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� E�� • <br /> ���� � <br /> � <br /> ��� � ���,� � � �> > � � ��l' �� <br /> —�� �_���_.�� J ��a � �J� <br />�__._ -... __ :W .�. _.�.:___�_—_=____�.-�, _ _ _ <br /> _. _ ._. ��w.r:�:���—�:_.---_ --- <br /> �]1'TSO STA7E JOURNAL COMPANY LIKCOLN.NEB. � � � � � ��� ���� � �� - � ������� � � �� � � � <br />�._.�_...._.._.�._. �._.�...._. ..._�...,._._...___..._ . . . � ;'� . <br /> I1'I��,lV� I herebr� certifr� that this instrument was entered on ✓V'umerical•� <br /> Index and filed for record this__..___.._._____._� of._______�ePte�lber <br /> ----..E..d---A_�.JoneB.--�� &-.-W.f.- �...............................--,- <br /> - - - - --- '' <br /> ./1. D. 19--2J� , at---......... �:.��- - --- o'elock-----�--�._�1. � <br /> __ _ _ ... _. _ ... __.. . ...... ..._. �larrantp � <br /> To �eea �j `�' <br /> _ _ �_!(-��-���- <br /> --- �- - ----- - -----. --_ <br /> Re�ister of eeds, <br /> _._B�r_�sam i�.Jons$......._ _ ._._.... __..................._....._ . . <br /> B�- -._ - _ - -- --- <br /> -- ----- --- --- <br /> De�uty. <br /> ��o� �Y� �er� �p ?��je�e �re�e�t�o <br /> That-- -�r�_,E_d.-A._,IQZ1ea -JT_.a�1d_-Ed1-�h-- �I.-�T��1���hu�ha�lcl Arid yeif e_ _ - - - - - __ --- <br /> N_�bTr'�$lk�.-a---------------------------------------.Grantor.----�----., in consideration <br /> of the Count�l �f- - --H�,1Z� - - ------.and State of----_ -------- <br /> of the sum o�� ----...__...- -- - - _.F4AT_'�xtOL1.8_821f� -- - - - D OLL.F1 RS, ' . <br /> in hand paid, do-- -----___.__hereb9 GR�JV'T, B.,4RG,l1IN, SELL, v4ND CONVEY' unto.--- ---------$�T'�TRTYI--�.-e��ri-4.8-----------.---------------------------' <br /> o the Count o ______________H811_ ____.__, Grar�tee___________, the follourin� <br /> -----------.and State o - - - -- -N_Q�)T8�k�8.- -- - - - <br /> f �9 f �-- ---- - f <br /> described premises, situated irz the Countz� of______________________.__.___�8,�.�._-----i-_- _------_-__-. -_-----.._.arLd State of ✓i�'ebraska, to-zvit: <br /> ._--Th_e__l�e��---ha1f_ o_f L�t_Four �4) in -block fQUx---(-�-)--in Hann�'-�-Secant�. _Addition- �Q_ th.e__C-it�-s�f.--__--- <br /> ----�r�.nd__I slan_d_,according_ �o recs�rde-d -gla� --ther-eQf--. --- _----- --------- ----- ---- - <br /> _--.------------------ <br /> _ - _ - . <br /> -- _ --- - ---- ------- - - _._ -.��4.�II I�R��t <br /> _ _. �� _ _ 3 _ . <br /> . _ _ __ __ <br /> __ <br /> _ _ _ _ <br /> cc�c�iiea _ <br /> 7'o�ether with al.l tdee terzement,s, T�eredi-tamercts, and appurte�2ances tyzereurzto belon�ira�, and all the Estate, Risht, Title, Interest,' <br /> '` Dower, Curtes�, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor___.,�ae�af`e�itlteT-r�-biee�sra, of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. <br />'', �0 �abP attD t0 �Q�D t,he above described premises, with t.he appurtenances, urLto the said Grantee__________and to___hi$ <br /> ! h,eirs and assi�srzs forever. J1nd..______Ai�_-_ _hereby coaenant ____.zvith the said Grantee.. ____._that______. WE-----. ----....-hold______said premises: <br /> Re <br /> ? b� �ood anr� perfect title; that__ .___-----_____.__.haV�_._.�ood ri�ht and lawfwl authorit� to se8l and conUez� tyce same; that thez� are' <br /> free and clear of all liens and inertirnbrances whatsoever----------__.--_-_-__----_ ---__--__-------__--------_--__--------- <br /> ------------ -- ---_...----.- - ---- ---- <br /> �nd___ _ _W6 --- - - - - - ----cor� rvarrant an,d defend the said �remises a�ainst tlae lawful elaims of all` <br /> persons whomsoever- - --__ __ _- - _ _ _ _- _ _ ____ <br /> Dated the- ��6.N . _ . _ __ -----da�J �f--- ---- .�l1gU.8.�r-- -- ----�1. D. 19 _2�. _. <br /> W7TNESS ; . . -- -- ------�f�_._�j�.s�Q21_�8- s��. -- - - --- -- - - ----- <br /> --- - - -__.�dith_J._Jonee_ ------- <br /> Arthur C._�dayer„ _. _ --_ -_ <br /> ST.l�TE OF NEBR.F1SKd4, l <br /> }ss. <br /> - -- H8.11- - - - Courztz�,� Orz this --- -- 2'�1n -- ----da�J o�- -- ---A 8'� -----�.FI. D. 19---�'r�---, before rne, <br /> t��tl �- <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notar� Public .__ _- _______ ____ _____within and for said County, personallr� carne_ ____ .__ _ �' <br /> .Ed- A. Jones_�r and_ Ed�.th__J._Jone_s_,hueband and__�if 8__._--- __---- ---- - ' <br /> to rne personally known to be the ideratical �ersora_..__B�_zvhose narne__B ___.__grg___.______ .____.affixed to the'� <br /> cr,bove irzstrument as �rczntor___.a_, and________�hg�_________.___severally aeknowled�ed the same to be_ �h-e�Y-; <br /> ( SEAL) volz�rztar� act and deed for the purpose therein expressecl. <br /> IN' �VITNESaS WHEREOF, I haUe hereunto subscribed my rzame and afJ'zxed my of�'icial seal at�' <br /> �'irr3.rid �81$Ylc���23_. 8$�� _�;.�?1;�21_�_�t�____ ______on the date last above written. ' <br /> ----- -- - --- - ---- --Arthur_-�.B�a.�-er- -------- ---- <br /> Notar;� Public. � <br /> .M9 commission expires.----------.�L121�--�n--�-9���- -.19.--- �� <br /> - -_ - -__._ __ _ --------� <br /> -� <br /> „ ; . <br />