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<br /> �SO—STATE JOURNAL COtdPANY LINCOLN NEB... - .� . ... —. ..... _ ....,. .. ., . ...... . . . . . . . . .
<br /> T+l��.M I hereb� certify that this instrument was entered orc Numerical �:
<br />� Index and fcled for record this-----_ ------16 -----------.day of---------------L��_�ri1�.�s._ !
<br /> ---.G_�.�.ax....L4:,�;�.�^...�.:n.d...�°.t:a�.ir�.�___u�::p.e._....._
<br /> . ,1. D. 19---��-�---, at.............._.- LL- -... --._..._...._... - o'clock------�P._. .M.
<br /> _ .... . . .... .. _.... ..___.... ._.._ _................. ......... �l�rrantp
<br /> T� �eea ��'��e �,t,�_.�
<br /> _ _-- -� --- --------------------------°�---------,-----
<br /> Re�ister of Deeds,
<br /> - Jo_s_e�h-;;4._ a ti.���i s._�_�........................_-._............_............
<br /> B✓- -- ____ - -
<br /> ---------- Deputy, -
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<br />, That.--- - - G�yc.Z'-1'- -1 E',-=;;L1C1 ' `�'U'-�- ---- ?--_� --_ `�'_ _-- -- - � -
<br /> � --Iye�.?r;_Ska------------------------,--------.Grantor , in consideration
<br /> of the Count�J �}�- ��-1� --- ------.arzd State of----- ------------ -----
<br /> of the sum of_- -- - uTl� d0�.7�_�.S_.uI1G4,..P.XC�1;�y��s�i�-�� �]:_U�.�_x�j ----.�fl"L��-R',�;'-
<br /> in hand paid, do__ ___-_____ ___ltereby GR.g.NT, B✓1RG.gLN, SELL, .l�.ND CONVEY' u�ato �TOSPb�I__���.__SVV271_S_,�ri
<br /> . - - -- -
<br /> � � , �, _...---.-------, Grantee--------, the followin�'
<br /> o}' the Count� of----- - -Ki_u u-a_x.,,�7_z---- --- -------and state o}'- -- - -Co7,�rado - ---- -
<br /> , p , ' y f ___._.______.___.and State of ,Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> de,scribPd remises satuated in the Courzt o ._______________�a.11,_______________________
<br /> _ Lot_ .�_ev��1 ��_�__Bl����_ �y���lve ( ].2; _�err.�?z�.n an�_Lec'�er'-�-_?��dition �� Ll��_.uit� '�f Gs�nt�-��l�.�d,_
<br /> -- �r�ar��._Is�aizu__ 1.e�;r ,�1��. ___ _ _ _ -_ - - - _- --- _- ---
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<br /> _- -- -- -- - . _ -- - - -
<br /> To�ether with all the terze�nerzts, hered.itamerzts, arzd appurtenarzces therezcnto belonsin�, artd all the Estate, Risht, Title, Interest,
<br /> Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Dernand whatsoeue,r oF tlie said Grantor_..___., ccrcc�vf eitic�rv+�them, of, in or to the sarne, or any part thereof,
<br /> �R �a�1P ariD t0 �OID the above described premises, with the appurterzarLCes, urtto the said Grantee_______and to._____.r?i_S
<br /> heirs and assi6n,s foreaer. .gnd.__rYE ______hereb� covenant________zvith the said Grarztee_..__.._.that-__ _ _ ._ _;�1�.. _____hold______said presnises'
<br /> br� �ood and perfect tiLle; that_..______y:��____,_______.ha____V_�.�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritr� to sell and convey the same; that they are`
<br /> free and clear of all lieres and incumbrances whatsoever.----------------.----_-.--------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> .�nd._____ __ '�e _ _ _____...covenant_______.to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all '
<br /> _ __ _ _ _- _ _
<br /> persons whomsoever___ ___ _
<br /> --- - _ _ -_ _ . .-- _ __ -- - - -- ... ---- -- - - - -- - -�--- -- ._ - __ _- -
<br /> - -- - _ _-
<br /> --- -
<br /> - ---
<br /> Dated the- -- - I o�11_ _ da�J ��-- --- L�C�ci'���'-- -- ---�1, D.n19._.2� --
<br /> I W7TNESS : -- -----�_S G�_�.', _�OlTlp�--- ------- --- -
<br /> , --- ----
<br /> - -P�.�.1.�._1'.'�° L0:';1�?E' ---- -
<br /> �.__L. Jus��n - -- _ _
<br /> ST�TE OF JV'EBR.flSK�I,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> T 9, �J f �-----, before me,
<br /> -- - ..hc3.�.�.- - Courztz On, this _ _ -- -._. .1_6th --da o �--- -- -- �_�G�1i1�.��' ----�./1. D. 19_2
<br /> the undersi�srced, a .Notarz� Public _._ __ ______within and for said Count�, personallz� came_ __--__._ _________ ______
<br /> ��c�.r ��rr.�_E_ �rzc± �_�s.�alini� L�rnloe_ _ - __ _ __ ._
<br /> to rne personally known to be the identical �e,rson-_____._whose name.____S__________.��.t_@________________af)ixed to ttae
<br /> � SEAL) ccboUe instrume,rLt as s�c�rztor_S_____, and.-_._ti1�y________________severallz� aeknowled�ed the sayne to be___ th�1r .
<br /> voluntar� act and deed for the �urpose thereirz expressed.
<br /> I�' W7T.NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed mz� r�ame and afJixed mr� of�'icial seal at '
<br /> Gr�nL I s Land,in_ said_Ceu.�t y,_ _ _ ____on the date �ast above zvr�tten.
<br /> --- -- - Ar�.hur -I�._�asAph- ---�------�---
<br /> Notary Public. '
<br /> ,Mz� commission expires--- ----�_e�.t-1:�-1�2-�- __ ' - - - - _ _ --19-------------
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br />