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� <br />� <br /> G��'� <br /> �� ���',�D � ° �'�'\�jJ//j�� �,�� �^� 0(�� <br /> �J – e+/ _�.J J J�'V �'+�� <br /> . ._ ....,.. ......,. . . .. .. _.. ,._..a�.._ . _.. W�___._.�_—_._._._ .. .�._��.,–..._..r`� <br /> . .. .. -�.— .:,�._ �:-s _ . �.�;.�� ..... .. _._....�..__.�. . <br /> ,�1'I$O Sf�TEJOURNALCOb1PANY LINCOLN�NEB__. v � � � � ` � '�-"�'" - �- � �'�� -��� � ' <br />._—....—___...--sa._,._._�.� .we__ ..._.�...�...._. <br /> .. . . . ._.. ......_.._� _ .._..._...__._._...__..r�_...�__e_..._.,_�. ...._..__�..�...s_. ....� <br /> F.Z��.�VI I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on ✓V'umerical�� <br /> Index and itled for record of.__..____._.���?�el?.1.b�T..' <br />' ......��ed..t�..ash.tan...&,al...._............... <br /> �1CCfllitp �1. D. 19 �-.��5 -, at_...._.._.�,� - - . .. -- d clock ----�-A�__.M. ' � <br /> _ __.... _.......... -_ _ -_ _ _ _.._- -- -- <br /> To �eea i <br /> ���_� <br /> -_ -- _ - _--- ----.-_ ---�-�----_ <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> � -- -George I._La� .___.........__..._._..._.. <br /> .s?�- - -- --- - <br /> -_ -__ -----. --- - - -------. <br /> Deput�. <br /> �.a�o� �Y� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�en�t�: <br /> That-------.--Frer�_�V._Ashtcan .ansi_Gar.rie--R.__A�htQn,_hu�t�and-and.. .wif�}and_ Ar_�hu�_C, ��a.yer--�nd--El_izabe_th <br /> -- --Ma.yer_,husband--and_wife_1___- - - - <br /> � �J � � -- ------� f - --�_E�'�JTSB�.i------------------------------Grantor-8------, in coresideratiora <br /> o th,e Count o ..-------_--__HAII- and State o ---_--__-----_--__-_--- <br /> of the sum of... ._. - .Ori�_ $rid_21011Q� -- _ - --.. - - -- - - __-- - - -- ---------.D OLL�RS, ` <br /> in hand paid, do-__-------------herebr� GR�1.NT, B✓1RG�LN, SELL, �.ND. CO✓VVEY' unto_---G,B-Q-T-gG'---I.._LSC'g�T------------------------------ ------------..- <br /> - -- ------- --- - - -- ---- - -- - - . - -- - - - -- - ---- -- -- - - --_ - - -- _ - -- -- <br /> of the Count�J o�---------------- �811_�- - --- ---- ----and State o�--- ----- - N.e�?TB.��&3 - � - - --- -- , Grantee---------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the Countz� of._.___._______________.H&�11� _ _ _ _and State of Nebraska, to-wit: ° <br /> __ The__�e�terly_5_1__feet of the Easterly, 14�_fe��_of Fs.aetional__B7.ock_T�r�n_t_y-Qne-_-(_2]��_--of_-�aker! �s <br /> ------A_d_di�_ion---�Q__th_e _�it-Y- -o-f Grand__Islan�d;be-in�--that-part- �_f--ssid--Fr-�c�it�na�l__BIQ�k--.T�eEnt_p�anE -(-2�.) <br /> - �ahi_ch_,_taken. �aith Fractiorial. _Lot- T�o---��)___of---Black----Fourte_en_(14�---Qf-- A$h'�_�n_�la�_Q_,.an_ .additioA <br /> __._ to the Cit_y_ of_Gran_d I sland_,_would_mak�_.a _x�ct_angulas_ .traC�. �_�_._ground__�avi�g__a.__front�ge_ of___5� <br /> ,___�'.ee�--on Se�ond �treet an-d-ext_endi-n�--in---a--3QUt,heaster_ly_dix_ec�iQn----144__f_e_et.---- ---- <br /> ..�---------------- <br /> - - - - _ ___ _ <br /> --_ __ -_ _ _ -_ _ _ - _ __ . - - <br /> - --- _ <br /> �:.�0 I.R. Stamps <br /> -- - . �Cari eelleti _ _-3 -- - - <br /> To�etdzer with all the terzements, hereditaments, arcd appurtenances thereunt,o helon�ins, cznd all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest,, <br /> Dower, Curtesz�, Claim ar�d Dernand whatsoer�er of the said Grarztor•�._., ��a�aea�-e�-t,Twe�rrv, of, in �r to the sccme, or anr� part tliereo�'. ' � <br /> �a �a�e anD to �utD� the above described premises, with th.e appurterzarLCes, unto tlze said Grarztee_______and to.____.___}1�.�______ ' <br /> ; heirs and assisns forever. .And__ 1�P8_ _herebz� couenant _____.with the said Grasztee._______that-___ _ W�.________._____hol,d_______said premises <br /> bz� sood and perfect title; that_________.I!��__.__________._.ha___V_e_�SOOd riQht and lawfu-1 authoritz� to sell and convez� the same; that the� are; <br /> ,' free u�zd clear of all liens arzd irLCUmbrances whatsoever-______________________.._. ____.___________._._.________ . _ <br /> ----- ------- -- - -- --------- -..- --- -- <br /> d4nd_____ �e _ _ _ _ _ _.covenant_____._to warrant arcd defend the said premGSes a�ainst the lawful claims of all, ' <br /> persons whomsoever -- - -_ _ _ - . _ _ _ _ _ _ --.. _- __ - -- <br /> - -- - - --- ---- --. - -____ <br /> Dated the---- � _ _-- _ _-da�J of�---- �B.Y - -- �1. D. 19.-- ��_- <br /> - - - -� -_ <br /> u�rT�ESS.: ----- - -Fr_ed__W.-�sh_�on- - -- - - -- --- - ----- <br /> __ _ Carr_i_e R.A�h�n - :, <br /> _ <br />, - _ _ <br /> _ Edw��d F.Hannon _ _ _. _.____-- � <br /> -- -Ar thur-C=�?�Y�� - -- --- ------ <br /> - - .- . ------ --------- E1 i zabeth-M�yer _ -- - --- � <br /> - _ -- -- , <br /> -�, <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR�SK.,4, - <br /> $ �J,�ss. -g . - --da�J o�---- --- �a�---- - -- - --.�1. D.�9--��---� befare me„' <br /> - a.�.�.- - - - Count On this <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notarz�Publio ___--- ___ _ __-_-____-within and for said Count�, personally eame_ FTGd__aG.__�,Sht0Y1___�Yld_ CgTr�.e _� <br /> R. A�hton,husband_and--�rifexand_ Ar-�hur----Q.-��y�r- and �1-i�&beth--�ay�r�,h��band <br /> and �vif e <br />; to �ne persorzall� known to be the iderttical �ersora___S___.whose name___8_-___gT-E________ to the <br />� � <br /> j � �AL� above instru�nent as s�antor �____, and_ ____the�________.___.severally ackTZOwledsed the same to be_ �-}�ei�+ ; <br />� volun-tar� act artd deed for the �vurpose thereirc expressed, <br /> I.N" N!7T✓V'ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed rrzy name and af�"ixed rny of�'icial seal at _ ' . <br /> GrBrid .I_812�,T1d s i11__ 88i,d_�OLiTl_'�y�__ _ __________on the date last aboae written. <br /> `` - - --- -EC�W��d, ..�"._H�,A�1411.---- - -- -- ---' <br /> Notarr� Public. <br /> . . . -- - -- -_ __ - -- -Z9-- --------- -. <br /> �11y commassaon expares..-- --- ---S�P�_-��'s_l��-�_7_ _- -- <br />� � � " �.- �;i <br />