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<br /> T+I��.112 I hereby certify that this ir�strument was entered ora ✓V'umerical'�
<br /> ' 2 All 8'� --
<br /> Bertram �. Index and filed for record thas____________._________._____..day of._______ �___________
<br /> Jonea and �ife
<br /> ------ --------- -- .._- ---- --- - --- - - -�- --- �- --
<br /> _ _ _ _ _ _ .. . - ___ �arrantp
<br /> .Fl. D. 19 �6---, at--- ---- �:.2� -_ - o'clock-------PJ..M.
<br /> �eea ;
<br /> TO - __ -- ��,y�� -�-�-�------------ ,
<br /> ----
<br /> Re�ister of Deeds, �•
<br />'' --.-----?�i�.liam_C.---and....Emili.e_._�olle�._.
<br /> s�- -- - - - -- - --- ----- ---
<br /> -----
<br /> Deputz�.
<br /> _ �.r�o� ��� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�er�t�:
<br /> That_ �e�--BEr.�r� VP. JQneB-a-nd �ladys- � -Jones, husba�d �nd-�ni�'e, - -- -- - - -- ---_ _ _ '
<br /> f y f f ------_.._________._..Grantor__$___..., in cortsideration
<br /> o the Count o _-----------HS�.�.__.-------------.and State o -------- ----�3IE-1J-TSBZCB----------------------
<br /> —_.,� — — _—. -- --- �- -^�-----•._.DOLL.qRS,'
<br /> of the sum o}-- --Four-- -thc�usa�d---se_ven hundr_ed._..an�---no�100 ---. -__--------- -------
<br /> in hand paid, do___._._. hereb� GR�4.NT, B�RG.FIIN, SF.LL, d4,ND CO✓VVEY' uf2to. �iZL.iBt�i C. �O11�T___811f�__EtD�,l.fe ____.._ _'
<br /> ' ---- ------- �oller_s_ husba�d--and--�v��'e_,--wit-h--th_e_-ri�ht__of___�v.r�ti vs�r.ship.- - - ---- --- -
<br /> - - - - - -- -
<br /> of the Count�J �f-------------HAl� --- ------- ---- ------and State of------ -LQ6�b�Ek81S,& - - - -- - ----- , Grantees , the followin�
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of______________I�i31�._________.___ .... ______________ ._.___.___.and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> --- ------ Lot T�ve_lve--(7�2�_of ,�on�s__Addition_ tQ__th-e- City_of--Grand--I.sland,_�e�rasl�s, ------ ------ ---. .___ _.;.I
<br /> - - _ _ --- - _ -_ _- - -- _ -- -- - --__ __-_ - - - - - -- - - -- ._ _ - _ __ _ -- ---
<br /> ---- - -- --- -- __ _ ___ __ _ . __ __ - _
<br /> --- --- --- --- -- - - - ---- --._ -_ -- - _- -- - -- _ - - -. - - -- - ---- _---- - --. --
<br /> __- ---__ _ -- - __ __ _ ._ _ -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ . ------ -- �;
<br /> To�ether with all the tenemes2ts, he,a•editamerats, and a�purtenances th,ereurato belon�ind, arzd all the Estate, Ri�hL, Title, Interest, '
<br /> Dower, Curtesy, Claim an.d Dema,�ad whatsoe,ver of the said Grantor.-__., , , of, ir� or to the same, or arzz� part �heTeof. ',
<br /> �a ��bP arifi tA �OYl1 the above described prernises, with the appu•rtenunces, unto the said Grantee_8____arcd to._._'j!�1@.f-r--_-----_ '
<br /> heirs and assi,�ras forever. ./�nd_ ___��ir_.reb� covenant_____..with the said Grarztee_fl.__thctt_.___ __ We _._ __ ._ ._.____hold_________said premises '; �
<br /> by �ood arzd perfect title; thut_______1nl_�_______________Tia___Xf.'�ood risyLt and lazvful authority to sell arcd conve.z� the same; that they are.i
<br /> free and clear of all liens and irzcumbrarcces whatsoever_ __._._.._________._ '
<br /> .Flnd___ . _ . . __ ___ t92__. _ _ _ ---- covenant________to warrant afad defercd the said prernises a�ainst the daw�u� claims of all''.
<br /> �ersons whomsoever- --- --- . _ -- - ---___ _ _ __ . _---- ,
<br /> _ - _ _ -- - -- -- -- _ I�
<br /> Dated the- - - -�1s�_ _-- �J �f- --- �tll -- - _ _ - --�. D. 19--�6 - ,;;
<br /> _ da y -
<br /> WTTNESS _
<br /> � - - ---BE�-'�-T-�I.Fr!-�---�Tf�riEB-- -- -- -- - - "
<br /> Gladys �I._ Jo�es - - --_ �,
<br />�, -- - - E.._ ,_ _�roger . .
<br /> _ - .
<br /> _ ---- - _ -
<br />, __ -- . -- -
<br /> _ -- - - _ -- --
<br /> _ - - - - -�
<br /> --- -- -- --- ----- - - _ . ,,
<br /> _. _ - --- - ----
<br /> ST�TE OF .NEBR�SK�,
<br /> ss. ;
<br /> -- - �81�. -- - - ..Count�, On this .___..___ �J�.B�-- ---da� �}---._ - -_ --._�1��j�-----�. D. 19-��-''�)--- , before me, ;
<br /> the un,dersi�srzed, a .Notar� Pz�blic _ ___ _________:zvithin and for said Cotcrtt�, personallz� came_BeT.��A_221__�.____.r911�_S___Si1_d______ ,
<br /> Gladps �. Jones, _hu$band ___a_nd �i�e ___-__-
<br /> �
<br /> to zne personallz� known t,o be the iden�ical person__$_._.wyaose name._8_. __________are________.____af�'ixed to the -
<br /> above instra�ment as �rantor__�.__, and_.__.they ___severallr� acknowled�ed the same to be_ _t�1�.�T
<br /> voluntar� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. ' .
<br /> Ih" 1�7T.NF.SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my rzame and af�'ixed m,r� of�'ieial seal at
<br /> �SEAb� Grand I sland in 88.id COLtrlty ___on the date last- above writterz.
<br /> E. G. Kro�er-- --
<br /> - -- -- - - - - - ----- -- - ---- - ---- --
<br /> Notarz� Publie.
<br /> 1. .Nly commission expires--_---- �eb.. '26yt . _
<br /> -- - -- -- _ - -_19.--�1------
<br /> ,i _ _
<br />