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� ���T <br /> � � <br /> � <br /> ��j'�J�� 1�..�lJJ�1��� ���a �'�J0 <br /> _- _ _.. . _. _ <br /> L._. .. _ .`I�IT�O-STATE JOURNAL�COMPANY.LINCOLN.NEB. . ... . . .._ . . .. ... _ ,_ . . ._... ._ . .. .. . . . ... _...._._. ,_......._.. ..�_-._... .._._..__._ .,._ _.._...._� <br /> . . . _. _-. _ _.__..._ <br /> ,I <br /> .I+�1���1 I herebz� certify that this instrument was enter�d on Numerical �;) <br /> i. <br /> �; Index and fEled for record this----------------1,'�',�' of..________Sep'�_ember_ j� <br />�am....�...Jon.�.�.,_,?o�.�gl.�......................��----� ;; <br /> � .g. D. 19---�5.�.-- at--------- � - --�_- -- �- - o'clock----..__.P.J�I. i <br />_ :_._... . ........__._ ._ __._.__ � ----- .. �larrantp � _ �� �� <br /> , To .... �eea ���� �. <br /> ' ��l ��� ----�L�yy'�--------- .i <br /> - - -. _ _ _ ---- - <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, '� <br /> ii <br /> , <br /> -- -Emil-F.Aldrug.. ... ....... . _...._ -------- I� <br /> . B�- -- - - _ --- _ -- - - Ii <br /> Deputy. � <br /> --- _ _ _ - __ _ . <br /> _ _ -- - --- - - - _ _ I <br /> _ �� <br />', il <br /> �.r�o�n �Y� �l'er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: ,; <br /> ;� <br /> �; <br /> � That _I_.,�ertr_am_.?�._Jon��,a_ �i-ngl-e-man --- -. _- -- -_ --._ _._. _ __-- ---- - - -- --- - - -- " <br /> �, <br /> �; <br />' ---- ---._ ___ __ _ -- -- ---_ _ ____ -- - - -- --- --- ---- . __ ___ -- -._ _ _ _---- -- - -- - - - - <br /> ,I <br /> II'� 'i of the Count�J �f--------------H�.11-�------------------.and State of----- ---------N_@�T�B��--- -----------------------Grantor.---- ---, an consideration �I <br /> i �� <br /> ; <br />'�� ; of the sum of-------- . -- FQSlr._;ThQ]18RT1$ DQ_1.lAr� � �?�44�._U4� -- - -- --- ---- -- -----.DOLL.gRS, �i <br /> ----- - -------- <br /> I � <br />' i in hand paid, do hereby GR�?NT, B�IRG✓fIN, SELL, �ND CONVEY' unto____________�1xt��_�'� Al_�Llp_____ __ ____ _____. ______ _._ ii <br /> -- ,� <br /> ji <br /> ; �j�- --------------------------------------- - ------------------------ ------ ----------- - -- --------- -- - _._ <br /> - - --- - -- ------ - --------- <br /> ; �I <br /> + ____. Grantee__________ the followin� i <br /> of the Count�J �f------------ ----- � - i-- ---------------- -------and State o}-- - -- �£��S.�kB� �-- - - - ---- , , <br /> '' described premises, situated in the Countr� of._________.__._.__.___ASl,�..�_.__._..__._ _____._....and State of Nebraska, to-wit: II <br /> - - ji <br /> --Lot--Eight-- (�-�---Block _'�en _�10) _ in_S�himmer_'_s _.Acldition_._to _the-Ci�y--Qf- Gr.ans�__I�land*N�b_r_aska.------- �i <br /> q <br /> � -------- --- -- --_- ._. - - - ------------------- -- - ----- - -- ----- - -- --- ---- -- ---- .' <br /> ' �1. 50 I.R. 3tarnps ; <br /> ___- __ -_ -__ __ ----_ _ -- - ---_ __ -- ! <br /> - �a�n�e�ie�t--. _ --- � -___ _ __ � <br /> I <br /> , ..._..__._."__ ____________ ___________ ____________ _ _____".__ -_-________ ... .__-_____ _________.... _._____.__.. �i <br /> .____.__. _________ ._._______.. . ... <br /> '. '__".".__. ....__"_..._....."_._"."_. _."."""__._._ _.._"_.._........_ ...... '_____ ___________ _____'____._ . ...... �� <br /> II <br /> . _ ."""'.____ "_.______ ._""______ __ _________ ......__.__________..__."... ... ___--_____.' � . <br /> ' <br /> � <br /> . _._.. . ._.. _ ..__ .'_._. _.__.______ ........._._"______________________"__"___.___ ___.....____' <br /> _ ____________________ ___ ._....__ _. .__._. _ _. I� <br /> . "________ ___________ _ _"_"___""".___.._.__ .........__ _________. __"...."__._ __-___-____. _......__.... __________.. .___"_.... . . "____-___" <br /> ..______ .__"__"___. ___�__"._ _____"_"_ ""____"__ - I <br /> � �____._"' __.______ "_________ ________ _'._ __________ I <br /> I I <br /> ___ _____________ __________ ________ _____________ _____________' � <br /> i <br /> !, To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtercances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, <br /> i� <br /> !;Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor.____., �.�,rir�eithe.��£th� of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. ! <br /> �, i <br /> ? �0 �abP �ttD t0 �OYD the above described premises, with the appurtenances, acnto the said Grantee________and to______.�.5_.____.__ j� <br /> !I <br /> ,; heirs and assisrzs forever. .gnd.____j _____ hereby covenant_ ____.with the said Grantee_.._.__-that._ _._ _ j __.._________hold_________said premises �� <br /> `; I, <br /> ;, bz� �ood and perfect tztle; that________.__Z.________________.ha.48__�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are I <br /> ; free and clear of all liens and irccumbrances whatsaever.__.__EXC_�gt3,Zig___S__T�Eri�_y__f1St_6__H1121dT_@d__�_�2�QQ._�4_�____tl10T_�gSg �) . <br /> � <br /> -_._�n_favo_r__�f__The T��u�s�h Building__and__L�an _Ass�n -and-the---unpai-d---balance- due- . <br /> � g � <br /> � <br /> „ <br /> �; <br /> - - __ _ __ _ _ - - --- - -- -_ _ -- -- -_ __ __ _... -- - <br /> -- -- __ ___ --- �� <br /> , <br /> ! �nd_ ___ __ .____'j_ __ __ ._ _____ ______covenant______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all i <br />' , persoras whomsoever-_ ___ _8.8 _B.bOV-�- 8�8't-�C� __._ ___ -- - - _-- ------ . - -- -- - - -- - - - ___ _--- __ _ ;i <br /> _ _ �� <br /> ---- --- -- -__ __ _ -- ___- -__ _-- __ __ .._. .__ -- -. - - _ _ - -- - <br /> ------ ---------• � <br /> ;i Dated the_ �. -----_ _18't --day of ------__.,g_6}�.�_f'TiiI�ET --_--,- -------.�4. D. 19_-2�.--- <br /> _ ._._.-- - � <br /> ,� I <br /> I W'ITNESS : --------- ----$STtTam--YP.-�I�n_ea- - --- ---- ---- i <br /> i <br /> _ _ ___ ____ - --.- _. --- - _ _ _ , <br /> _ ._�.E..Ci._KTO_�,Sr _ _ - _ _-- - -- _ _ <br /> ' -- -- - - - - -- - _ ------- --- i <br /> , i� <br /> . <br /> -- - --- --- -- ---- ------- <br /> ; ----- -- - --- - ji <br /> ST.�(TE OF NEBR�SK'.g, <br /> ; ss. 'r' <br /> �" --- - -H$,11-- ...... -- .Countz�� Pn this,-- ----- -15th._-- --da� of�------ - --Sept- --- -�.1. D. 19--21�-e--� before me, <br /> the undersi ned a Notar Public________ _ .._ . _____.within and or said Count , personall came-__..__ . ____.__ �, <br /> � � � - - - f � � Be���am �P. Jonea,a . <br /> i <br /> ' - _ :siaglt m�r1 -__ . _- - --- _ _ -- -_ _ _ _ -- __ ___ __ _- _ -- _ ji <br /> ,. �: <br /> to me personallz� known to be the identical person_______.whose name._____._ ___._____.._1.8___.___.affcxed to the <br /> ; above instru�nent as �Srantor_._______, and.-____.._._. . .__-----------.sea�ex�bTa,�-acknowled�ed the same to be__hi-�____ (' <br /> �' �$EAL� voluntar� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. �i <br /> I IN W'ITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed mz� rcarne and af�"ixed my of�'icial seal at f� <br /> ' -�*TA11C�-I�1811di j,I1- Sa,�.d-�"sOl�l'tr�� - - ----on the date last above written. � <br /> � ' � <br /> --- -_- - - --E.__G..KrQger- -- - ---- -.. _ � <br /> Notary Public. I <br /> ' _ ✓lly eommission expires--- --gGb__2611�_31�._._ _ -.-- ---19.-------- ---- <br />— -� - - ----- <br /> i <br />