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��� <br /> �. <br /> ���'J�jJ�D lJ..��,�J w�/J�� ��� �'�.J� ��eJO <br />-�e�__�_�__- �:�.--�.__m_:._..._.�r _,_._. � _ ___ .m...e:.�._._�.��._,�����=�. __.____�__ �. .�__._. <br /> � �/T']SO—STATE JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN NEB. . !^ ' �a� <br /> FR�.1V1 I hereb� certify that this instrument was entered on ✓Y'umerieal'!; <br /> Index and fcled for record this--------------------16--------da�J of•------Se�-t--------------- ' <br /> Ella and Chas Braman . <br /> ------------------- � --...-- --_._.......____-- - --------- -�--�--------------- <br /> _... __ . _. -. . .._ - - - �I1�rrantp <br /> �l. D. 19--�'��' ---, at-----..... .__.g-�_��..... .- - - o'clock-------A.-.M. <br /> T� �eea = <br /> - ---_ _ ��-��---C�-u-�------- <br /> Re�sister of Deeds, <br /> - H._A.Redman_..- - -........_.........._._.. ......................._ <br /> B�._ - ---_ _ -_ - -_. --- - ------ - <br /> � Deputy. <br /> �.t�o� �r� ,�er� �p ��je�e �re�e�t�: <br /> That.-----�'e,_Ella_Braman_and Cha_s.Brama.�-,-�rif.e--and__�u�band,_�rach--ir�. thei_r__own _�_ight__---__ <br /> i of the County of.-_--_------H811-t---- --_.and State of----_-__----_-_-____NQb��,81CR--__----_-------_-----_-- __Grantor , in eonsideration <br /> o the surrz o '�'w-eri�_ _E.iY.�_HL121dT_l?d__N�2 �Q�---._ _-- ---------- -------- -------- ----- -------------DOLL.,1RS, <br /> t� �- -- - -- -- - -- y- � <br /> in hand paid, do__._______________hereby GR✓�.NT, B.gRG�IN, SELL, �ND CONVEY' unto___.___I�,_1�,.REC11?i�l___.:_.____________. . <br /> -- -- -- - - --- <br /> - ---- - -- --- - - --- - - - - ----- --- --- -- -- - - -- -- - - - - - - -- - -- `. <br /> of the Count� �}�------ -- - --- - -- FISll ---- ----and State o�--- - - N_��)�s�$1�& -- - --- -, Grantee , the followin��": <br /> describe,d premises, situated in the Countz� of.________________________.___Hall_�______________________.____.and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> --- LQts _s�v_�n---(7_)_,Eight_-���-,and Nine (9) ,in_Block Qne__of. Fry_es. A�d.i�t-i-on--�Q__DQniphari,N�b��.s�C.a. _. ; <br /> - -- .. <br /> � NN���r��s��.������.rw <br /> ' - � - �c.-�j0-�.�. St8.�J8 - -- - - - ___ - _ __ - ___ <br /> - -- -- - --- -- - - _ <br /> . - - - - <br /> Cancelled <br /> --- - - ----- --- __ ..___ --- - __ --- - ----- - , <br /> To�etTier all the tenemerzts, hereditame.nts, and appurtenarzces belon�ins, arzd all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, ' <br /> Dower, Curtes�, Claim c�rzd Demand rvha�soever• of the said Grantor __., arcd of either of them, of, in or to the same, or ar�y part thereo�'. ' <br /> �u �abP anD tu �QID the ahove described premises, with the appurtenances, ztinto the said Grarate,e__-_____and to._____Yi�.B__. ______ <br /> h,eirs arzd assi�ns foreaer. ./In,d._____ ��_ hereb� covenarzt_______.with' the said Grant,ee_ _______.that-_____.W8_ _ _____..__ ___.____ltold.________said premises <br /> by �ood and perfect tit,le; that__..._____�'E__________,___.haV@_-��od ri�ht and lccwful authoritr� to sell and convez� the same; that thez� ccre, <br /> free and clear of all 7,iens ayzd incun2brances whatsoever.______________________________________________:___:._..___.__ <br /> �4nd_ _ _---W-e- -- -- -------- zvarran� and defend the said prem�ses a�ainst the lawt'ul claims of all! <br /> persons who�nsoever __ _ _ __ __ _-- - _ _ __ -- - .._ _-__ _ --- <br /> ` Dated the--- - 21. -_ ___ _ _:da�J af-- _ -' sTLI.�.�',_ r, _ -- - - ---.g. D. 19__ _ 2�___. '' <br /> W7T.NESS -- --- -�ill�--���,TYt�l----------- --- - - ---- ' <br /> . _ Chas._M.Redma.n _ _ _ _ - <br /> .Ch�.� _Brama� --- -- <br /> - <br /> - -- - - <br /> -_ _ --> <br /> . . <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR.,4SK.,4, <br /> ss. <br /> - - - --�812 - -- Countr�, On this _ ___e�l -- -da�J �}�--- -+JLl�-y ---,/�. D. 19--��--, before me, <br /> , the undersi�ned, a ✓V'otar� Public_�4211221�8_�_�4ll�a.___.within and for said Countz�, personally came_________$].lg_$_Z'3.ri1g'Ci-__�'iC�__Qb,Bg;� <br /> __Braman,wif� �,nd hu�band,each__�.n t�.e��- o�-�ig�t,. -- ___ _ --- - _ _ � <br /> to �ne personccll� knowT2 to be the identical persorz__t3____.whose name.___S. .t..��l ______________________af�ixed to the j <br /> �sEAL� above instrument as srantor__!9___, and_--____.._�}1@3T_________severallz� acknowled�ed the sarne to be___'�$��T;! <br /> voluntarr� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> ��° W'ITdI�'ESS W'I-IEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed m� narrce and af�'ixed mz� of)icial seal at ,I'I <br /> _DQri�pri&Y2�N@l�r�.Bk� _ _ _. _- --_ _-_._---on the date last above wri.tterc. !i <br /> - - --- - --- -Ch�s -M,Redrn�,n ------ '' <br /> ----� <br /> Notarr� Pzcblic. <br /> ✓lly commission expires----_._._�EQe212hi.'T---1�__192q_---- ._--- _-- ---------19.--- ------- ' <br /> ; <br />, u <br />