /> Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Demarzd whaLsoever of the said Grantor____., e�rec�-ef,ea�c�r��#��em, of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �a �abe ana to �uIb tlt,e above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_______and to_____�E•_'_�___..______ <br /> heirs and assi�ns forer�er. ✓lnd__�_�_ ..__._hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee______that_.___. ___ __ _ T_ ._ _____hold________said premises <br /> br� �ood and perfect title; that___.---_-__�________________.ha___Yt?�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are' <br /> ; free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever____._ _______...._________. ' <br /> -- - --- <br /> _- - -- - - - <br /> - -- ---- <br /> I' - -- _ _ _ -- ---- -.. ._- -- -__- - - - - - -- - -. <br /> ✓lnd________ ____1 ___-___-- ___ _ __ _____ ___- _________covenant__________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all <br /> persons whomsoever--------- _ -------------- ------- --_ _ _____ _ ----_ ---- � <br /> ----- -_. ------ <br />� Dated the- - 12th- - - -- --da�J �f----- - - - -�c'],T�h . _�1. D. 19_ 2�-- <br /> u�'zT�ESS : -------------Ed�ar�l.--���ala - -- ----- --- -- - ._-- <br /> --- , <br /> _ ��os_L.�a��.e�s --_ _ - - - _ -- <br /> --So�arado_ _... _ .- - ---- ------ _ <br /> STd4TE OF .���J��X <br /> ss. - -- - , <br /> ' ---G'�$- ---3.rid-- ---------- - Count , On this 12'�h.----- ---- --da o �B.�C�t------- �. D. 19----_ 2__ be ore me,, <br /> Y � J f-- � f <br /> ` of Denver ; <br /> ; the undersi�ned, a ✓V'otar� Public - - - ________within and for said Countr�, persorzally came__ __.___ _ <br /> ; _ Ea�ara o��azd _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ -- -_ ' <br /> ; ._ _ _ __ . _ _ _ _ _ _ <br /> to fne personallr� known to be the identical person__._._.whose name________.____._____._,________.____af�cxed to the' <br /> above irzstrument as �rantor________, and. ._______ .___________.__sea�rer�-acknowledsed the same to be_ hj.8- _ <br /> voluntar� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> `� IN W7TNESS W'HEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my naine and af�'ixed mz� off'ccial seal at <br /> �� (SEAL) Denver ,in 8a,1C1 (�OL1I1t'ST s _ __ _,_ _ ______ __._,ora the date last above written. <br /> I - . _ <br /> `' _ - -- - �- --Douglas A.Ro7.Ier ------- - <br /> Notarz� Public. <br /> ` .Mr� commission expires_. ____Da'�ObET_1_�_�.9��_�. <br /> __ - _ -___ __ _ - -19.--------- --� <br /> -- --- --._ ____ _-- _ ------ ------,.— _ <br />-----�_--_ --- - - — , _ -- --- <br /> �i '� <br />