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I <br /> _ _: _ . __ _ - ---- �larrantv ; <br /> __ .._ _..._. �' <br /> T� �eea �. ----- -- ' <br /> ��z�L� ����. � <br /> -- - - - _ .. -_ _--- <br /> ----- -------- -- - <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> _JQhn ..S�u�ben -- - -...__ ..._. ____...._.._....._......_ _._ <br /> B�- - -- -- _ - _ , <br /> __-_ -- -- - ------ <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�o� �XY �er� �p ��je�e �rQ�er�t�: <br /> That------- --- �e---Edith. J.-Janes--and---Ed.--A.-Joaee,_dr. :�ife---and_Husband_-_------ --------- ----- -- ----- ---- -----__ <br /> f y f � __._,and State of.__ ___._._______________________.Grantor.__8______, in consideratior� <br /> o the Count o .---------H81�.- --------------- -----_�B"�TSSICR--------- <br />' of the sum of- --- -- �'�48_ H1112C�T6d- -- - -- --- -.�__ --- - -- ---- -- --- --- ----------.D OLL,/1 RS, <br /> and exchange of real estate <br /> irL hand paid, do----. hereb� GR.FI✓V'T, B.f1RG✓1I✓Y', SELL, ./��1�'D CO✓V'VE�'' urzto -- _.----____J!!�'J:11---.�'�Li��?831_---_. ------- - ------ -------- <br /> � �J } 8 t --- ------- � -, Grantee-----------, the followin�; <br /> o the Count o ----------- --------� 1�.- and State o ---- - �@bTB�fk&--- --- - -- ----- <br /> `' described premises, situr�ted in the Cour2tz� of.___.__.____________..$81.�._1_____-__._________.________.. ______.and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> -Lot__4r�e--H�dred �ighty Eight (lES�) af- �e�t ��_ Add�.tion-_t� �he-��.�� --of-�rar�d I$�ar�d,�1-eb�a��a <br /> --- -- --- ---- -__ ___ _ _ ___ - -- -_ _ - - -- - -- - - - - - - _-- <br /> .--------------------- <br /> -- -- -- _ _._ - _ _ _ - -��._�� S._R._8tsmpa__-- ) _ - <br /> _ -- - _ <br /> _ -- - <br /> - - <br /> (Cancelled � ) <br /> ---- ------ --- --- -- -_ _ - - _ _ - __ . <br /> __ _ __ _ _ - -- . _- _ - , <br /> -- - <br /> To�ether with all the tene»zents, hereditaments, and appurte,nan,ces thereunto belon,�sin�', and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, <br /> Dower, Curtes9, Claim and Demand whatsoeaer of the•said Crantor__.., a�t�f�c�tkes-v�tl�ire, of, in or to the same, or anJ part thereo�'. ' <br /> �0 �abP attD t0 ��OI� the above desct�ibed premises, with the ap�urtenaraces, ufzto the said Grantee.-__._____and to_.__._�t�8____...___ ' <br /> heirs arzd assi�ns forever. �lnd__ _ W�''__hereb� coven,ant______with the said Grarztee ____.that._ __WB...__.. _____hold_______,_said premises <br />' <br /> < b� �SOOd a�ad perfect title; tdaat..___-YeE._____----_--_-_.haYE__.�ood ri�ht and luwfrtil az�thoritz,� to sell and conUe� the same; that they are <br /> free arzd cleai° of all lierGS and incumbrances whatsoever.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------,- <br /> I - _ _ _ _ ---- _ ___ _ _ -- -- -- _ ----_ ._ - _ _ __ __ -- <br /> ` -- -- -_ _ - -_ . - --- -. _ . ___ _ -- -- - -- -- ----- _- - ' <br /> -- -- - _ - - <br /> ✓1nd_____ _ . We__ _ _ - -- -couenant____..._to warrant and deferzd the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all.; <br /> persons whomsoeuer - __ _- - - __ __ . -_ _ - - - - - - - ' <br /> -- - - - <br /> -- -- - <br /> -- - - ___ <br /> - _ <br /> I� _._ - - -__..--. ._ --- _._ _ __ __ _ -_ _ _ . __ _ __ <br /> Dated the-- - --12 _ _ _- :da�J af--- --.... _�'l�gG18'�- - -- -_.._..�Fl. D. 192�,__._.__ , <br />' r�zT�ES,s : - -�d__�A._.�Tone,s-�r--- - -- -- <br /> -- - - Edith J. Jones� - -__ <br /> Arthur_ C._�Ia,Yes- - <br /> - .. - - _._ <br /> ST�1TF, OF �1�'EBR.RSK�4, - <br /> ss. <br /> _..._..A81�. - - __.Cour�ty, On this - -_�.zn ------da�J �}--- - ---- - -/�Li�18�-I ---�.<l. D. 19-�-"rj'----, before me,; <br /> the undersi�ned, a�V'otary Public__ . _ _ __.----- --- - _-----within a�zd for said Countz�, personallz� came_. ._._______ �� <br /> _ �d A._Jonea_ -Jr_._and_�dith__J.Jnaea,-h�cband and-veife _- --___--- --___ __--- ---- --- ' <br /> , to frze personallr� knoivn to be the identical persong____._whose rtari2e._g__.__.____g�g_.�'ixed to the' <br /> above instrument as �rantor__B___, and_________.'�$B�.__..______._severadlr� acknozvled�ed t,he same to be__ _ tYl���! <br />�� y ����L� z�olurttar�� act ar�d deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I�° I�7T✓Y'ESS N�'HEREOF, I yLave la.ereunto subseribed rriz� rcame and af�xed mJ oj�icial seal at <br /> __ GrT�,21�_�818.11C���.T1_B8�l�.--Ca-4'C1�3'�'iX-�---- -- ----------on tize date last above written. <br /> - -- - -- -- - -----Arthur-C-.bda-�eT_---- ------ --- <br /> Notarz� Public. �� <br /> .;1�z� eommissiora expires---�-�---...e7t1riE �p -�-92�'.�, -- - -- ---19---- --------- <br />� „ _ _ <br />