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<br /> _. _�..... ,
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<br /> 02�21-19y7 DEED OF TRU�T Pege 2
<br /> � Loen No 422006 (Continued) 9?-- ���381
<br /> , _
<br /> ; PerWnai Pfopeity. 7he words"Pereorenl Property'mean nll equlpmont,fixtures, nnd olhor erilcles of porsonnl proporty now or haroefter •�
<br /> ovrnod by Truslw,nnd now or horon(fe�nttachod or alilx,�d to Iho Roal Proporty; topelher wllh ali accosslons, parts, nnd nddlllons to, ail ��
<br /> i replacementa of, end ell Subsfllutions for,nny of cuch property; end togelhor wllh ali proceeds (Including wllhout Ilmllalion nll Insurnnco
<br /> i proC�eds nnd refunds of premlums)hom any aela or other disposl�lon of the Property. : 1
<br /> � PrOpNfy. The ward"Property'means caltectively Iho Roal Properly and Ihe Personei Property. •• Y
<br /> iR�Y Prc�rty. Thi words'Roal Property"meen the propody, Inlarests and righis descrlbed above In the"Conveyence and Grant"sectlon. -
<br /> Re1�t�d Oocumenta. The words'fielated Oxuments"mean and Includo wlihoul Ilmliallon nll promissory notes, credlt epreamonts,Ioan � �-
<br /> . �grMments,envlronmental epreemont9,flueranlles,securily epreemenls, mortflapoy,doods af Irusl,and nIi ofhor Insfrumonts,nflrcomonts and
<br /> � documonb,whather now or hereafter axtstlnp,exeCUled in Con�ocllon wlth the Indobtedness. �
<br /> p�ftts. The word'Aents"me9ns all presanl and(ulure renls, revenues, Income,Issues,royaitles,proflls,end olher beneflts derived from the
<br /> property, .
<br /> TrwIN.The word"irustee"means UNITED NEBRASKA BANK and any subsHtute or successor trustees. �.:
<br /> TNilO►. The word'frusta"means flny and eu persons end entitles executing thls Deed of Trusl,including wllhout Ilmitetion all Trustors named
<br /> above. �
<br /> , ;
<br /> . ONTHE FOLLOWINO TERMS: � � "� -
<br /> PAYMHNT ANO PERFORMANCE. Except as otherwlse provided In thls Deed of Trusl,Trustor shell pay fo Lender p1i amounts secured by Ihis Deed ��
<br /> of Trust as they beCOme due,tlnd ShaII stricdy and In a timely manner perform ell o(Trustor's obligatfons under tho Note,thls Oeed ol Trust,and ihe ' `�
<br /> Reuted Oocumanb.
<br /> F�OSSESStON AHD MAINTENANCE OF TFIE PROPERTY. Truslor eprees ihaf 7ruslor's possession and use of Ihe Property shnll bn povomod by � N�;,�I•
<br /> the(otlowinp provislons:
<br /> ��•
<br /> .:+•,':'w+
<br /> PONii�lOn itW UN. UntH the occurtence of an EveM of Defaull,Trustor may (a)remaln fn possession and confrol of lhe Property, (b)use, � � 'rt7i�`�
<br /> opor�te or manapa ths Ptoperty,and (c) couecl eny Rents trom the Property. , •
<br /> Dufy to MMnUYn..Trusta shall malnieln the Property In lenentable conditlon and promptly perform all repeira,replacements,and m�lntenence > •��i-
<br /> neoossary to preserve Its value. � �
<br /> , + liW�doui Sub=tMxes. The terms'hezardous waste,"merardous substence,""disposal,"'release,"and"lhroatened reiease,"as used In Ihis �+ T
<br /> Ored oi Trust,shall have the same meeninfls as set forih In the Comprehensive Envlronmental Response,CompenseUOn,and Uabllity Acl o} _
<br /> i► 1680,aa amended,42 U.S.C.Sectlon 9601,ef seq.("CERCLA"),the Superfund Amendments end Reaulhorizallon Acl of 1986, Pub.L.No.
<br /> 99-499("SARA',ihe Hazerdous Maledals Transportallon Act, 49 U.S.C. Secllon 180t,et seq.,Ihe Resource ConservBtion and Recovery Acl, 'r,�
<br /> , 42 U.3.C.SecNon 8901,et seq.,or other appBcebie slate or Federal laws,rules,or regulsilons adopied pursuant to any of lhe lorepoing. The �. �
<br /> terms"harardous waste'and"herardous subslance"shall elso Inc�ude,withaul Ilmlleflon,pelroleum and petroteum by-producis or any frucllon '�•�
<br /> thorsoi and asbestos. Trustor represents and wanenis to Lender thal: (a)During the pertod ol Trustor's ownershlp of the Property,Ihere has , ,
<br /> been no use,qeneratfon,manufacture,storage,lreatment,disposal,relense or threatened reiease oi flny halardous waste or subStenCO by any �'!
<br /> - �ie�aui�vr�,u��u'ar,uuot�i or irom Ine Properi�r, �oj i rusior has no knawieciqe ot,or reason to beileve that there has been,exCept es previously
<br /> disctosed to and acknowiedyed by Lender In wrlling, (t)any use,generation,manutacture,siorage,treatment,disposal,release,or Ihreatened '�� �� `� •� �
<br /> rekeae of any harardous waste or subslance on,under,aboul or hom ihe Property by any prlor owners or accupants of the Property or (II)any �'�`•`''�
<br /> aclual or lhreatened Ilt�yetion w clalms of eny kin�i by any person relating lo such matters;and (c)Excepl as previously dlsclosed lo end '1.•� �•�
<br /> aCknowledped by Lender In wrilinp, (i) nelther Trustor na any tenant, contractor,agent w other aulhorized user ot the Property shail use, , ��� j ��
<br /> �.::�,,,..
<br /> penente,manufacture,store,treat,dispose oi,or retaese eny ha7ardous wasle or substance on,under,aboul or kam the Property end (II)eny �,s..;. � %�
<br /> such activlty shall be conducted In comptiance wfth eli appllcable federal,state,end locat lews,regulations and ordinances,including withuut .{ p;;:._.• �� •
<br /> IlmlteHon Ihose laws,reputatfans,and ordinances descrtbed above. Trustor aulhorizes Lender end its apents to ent6r upon Ihe Property to '�"''�
<br /> • rtwka suCh InspeCtions and tests,at Trusta's expense, es Le�der may deem appropriate to delermine compllance of the Proporty wifh Ihis �=�i:- . F
<br /> secNon ot th�Deed ol Trust. Any Inspectians ar tasts made by lender shall be(or Lender's purposes oniy end shali not be construed to create
<br /> ' any rosponslbliity or Ilebility on the parl of Londer to Trusta or to eny olher person. The representatlons flnd warcantles contelned hereln are � >n .�� _
<br /> . baa�d on Trustor's dus dliipence in Investtpatinp Ihe Property for hererdous waste and hazardous substances. Trustor hereby (e)relensos and '�"".
<br /> , i wdvs��ny futurs cteims aqelnst Lender tor Indemnily or contribullon In the event Trustor becomes Ileble for cieanup or olhor costs under any . :, , �
<br /> such laws,and (b)apr6es to indemnity and haid harmless Lendor against any and an clalms, losses, IlabilfHes, demages,penalties,and • ,:���; �.:E
<br /> ' exponses wh�h Lender may dlrectly or Indirectly sustaln,or suNer resulling hom a broach of Ihis sectfon of Ihe Doed ot Trusl or as a .�,;;,Y„r.•
<br /> ° � conssquence of Any uso,peneration,manufaclure,storege,disposal,release or fhrealened release occurrfnp pdor to Truslor's ownershfp or r;•.,�{;_,.__
<br /> Interost In fhs Prapertyr,whelhar or not the same was or should have been known to Truslor. The provislons of this sectlon ot the Deed oi Trusl, � ------
<br /> • +,=*•,;_.:-
<br /> Inctudlnp the obllpe0on to Indemnity,9hrtq SuMve the payment of the Indebtedness end the sallsfaClion end reconveyence of the Ilen ol lhls ��:±-^—u*�
<br /> r Dsed of Trust and shtfl not be aftected by Lender's acqulslllon of any Inlerest In Ihe Property,wholher by toreClosure a othervvlse. � '"��`�� -:,
<br /> �� Nulunce,Wsate. Trustor shatl not cau5�,conduct or p.ermlt eny nulsence nor commit,permlt,or suHer any sMpping of or waste on or to Ihe � f�"�t��W
<br /> , Prop�rty or tny porNon oi Ihe Property, Wllhou111mltinp ihe generallty oi the foregolnp,Truslor wlll not remove,a grant to any other party the ��'�'�-
<br /> " ,}�� ripht to romove,any flmber,minerals(Inciuding ol1 and gas),cotl,gravel or rock producis wlihout the prior wriHen can5ent of Lender. .����`'�
<br /> ,�r�..;..-_
<br /> !Z"' ..-:'"5.-a�.--=�-=°'_` -
<br /> , Ft�movd ot Improvemante. Trustor shaEi not domolish or romuve any Improvements hom ihe Aeal Properiy wlitioul lhe prior w�ifton consent �-,�y�^;�;= -
<br /> s ot L�nd�r. Aa a condltlon to the removal of any Improvements,Lender may requlre Trustor to make arrnnpemxnb sedsleclory to Lender to .:.�,�-:r�_�..�
<br /> :. repl�q such improvements with Improvements of et least equal vnlue. •.-�„ � � -..,,,f;�.
<br /> ' ", L�nd�r's Ripht to Entet. Lender and Its egents and representalives may enter upon the Real Property al all reasonable times to altend to �`:���-,�,.�'�r l•
<br /> � Londars Intarests tnd to Inspecf the Propt�rty for purposes ot Trustor's corhpllance with the term3 and condiNons of thls Deed of Trust. �.�`;,�
<br /> � � . ;.,:�.
<br /> � � CompWark�with Oov�mmental aequU�menU. Trustor shali promplty comply wlth flll laws,ordlnences,and reputallons,now or hereafler In „' � .
<br /> efhct,01 aN yovernmsntel autharltles eppl�cable lo the use w occupancy of tho Properiy. Trustor may conlest in pood Ialth eny such law, ��
<br /> 3 wdnancv,a rspulallon and wlthhold Compuence durinp eny proceedlnp,fncluding appropriate eppeats,so lonp as Trustor hns notlfled Lender " �
<br /> { In wrtHnp p�for to dofnp so end so Ianp ea.In Lender's sote opiNon,Lane':er's Interests In the Property are not Jeopardited. Lendor may requlre c,
<br /> � Trustor to post adequate securHy or e surery bond,teasonably satlsfactory to Lender,to protect Lender's Interest. •.
<br /> � Du1y to Pfotect. Trusta agrees neliher to nbandon nor leave unalfonded the Property, Trustor shall do alt olher acts,In addltlon to ihoso acts
<br /> set forth above In this sectlon,which hom the charaCter and use of Ihe Properly are reasonably necessary to protecl and preserve Ihe Property.
<br /> I DUE ON SALF-CON3EqT BY LENDER. Lender mey,al Its oplion,dect�re fmmadiately due end peyable alt sums secured by this Deed of Trust .:
<br /> upon the s1iM a Irensier,withoul ihe Lenders prlor writton consont. ol nIi or any part of ihe Roal Property,or any fnieresl In lhe Real Properly. A
<br /> � "sak or Iransfsl"mesM Ihe conveyenCe of Real Property or any dght,tills or Interest thereln;whefher Iegal,boneficlal or equltablo;wheiher voiunlery
<br /> or Invduntery;whelher by outripht 9ale,doed, tnstallment sale Contracl,land contrsct,coniract for deed,leasehold Interest with e term greater lhsn
<br /> thtee(3)yoats,{ease-option Contraci,or by sale,asslenmeni,or transler ol any bene0clal Inleresl fn or to any lend trusl holdinp Iille to Ihe Real
<br /> PropBrfy,a by any Ofher methOd of conveyence ot Reai Property interest. If eny Truslor is e corporetion,partnership or Ilmlfed Ilnbiilty compnny, `
<br /> hens(er atso Inciudes any change In ownershlp of more then twenty�Ove percent(2596)of the voting stock,partnershlp Interests or Ilmlted Ilabflity
<br /> Company Interesb,as the case may be,of Trustor. However,Ihls opllon shail nol be exercised by Lender II suCh ex6rclse Is prohiblled by tederal �
<br /> .. . -__. IaworbvN�bnskamw. �-_..—.,.—_----_
<br /> TA1(E3 AND LIF.�IS. 71te fotlowlnp provlslons retetlnp to lhe taxes and Ilens on the Property ero n port ol lhls Oeed ot Trust.
<br /> P�ymsnt. Trustor shnM pey when due(a�d In ell events pdor to deiinquency)ell texes,speclul laxes,assussments,charpos(Including water
<br /> •nd aewer),Mes and Impo5111nns Ievied against or on eaount ot the Property,and shail pay when due en clalms for work done on or tor �
<br /> seMCes rendered or meterlai furnlshod to fhe Property. Trustor shail melntnln fho Property(ree of all Ilens hovinfl prlority over or equal to Ihe
<br /> Interest ot Lendst under thls Doed of TruSt,exr,ept for ihe Iien oi laxps nnd us,essmenls not due,except for Ihe axlstinp IndebtednsSS refercad
<br /> to betow,qnd exc�ept ss otherwtse proNded In lhls Deed of Trus:. �
<br /> Rlpht To Contest. Trustor may wllhhdd peyment of any lox,assessment,or cialm In connection wilh e Qood falih dlspute qver Ihe obllgalion
<br /> to pay,so lorp as Lender's Interest In Ihe Property Is not Jaopardl:ed. II a Ilen erlses or i;Oled es a resuil af nonpayment,Trustor shnll wflhln
<br /> Ifrteen(16)days aRor the Ilen srises or,If e Ilen Is fiied,wilhln Hfteen(16)days a(ler Trustor has notica ot the filinp,secure the discharge of Ihe �
<br /> 1{en,or it requesled by Lender, deposll t�i�h Londer cash or a suf(icient corporate surety bond or olher securfty setisfaclory lo Lender In nn
<br /> � emount sultklent to disCharpe the Ilen plus nny costs end ellorneys'fees or other Cherpes Ihal could eCCruo es a resull ot a foreclosure or sale �
<br /> � ~ � '
<br /> � � . �
<br /> �
<br />