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`��� A <br /> ��'�'�D ����� �� ��.f1�a Q�0 <br /> � � <br />- . _ , .... . .-- .1 . D-STATE.IOURNAL COMPANY LINCOLN.NEO.. .. � . . . . . .. ' . �� . . �'� .. .... . ...._ ... .._ ..._.. _ . . .._.. .... .. ..._.___ <br /> II � �..� <br /> 1 I1'1��J� I hereby certtify that this instrumerct was entered on Numerical �� <br /> ' Ed. A. Jones Jr. & Wf Index and filed for record this______________________l� of._______D�C�S�t�.£�._____. I, <br /> �� <br /> ---....... �--�---�-�-----�.............��-�-�--�-�----......--�--...._....---�---.....----._.... , <br /> u <br /> � � �Q�CCallt d4. D. 19._..-��--5a--, at---.:..... . 11.30 - - -- - - ._o'cloek-----Ar_.M. �I <br /> __._. _.. __.TO p , <br /> __... - ��--- <br /> �e2a ' �;��o�,r�/ � <br /> . �� <br /> ----- -� _ _ . .._O�=L� ------- ! <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, ;� <br /> - -�Tflhn A.&__Haz�1....�...S.chr.a.eder................... ;, <br /> B�-__ -- _ __. _ -- ------ �i <br /> _- <br /> ;; Deputy. � <br /> - - <br /> _ _ ___ __ _- --- - -__ _-- <br /> - - i <br /> I� <br /> �.r�o� �YY �e�. �p ?��je�e ��e�er�t�: i <br /> ;� <br /> �� <br /> That---- -Ed..A._Jon�s-:-Jr._.�.nd_�.�it�--_J.._Jor�_�s,Hu�band .a:nd t�ife�- --- -- _ _ _ � �i <br /> --- --- --. . - _ _ <br /> _ - -- - �i <br /> �� <br /> _ ----- - -- __ __ ---- _ __ _ _ __ ___ ___ __ ._ ___ - __ _ _ _ - _ - __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ - - _ - --- _- <br /> ; <br /> il <br /> , of the Count�J of- _Hc�.�,l.y - ----------.and State o�-------------- --------NebT�.8k8 - --------------a-------------------Grantor.B----, in consideration �I <br /> ; of the sum o}_-- --- - _ FOrty—five- Hundred and- NO/100 -_- _ _----_----------_----_------DOLL.qRS, <br /> ii <br /> _ � ( <br /> _ - -_-- <br /> - _ <br /> �, <br /> ,' in hand paid, do __._-_________herebz� GR,FINT, B�RG.�4IN, SELL, .RND CONVEY' urzto_:___.erOhll__A. �%G�tTQ�C�.�.T__8,2lECj...x�Ze1._�._ ______._ i� <br /> �i <br />�' ' ----Schr-aede_r-,-'�ith- -ri ght--�-f-�u-r-vivax�hi�---- - -- - - ----- - - _ - - - - � - _ - _ _ - - - --- ;� <br />' II <br /> � <br /> �' o the Count o -- -x�l�-}-----------------------_.and State o N6brai3k8,---...-.--------.------------- Grantee_8------ the � ' <br /> f �J f - �---- - , , followin � <br /> ,, deseribed premises, situated in the County of__.__._______._._A8�1�._}________________________.. _.__..________.and State of Nebraska, to-wit: � <br /> '' -----T�o--�--S�Q_en -(-7-)___in__E�1Q�k_Eive j�) -�f_�allich'_s_�iddi�iQn_ �o-tha �i-t-Y--Qf--�r_and--Isle.ndr�T_ebx�.ska.,�i <br /> ---�s__surv�yed,_�lat�_�d__and re.cQr�.ed.__----. _._ - . - - -- -- - - -- - -- -- - - -----� �� <br /> ,; - ,. <br /> --- ------ ---- --- -- - -- - --- -- -- - -- ---._ ._ - - -__ --- _ _ _---- ---- - -- -- -- -. <br /> ii <br /> �, <br /> -- --- -- -- --- -- ---_ - _ . --- - -- - _ ---- ------- ------- -- - _- -- <br /> ��?�• 59 I.R. St amp s _ _ - - --- . -- `� <br /> Caneelled � <br /> -- ---- - -_ ___ .____._. <br /> --- - - -- __- - <br /> --- - - - - - -- - _.- --- -- -- ------ <br /> - -__ --__ __ --- <br /> I; <br /> ------- ---- - - --- - -- _ _ -- -_ ------ _- -_... ___ __ _ __ _ - ___. --- __ _ _ _ -__ -- - - <br /> �,i <br /> ,, <br /> ; <br /> , - ------------------ ----------- - --------- -- --------------- - - -- - -- - -- --- -- - - -- ---- -- - ---- �i <br /> - -_ --- ---- - - <br /> �� <br /> � - ---- -- -_ _ .- -- -- -_ _ ___ _ _ - -_ _ _ _ _ -___ _ _ --_ __ _----- -_ -___ _ _- __ _ -- --- <br /> i <br /> i� <br /> �i <br /> ' -- --- ------ ----- --_ . - - - -- -- - _--- ___ _ ---- --_ _-- - _ _ -- __ <br /> _ _ _ _. __ -- -- i,i <br /> i; To�ether with all the tenements, hereddtaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, I,; <br /> : Dower, Curtesr�, Claisn and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor.�_, crr�-vf�i��ker-o�-t�cmr, of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. j� <br /> li <br />' ,, ,; <br /> '' �u �abP anD tA �ot0 the above described premises, with the appurtenar�ces, unto the said Grarztee_._fl___and to_______.�h�j.T._.._ ! <br /> ; I <br /> ; heirs and assi�ns forever. �nd.___WE_.____hereby covenant_._____.with the said Grante�___S__.that____ �►e_ __.__ _ __ __hold______said premises;� <br /> 'i by �ood a3zd perfect title; that______w�__________________ha._'ti'�_�ood ri�ht and lawful autY�ority to sell and convey the same; that they are,�I <br /> i' <br /> I i; free and clear of all liens and incumbrdnces whatsoever____EXC_�_�___�"_C�LIri�-'St,-S��FG'T----�,Il.d___Wc1.�-fl�-_�3X(,'3---811bB_2_4ll�T1�_._'�-�___'�$� <br /> �� ---�,��r__1924. - - - -- - _--- ___ ---- __ _ __ _ _ _ -- -- - _ _ _ _ _ - -____ -_ _ � <br /> -- -__ _ - _ �I <br /> --- _ _ __ _-- --- - - _ _ --- _ _ - -- __ - - - -- - -__ <br /> -_ _ _ __ __- -- -- I <br /> �nd_ _��____ _-_ __ __ _ _____.covenant warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all! <br /> i <br /> ? persons whomsoever..._._ _ <br /> ; __ ---- -- .. . -- - _ - -_-- - - - -- - �- - - - --- --__ - - --- __ - - , <br /> � i <br /> � <br />� i ---- - --- --- --- - ---- - -- - -_ ___ . _ --- _ __ ___ -- -__ __ - - -- __ --------- <br /> _ _ -__ -_ _ I <br /> ' Dated the_ �jth -- ---da� o f -- ---- DeC etTib_er-s----__ �1. D. 19_ .25•-- iI <br /> � - - -- - - --- � <br /> I <br /> � W7TJV'ESS ; ---- .Ed._A._Jo_nes--Jr• - --- - ----- -- - - -- - ------ <br /> + __ Ed.ith _J.Sc2nee� -- - --__ _-- __- fl <br /> - _ _�. T.Flo�er _ _ _ _ .. � <br /> _ - <br /> i <br /> -_ _- - -- -- _ <br /> , - --- ---- <br /> ------- ---- - --_ --_ __ _ . --_ .-- _- --- ------- ------- <br /> i <br /> _ _ - __. _ _ -__ _ __-- - - _ _ <br /> ;I <br /> !i STd4TE OF NEBR.,4SK�, <br /> i <br /> �ss. <br /> I ----------�87.7. ------ --,----- --County, On this-- ---- ----. ---. th----- ____da o .. ---.------�EC�2Ti�Jer- �. D. 19--2�}----- before me � <br /> � �J f � - --- , , <br />'' ! the undersi�ned, a Notarz�Public___ -- --_- ___ _ ___._within and for said Coa�nty, personally came_____ __ _ _. _. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ ________ ; <br /> i., �,� <br /> ; -___Ed...A._�Ion��,Jr._and Edi_th_�. Jone�-,�iusband -an-d--9Y�fe— _ _ _ _ ---_ _ _- _ _ . �i <br /> '- to rne personallz� known to be the identical person__._B___.whose name_8__-_�,T 8 __._._-----_---af�xed to the I <br /> ' (SEAL) above instrumerct as �rantor_S__.._, and_...._.�hEy--.-------severally acknowled�ed the same to be_�hB�T-_ <br />' voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein expr�ssed. �� <br /> �, <br /> � IN I�IT✓V'ESS TT�'HEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my ofj'icial seal at �i <br /> Grand Islanc�.j �.17; BS3.S�. GUUri't _ - ---._on the date last above written. II <br /> � _ y� I� <br /> �� �i <br /> , -- -- -C.T.Flava�� - - - -- - --- ------ --------- � <br /> Notary Public. � <br /> ✓11y commission expires----- -----_-s-e�t-•-$ �Zg31- - -- ---19.------- <br /> --�— =— — -- <br /> � <br /> �i <br /> � � _ V <br />