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�`�� �. <br /> ����� iJ.,������� ����a ���, <br />!" "� -�� �- ��`��� � � � �� --S7ATEJOURNALCOMPANY.�4INCOLN.NEB. � � � � �� � � � <br /> �j � <br /> ;; T�R�.M I hereby certifi� that this instrument was entered on .Numerical II <br /> i <br /> ''` I� <br /> : '! Index and fcled for record this-----_---_--__--12--_----- � f--____-- - p- � <br /> ..._Fr_e�...�f..Ashton___&,,.__ - - da o 3e t�ember,, <br /> I� <br /> � �larrantp .�. D. 19----2�-r---, at.-----_...----.1Q...... .............-----o'clock---------�•..�. � <br /> + .............................. ......... ......TO... ..... ........................................ <br /> �� �eea � <br /> � ��_-�� �� � <br /> : . -- -- - _ ------------ ------------------- <br /> --...��-�--------- <br /> � <br /> - i� <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, ' <br /> ! --Geo�3ge _I.Laeger.................................-............................ j� <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> ' B�- _ --- - - -_ - --- - p �. � II <br /> i De ut I <br /> � <br /> - ___ - _ _ _ ----- -- - - - - -- -- �� <br /> � <br /> 'I — i <br /> ,, <br /> i �r�o� �YY �er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: �� <br />._ ;� <br /> , <br /> , � <br /> " _._____Fr.ed_.i�.__A�h_t_on_and._�.arxi�._�,__A�l��o�_,husb�,nd_.a_n__d_wife;an_d__Arthur_0� �a,per and Elizabet, <br /> That . <br />�I ��� - r�ay�r,�u_��ana �a_�if� -- -- _ _ -- -- - - __ - - __ ---- -- - - � <br /> - _ _ - -- - - - � <br />� � i� <br /> 'i of the Count�J ��-�---------HS�.l�-a---------------.and State a�---------------------N ebT88k$----------------------------------------------Grantor8--------, in consaderation �I <br />, „ A ���of the sum of�-------- ---- -- _ __-�218 812d IIQ��.�.Q_ - --- - - - - _ - ----�-- -- - -------.DOLL.gRS, I� <br />� �i <br /> :,in hand paid, do. hereby GR.,4,NT, B,F�RG.FIIN, SELL, .-4ND CONVEY' unto__.._. _ i <br /> ; <br /> �60�g8--�.- 8.�'�ET --- - - ----- -- --- -- il <br /> ii - -_ li <br /> i, ------ - ----- ----- - - ------- - � <br /> -- --- --- -- - -- _ __ __ _ _ - <br /> - - -- <br /> - -- <br /> I <br /> II� o the Count o _____ ____ _________,_ H8,11,_ _ and State o ... N8}3T38k�, _. .___ _ Grantee__ the � <br /> ; } �J � -- i- -- --- � - - � - , , �ollowin�s I� <br /> ;j described pre3nises, situated in the Countz� of._.________...___ _.___�£�lll_�__________._..._..._ _______._.___..and State of JV'ebraska, to-wit: �I <br /> !, ! <br /> i ---The.--'�esterly---�1_-feet---o_f the Eas.t�riy_ �,56 .f��t -of_.fra�tiQnal _B].a_ek_.Tv�en.ty--on-e---�2-1.�-__o�_-Ba.k��!-� <br /> i ; <br /> I ----Addi_tion--to---the. City_ of--Gr.and_I�land��_�1-�g--a--trac� 9�----grQUxi.d__wh�.c�.,�_al�er�--with--��actional-Lot1 <br /> , i <br />�, ;'-----Thre-e---(3-�----in---B1o_ck. Faur-teen--(-1-?�-)---of---A�hton---Plac-e,az� add��io�---to �h�---Ci-ty -o-f -(��a�d-Is_land, ____. ;� <br /> ;� <br /> i ----wo_ul�i_mak�--a--recta.n�ular _tra.c.�_ -a�- graund-hav��g a- frontage of---51 �'�et-0�---9eco�tl-S�r-e�t---and--- II <br /> `I--- ext_en_din� .in a-8�_utheasterl��ctior� l� -�eet. ,��.�___-_----__--_ - -__ _ - - I;; <br /> ------ -- - ----- --- - -_. <br /> _ __ - - -- -- _ _ �. 50_ I._R._3t amp s- <br /> ' ------. ---- -� - - _ - -- -- _ - - -- -- -- - (Canc el]e�d --- __ ij <br /> - - ,� - - -- - - -- __ -- - � <br /> - - ,, <br /> '1 — �, <br /> ;j --- -- -- --. --_---- --___ -_ - _ _ _ _ ___ _ . _ _ _ _ ___ _ __------- - _ _ __ __ --_ I� <br /> , <br /> � � <br /> � ---- ------- --.-- ---_ - - -- --- -- - --- - - _ _ - - - - - - - _ _ i <br /> - -- <br /> ; To�ether with all the tenements, hereditamertts, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ins, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, I <br />.� + i <br /> Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Demarcd whatsoever of the said Grantor._8., a���ei�6li,er-e*�T�e�rt, of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> , <br /> � �tu �abP anD to �aia the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Gra�2te�_=_s.__and to.__.__._��.8___ ._____._ <br /> � <br /> j�heirs and assi�sns forever. ✓lnd..____lli@.__.hereby covenant ________with the said Grantee__.___._that_____ ____ ' p <br /> � ---�8_.._._..hold._______said remises <br /> - b� �ood and perfect tatle; that.______iR'�____________ .ha4�___�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and conUer� the same; that they are il <br /> . I <br /> �;free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever----- ---- ------ --------------- ------- - --_. ---- ----__ ------ -- - - ---- (' <br />, 'j _ - __ _ - __ --- - ---- _ __ _-__ -- --- - - --- - - ---- __ _- - - i� <br /> . <br /> -_ -_ ._ _ - - _ - - --:-_ ____ II <br /> �- -___ _._ .,_ _ _- - - _ -- - _ _ _ _-- - - _ _ -- -____ ______ _ _ - --_ __-- _ _ _ --__ -- -. - - <br /> ,j <br /> i <br /> ,I�Ind_ _______ ___ �e_ _ __ __ _.covenarat wrzrrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all I <br /> I�persons whomsoever---. --- _ _ _. I. <br /> _ ____ ------ - --- ------- -- - � <br /> -- -- -__. _ <br /> -- - -- -- -- � <br /> i ' I <br /> j -- --- -- - -- ----- - -- - --- --._._.__ _ <br /> ____ __ __ _ _ _ ._.__._ <br /> -_ - - -_ _ - - _- -------� i <br /> - -_ -._. <br /> • �, <br /> Dated the--------_.-------- � _-- ---da o ---------_.1. D. 19..2�---- j <br /> !' - - - - �J f------------�3t a - ---- � <br /> ,� <br />,, '! W7TNESS : _ ---- --- ._.F.r.ed--�f._As_htun ----- - --- --- ------- i <br /> � � <br /> _ -- C_arr_i_e_A�Ashton -- - __._ _ i <br /> �� -----__ -- Edwar�_F.�anz�.an__ ___ ---- I <br /> + _ -- ,Arthuz �-� �.YeT - --- -- - - � <br /> � �� <br /> �------ -- - - -- -- -- -- --- - --- - ------------� __ Eli�zabeth Mayes --- <br /> � <br /> I� ST�1TE OF JV'EBR�SK'.g, ;� <br /> �� �ss. <br /> �I H �J, $� ---da o --- ------�&. ---.g. D. 19---�3--= before me, i <br /> a---1....-------Count On this-------------- <br /> �,-� - -- - - - - - - �✓ f Y r ---- ------ , <br />,. � <br />"' ..��the undersisned, a Notarz�Public_.___ ____ _____ __ ___________within and for said County, personally came_._FT_8d-_�$._ABht_OA_--8t1l�___C-BT-T_� <br /> ���� _R,-As�t4n_3-husband-_an�.__�ife,_and;_Arthur__-C.Bda.yer_--_and-Elizaheth,hu�---- � <br />' �I I <br /> ;; - --b�,z�d -and _wi_f e -- _ ___- ---" --- ___ __._-- - - ----- <br /> , -- __ -- -_ _ _- . ; <br /> ,, i <br /> � �� _ to rne personallz� known to be the identical person__�___whose�_..______________._.afjcxed to the <br /> ' ( SEAL) <br /> ,� above instrument as srantor__�__., and.______'�hey ___severallz� acknowled�ed the same to be_ th�1T_ <br /> I <br /> ii voluntarz� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. ; <br /> �; L�° W'ITNESS W'HEREOF, I haUe hereunto subscribed my name and afj'ixed m� of�'icial seal at i <br /> " _. GT8.T1d I.$18�1_d_��11 �81d .COLi�,1;y}-____ _. __on the date last above written. I <br /> � <br /> ' ---�dw�.s_d_F�Hannon- --- --- ---------- ! <br /> -- -- - ' <br /> ` NotaTy Public. i� <br /> .. <br /> � j .My commission expiTes---------�SEpt -1�r1�2�- .._ . _ _ - -._ _._.__ ..___- -19.---- ------� I <br />— _ <br /> � � <br /> , <br /> �, <br /> r: ',� <br /> V –' <br />