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� ( - <br /> ��°�`� <br /> � J ''� D � ° �J J � D �� O <br /> ���� ���h���� ���a ��� <br /> =�_--- <br /> �_..____:------�__.:___._-______.____._____ _� _ - <br /> . . . --STATE1DtlRNAI COEAPAtt7.LINCOLN.N6B. . . . _.. .. . . . . . . _ .. . ..... . . _ . . <br /> � ���� I Tierebz� certify that this instrument was entered or� ✓V'umerical�' <br /> . Index and fcled for record this-------------26--------_day of.--------JLLTle------------- ' <br /> J`ohn�:�Picker-�-�f- - - -- ----�- - - --- --- <br /> �iQarrantn �. D. ls_26�--, at-- -- -- !F.�� -- - --o��ao�k--------P_R.�r. <br /> _... _ . __ _ - - ._. --. - - - - : <br /> To �eea �,���� � ' <br /> - -._ ---- <br /> - -------���' <br /> - ------ -------------- <br /> Re�sister of Deeds, <br /> - Ed.A,.Jflnea�Jr..__.........__.................................. ...._ <br /> _ B�_ - --- ___- <br /> _ - - --- Deputz�,--- <br /> �.r�o� ��� �er� �p ��je�e �re�e�t�: <br /> That.----- ----------We-�John _C..�Iiake-r---a.nsi_.�lizabe_th-VGicker_}husban�_ and---_�i�e,- ---- ------- -------- -_____--__ ---- --_ <br /> of the Count�J of --�---�38,1�. �- - -...----.and State of-------------------- ------ ----N�x2�s'�<S�c'�-�-------------------;-------..Grantor_-B---, in consideration <br /> of the sum of- --- - _ _-_ _ - _- - _ -_ --- - -__._F�_Y_C_�L121C�xed--&Tld_23Q_�100 -- ---- ---- -----.D OLL�IRS, + <br /> in hand paid,, do____..________._herebz� GR�NT, B�RG.ILN, SEI,L, d4ND CONVEY' unto____.______�d�A_._�Q?18_B__�T.._________.______________ _ i' <br /> - - - -- <br /> ' � <br /> , _- ---- ---- ----- - - ---- - -- --- -- -- - - - - --- ---_ -- _ _ - - -- - - --- -- - - <br /> �i <br /> of the Count�J �f-------- -------H&.11 � ----- ------- - --------and State o�----- ------N£.bx���a,_�... - -------------, Grantee----------, the followin� ; <br /> described premises, situated i-n the County of._________.______._...____�8,11._�_._____.___, ._____.._______.and State of Nebraska, to-wit: � <br /> �' ---- �he__�Pest_ �ne---ha7��--W.--2-)-,0�__L�t _�ne. _hun.dxed ��gk��y (�.�Q�__,�.n_ �Pest----La�n_��,n___Addition_to_ the Citp_ <br /> _.__.of_Grand_ Ssland�Nebraska,.as __surve�red_,and._pla_t__ted.___ _ _ __ <br /> . -- -- -- - -- ---- --- -- --- ---- --- ---- <br /> ___Sul�j_ect___to___a__ Twenty_. S�ven hundred__dollar__Builcling.__and__Loan_,_in__favo_r_of__Tecumse�i__ Building and� <br />' --- L._flan__As$o�i�t i_Q_r�_,_Q� -Te�umgeh}�te�xa$��,,__ _- -_ __- -- <br /> - - ----- - ----- - --------- -- -- - ---- - <br /> -------�--------------- ---------- _. -- - --- ---- ------- - -- - - - ; <br /> ------- ---- - --- <br /> --- ----- --------- - -- - _- - <br /> To�ether rvith all the tenements, hereditaments, arcd appurteraances the,reunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, <br /> Dower, Curtesz�, Claim and Demand tuhatsoeve�• of,the said Grantor..8.,��e�ei.�l�e�r-Fr��1�e���of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> ; <br /> . . <br /> �u �ab� anD� ta �o[b the above described premases, wcth the ap�urtenanees, unto the said Gra�2tee______ccnd to.__ rl�B_______ <br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. .,4rad..___.yPg_____herebz� coaenant___-_____with the said Grantee_____..that___.__ .__ _ __ W@_-__._______hold_______said premises � <br /> by �ood and perfect title; that___________yP-@__---__---_.hauE---�ood risht and lawful authority to sell and eonvey the same; that they are : <br /> free and clear o}' all liens and incumbrances whcctsoever_________���_pp�__&£i---wqtr��@Cl-EL�Y-B,- ----------------- <br /> -- -- -- ------ ------------- <br />� „4nd_______ _..__ ___ yY8 __ _ _ _ ___ _.___---covertant_____.____to warrarct and defend the said premises a�ainst the laivful claims of all '' <br /> persons whomsoever -_ _ _ - _ - -_ _ _ ---- - - --- - - ---- <br /> --- --- <br /> - - -- --- <br />� -- --_ _--- -- <br /> , Dated the__ _ __�5th___ _ ._ --da�J �f- - -- - - - �8y - _..... -- - ---.q. D. 19__26_.__ - -- - -_ --------- „ <br />' WITNESS ; ------ -- �?-OhA--C_.�Yj.QkST- - -------- ---- --------' <br /> __ - _ �liz�,b.��_h_�Pi��er-- - -_ - _- <br /> I' _ _Bertxam. W.Jones _ _ _ _---- <br /> - - - --- -- - ---- - - ---- ----- -- ---- -- -- <br /> I --- -- ------- <br /> ST.gTE OF NEBR�SK.A, ) <br /> }�ss. <br /> - - --- .�'Ia.11 - - - .County,) Ora this_.._ -- 2�th r -___..da�✓ �f--- - - ---M&�- - - ----.q. D. 19---�6-j-, before me, ' <br />' ' t,he undersi�ned, a Notarz�Public ____-_ _ ____ _ _ _____within and for said Countz�, personally came_ __ ______ _______._ <br /> _.__ . _ _ - -- - <br /> ; __ John C.1�icker_ and--�lizal�e�h_�fi�ke_r_-,-hu_eba�d__and wif e,---- -- __----- ---__ <br /> + to me persorcally Icrzawn to be the iden,tiea� person__E_.__whose name__fl__ ____Sr_6___-_.____.._____.afrixed to the <br /> (SEAL) above instrument as �rantor$___._., and___ __��}EY____.__.__seveTally acknowled�ed the same to be__�hg�-r- <br /> voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN' W'IT.NESS WHEREOF, I have hereurcto subseribed mz� name and af�"'ixed mr� ofjicial seal at <br /> - - �Ta.21CZ--IB�.�Ba. �12]� 8c'��4�. �t311T1'�}T-f- - ------ -----on the date last above written, <br /> -------B$rt r-�m-W.�1'anea----- -----------------,�---- ------- ` <br /> Notary PubZic. <br /> ✓1-1y commission expires----_._._.- --_.erariLiB,Ty 1,�3 1�.��� - -_---- -- _ _ -I9.-------------- ' <br />� <br /> i; _ __ ;i <br />