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�� � � � <br /> �'� <br /> ��j��� l��j�1��� ���� ��0 <br /> e �.�.,...�-__ v .. _. _____—_----______ ._—_ <br /> ._ M�________.__._ <br />- 'I1r�`3O—S7ATEJOURN0.LCOMPANY_iL_1NCOLNGNE6. <br />_ ,_ 5:�...�._._.e.�...,_�___. .. .>v.....w _., ..__..........._.._...._..,..�_,.�.�_......�_..v_���...�__....�______ . . <br /> _...__,.� __._. . .. . .. ._... _. .'I . <br /> FRO.)VI I hereby certif� that this irzstrument was entered on .Numerieal'� <br /> Index and led or record this_________1 ' <br /> � �' S-----------aa� of- -S ep t emb_er -; <br /> __Aalph--�,Palmer- -�-wf- ----- -- -- . . . <br /> _ �larrantp �. D. 19:2� ---, at--- 3:�Q - --- - -- o��zo�k--------P�.nr. � <br /> ___ _ __ - - __. _ _. ----- <br /> �� To �eea � ������� � � <br /> __ __ -__ .--- ----�-- ---f -------- ---- <br /> Re ister o Deeds, <br /> - f�a�.p� C.� Leah E_...Ram�the.l.__. _...... ... <br /> B�- - _ _- -- --- ._ .-- -- <br /> - ----- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.r�o� �Y� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�er�t�: � <br /> That-----Ra�.g�i--E.__Pa�,mss �,nd--Eup��ma-_-E,__P�lmer_,Hu�b_�nd _�d �Gife _ <br /> - - - . __- -- <br /> f y f H--- � and State of--___--_.- --_-_--_-_---__-_---------Grantor.-_-A--_--, in co�2sideration <br /> o the Count o .- 811 -- ----, ----------�GbTBD�k�,-�--------------- <br />' of the sum of.-- -- - - - _ - Ej.f.t.e@ri H1121�T�'S�--STld--1�IO�1QQ -:- - - _ ----- -- -----------.DOLL�IRS, <br />', in hand paid, do__..__ __ ._ _.herebz� GR.�1NT, B.F1RG.gI✓l�', SELL, .F1.ND CO.NVEY' urzto.___RS��l--G',.I�.8.22'►8l��1e�--_811�___�+.eB}�_-..E._R�.ms�h�l� <br /> . <br />', _hi-�---�rife_,wi�h--full--righ�---�f__sur�ti.vQSShig----------__ .__ _ __--- - ---------___. __- --- -- - ' <br /> - -- --- -- -- -- <br /> } �J f s ------and State of -- - - - �ebTRSIi� - - - - ---- , Grantee_-8--- , the followin�; <br /> o the Courct o ----- ---- - H8.�.1. ---- ---. <br /> described premises, situated in- the County of._._______________ _______Ha�-1_�._ .____.:._______.______ _____________..arzd State of Nebraska, to-wit: '' <br /> ---The---3outh---�n_e_-ha1�:._ (�) -of Block--Tw�l-v� ( 12)_ of- P1e�sa�� Hame-�3�zbc�iui$-io� a� _Par�-af--�h-e-Es��t � <br /> ---�alf- (�)--of-the -�o��h Ea�t-4uarte� -�����-��- ��e�ion T�en�y�:o�e (�1},��wrta�i#p Eleeer� _(-11}-, ' <br /> ' --Rang� N_i_ne ._(.9.)_,�eat__6th_ P.-�d. --- _ __ - --- __ __ - - _ __ _ - -- -_ _ - <br /> _--._._-------------- <br /> _ - --- -- _. -- --- - -- - <br /> -- - _ - <br /> - - - - <br /> _ ___ - - _ _ -- �1. 50 �.�. sta�s- ) _ <br /> Cancelled ) <br /> --- -- -- -- - --- - - - - -- -- _ -- -- _ _ _ _- - -- _- ---- - <br /> _ _ _ _-- - _ _ -_ _ _ -_ _ --- - _ -_ ; <br /> To�ethei� zuith all the te,rzemerzts, hereditaments, and appurterzurzce,s tTzereunto belorLSin�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Inter•est,i'; <br /> ' Dower, Curtes�, Clairn c�nd Demarzd whatsoever of the said Grarator.._., ,�3-a¢'-oat�a�efi�e�#�Ite�r of� 112 OT to the same, or an� part theTeof. '! <br /> �0 �a�1P ariD t0 �A�D the aboz�e described premises, witlz the appr�rtenances, urzto the said Grantee_Q____and to._..______'��l�j.Z___-__! <br /> heirs and assi��2s forever. �nd___.W@ _ herebz� coaenant________with the said Granteei�_____...tlzat-___-__ _�@_ ______ __ ___hold______said premises, <br /> by �SOOd and perfect tit,le; that______1Re________________ha_-VB---�ood ri�ht arzd lawful authoritr� to sell c�red conver� the same; that they are'�; <br /> free arzd clear of all lierzs and irccumbrartces whatsoever.______________________________.____________._____________________ �' <br /> - -- --- ----- --------- - -- - - -- -- --- <br /> -_ _- - _ ____ _._ _ _ -- - --- - -- - - - -- -_..__ ; <br /> .,4nd______ We . _ _ _ _cove�zant____._,_to warrarzt and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawfzcl claims of all, <br /> ___ __ _ _ _ <br /> �ersons whomsoever- - ---- _ _. ___ _ _ _ <br /> Datea the__ __ _ _14th__ - - ----.aa� �f--- - - se�.t_em'�er r --.�. D. ,�9__ 2�____ � <br /> W7TJV'ESS : R8.1�JY1--E+.-P_a.�.tT1ET--- �- - - - ------- <br /> _._ __- E_uphema .E._P_al�ner , - - <br /> C. T, Flower _ - -_ _ _ _ - <br /> I -- - - - - -- -- - _- -.--- -- --- ---- -- <br /> -- - -- --_____ <br /> _ _- --- - <br /> . • <br /> ---- --..__ _ ._ _ _ - __ --- -- - -- - -- ---- <br /> ST�4TE OF NEBR.,4SK�1, <br /> �ss. <br /> - Count On this -- - - 14'�tl-- ---d��J �f--- __.__Se��_�Tl1l��(',T� -----,l�. D. Y9--2-'r3---, before me, <br />' .- - HS1]. - �, <br /> I, , the uftdersi�rLed, a ✓l�'otarz� Public____ _ _____ __ _._ ___.____within and for said Courztr�, personallz� came_ _._______ __ ____... _ ___ _____ <br /> _F�a�.ph._�._P_almer--and__Eughem�.-E.-Palmer--,-Hu-abar�d-���1 �if�- -_ ._-------- -___ ---- -- <br /> to yne personall9 knowrz t,o be the iden,tieal persora_B_.�__.whose rcame_._E!______ST_e____________________aff'ixed to the' <br /> � s�AL� above i-nstrument as �rantor __�.___, and_. __.�he�T.__________seUerall� acknowled�ed the same to be__t�'lB�r <br /> z�olurLtar� act arzd deed for tTie purpose thereirz expressed. �, <br /> I�v° W'IT.NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed m� �arrte and afjixed mz� of�'icial seal at <br /> Grand I818.T1d�_1T1__�g1d .COU11�p_� . _ _ _on the date las� above written. + <br /> -__ _ __ <br /> � <br /> - - -- - - --C.-'�._Flunv�r ------- --- --- --------- <br /> Notary Public. , <br /> . . . . <br /> ' ✓lly cofnmassaon expares.--- -- - -Se�t Eri�-E.T ��.lg�j� -. __ _. ,_ ; ..19---------------- <br />