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Grand_ Islan�,-g$b.. ------ ji <br /> : --------raska - - - - _ '� <br /> --- __- i <br /> _ - --- - -- -_ _ - - --- - - _ <br /> � ���M����M ���� <br /> . 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D. 19- 2�;- <br /> Dated the- --- �. 'rj'�11 _-- �i <br /> --- - I <br /> I' <br />' ; W7TNESS ; -------------Emil--F.-A1�T. � <br /> � -- ------ ---- -- ---------I <br /> �I <br />'i � _ -_Hertha Aldrup_ _ - - - I <br /> -- --_ __ - <br /> _ __E._G._Kro�er -- - __ -- - <br /> . , <br /> '�� - -- - _ - - - --- <br /> :� --- --- - - <br /> , <br /> �� - ---- ---- -- --- --- - - ---- -- - - -------- <br /> --_ __ <br /> --- - _- _ _ _ _ . _ - - --- ------ ( <br /> I <br /> . ST.gTE OF NEB1�.gSIf'd4, <br /> '; ss. <br /> ; .- -- -- -H�:11 - - ..County, On this- -._l�tb.--_-------da�J of�--_ --- $E:p�i--- --- -.._--�(. D. 19--2�---, before me, � <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notarr� Public___. _ _ ____....__.within and for said County, personally came__.--- ---.. _ ....______._.. _ . i! <br />, ; <br /> __ _ � <br /> ;; . Emil_g.�ld��p__and_BQr_tha_Aldrug-,huaband. a.nd--wi_fe-- ---__-- _ ___ __ - -- I <br /> i <br /> to rn,e persorcallr� known to be the identical person__g__:._.whose name_�____.___grg________________afy'ixed to the <br /> ; above instrument as rantor.___8--, and_..________ _:_ �T___severall acknowled ed the same to be_ -- _ <br /> ,� {3EAL) � the � � t�iei r I,i <br /> voluntary act and deed for the purpose therean expressed. I! <br /> I✓i" W7TNESS W'HEREOF, I have hereun-to subscribed mr� name arLd afj"ixed my ofj"icial seal at j� <br /> ' _ _ CrT8.Y1G1 IS1a,II$�.�ri B�,�.f� --C-4Z1Ylt�i--- - ----,on the date last above written. Ij <br /> ; , Ii <br /> ; -- - -- -- - -- F._.Ci.-�TSl�E�T- - ------- - ------ i <br /> Notarz� Public. j <br /> '':j .My commission expires.----�-'.2b-���193�_ __... ---19----- --------- <br />— — <br /> i <br /> -; . � <br /> , <br /> � � <br /> ; <br /> _ _ _ _ ---� <br />