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� <br /> ��z��. <br /> ����'� ��.,�'�'��� ��1�� ��� <br />"-` � "� � � � -� —S7ATE JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN,NEB. ' � � � �� � � � <br /> =1 <br /> '� T+RO✓�YI I herebr� certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical ,� <br /> I; <br /> �,. <br /> i ..AlhL'T:�...g3uC.KtJ.�...&._y^I.lf.�.---�.t....S,�,.................... Index and fcled for record this-------.5� of.._..__.r1u�,1�S-t----------- i <br /> ,,. i <br /> I� <br /> � .1. D. 19--�,rj.s -, at__._.....-�--g�3� -- - - -- o'cloek------�.---.M. j� <br /> i --- _ _� _. ... .._._. ........ �larrantp ` � <br /> - <br />'' ' To - �eea ��- - � <br /> _ �y(����0� -L�� i <br /> � <br /> __ __ - - ---------- �� <br /> - ------� -------- <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, �i <br /> ��� -�illia��� Bucko�r ..................... I. <br /> - - - - -- --. --- .................... -....... B�J- - - -- - - - - ---- -Deputy.----- I� <br /> -- --_ __ _. _. _ . _ __.- -- - - �; <br /> — li <br /> �.r�o� �YY �er� � � e�e �e�er�t�: �� <br /> ; p � � �� <br /> ;� <br /> That_ ._..__:;��.,Al;;_e�t___Buc_k��___1�n�__Do�a___Luc�4_�v_,his__�nri�'e_,_Cha,rles_ Buc.Lcot�v_aild Hanna_h_____Buckow�his_ _ _ �� <br /> (� <br />, I -'�ife,-�nd.__L�_zzi-e-N_i.ems�th---an� 7e_�r�� _^'_i�in_otk�,h.e�_ hasband- --- ------- _ _. � <br /> ______ -- -- - . ___ �� <br /> _ _ - ---- <br /> � <br /> ' } .� f f N�bT�i.SiSci.----------------------------------------------------Grantor.---------, in consideration ii <br /> o the Countr o s------------------.and State o ----------------------- - - --------- I <br /> I i 1 <br /> l <br /> 'o}' the Sum of.---- --- - - -_ -- '�v�er�� -O�e fiu��.�e^ � �4f1.CD ------� - --------.DOLL.IRS, i <br /> � , <br /> y �- - -- _ - - <br /> ;,' �� <br /> ':in hand paid, do-------__-__-__hereby GR.FINT, B.gRGd4IN, SELL, .1ND CONVEY' unto.__-__��!il�.l�.rtl. BuGi�OVP--_-_____--_._-__--- ----_--_-------------_----- �', <br /> ', �{ <br /> � I, <br /> � <br /> � - - - ----- ------ -- ---- ------ � ---- --- - - -- --- ----- ---- -- _._ .__ __ - -- ---- <br /> - � <br /> i <br /> �� of the Countz� of---- H311-}-----------------------------and State of----------------N-�b.x_�ska-}-------.-------------------.. Grantee_ , the following ii <br /> �; <br /> �: described premises, situated in the Countz� of.___ ___H�l�,.�---.-..._--__--_------ _- -------------_-and State of Nebraska, to-wit: I% <br /> � 1 � � � j � ji <br /> __A�._l._.o�__aur___int_eres_t___zj1__La-4� 1�-__ln. ° �c':- �u:rteen- - 1�� _ o.iTRus-�el_'�h_�eler-!s -�d�iti.on-- ------- f <br /> 1 �' <br /> i ' �� <br /> :, --�4- ��� �i�� af Ga-a�� -Isla�d,r�e�ras.�a;�e�are��a2g- t� -�r�� ree��det�:-plet-��ie�zo€. --- - ---- �� <br /> ; <br /> , <br /> � <br /> ---�-- --- - ---- _._ ._ - - ___ __ -_ _ _ _ . -- -- - -- -- - -- __ _ ._. <br /> _-------------------- i <br /> -- — -- — __ — --- - ---- - <br /> --—— — -- -- — <br /> . .�`�.e 5Q_Z_,.�.. .�t+3:21j�S — — -- — — — ——' — — — --- ---- ' II <br /> � Cancelled <br /> - _ - - - - -- ---- __- -_ -_ _ - - -- - -- ._ . . _ __ .. __ _ _ _ - - <br /> - - - _ _ - 'i <br /> -- _ <br /> � <br /> � <br /> i <br /> __ __ _ _- - -- - ---- -- - --- - - ,� <br /> ---- - __. -- <br /> _ _- _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ � <br /> � ------- --- 'I <br /> ,, ---------- - --------- - --- -_ ------- ------------ ----- - - - - - -- -- <br /> �� <br /> --- -- -- --- �� <br /> il <br />�'� ; --- - --_ - - -- -- _ ____ _ - -_ __ -_ __ -- -- .. __ _ _ _ _ ------ . _ _ _ __ _ __. ____ -- f <br /> - <br /> �� �i <br /> ----�-- - -- ---- -- -- - ---__ ..__-- --- -_ _- -- _____. ___ _ _ _ _ ___ __- -- -- __ - - -- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, � <br /> I i: <br />�i ' ;�Dower, Curtesz�, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor..S., aw.�.e�ei#�,x.e£.tXa.�xra, of, in or to the same, or an� pttrt theTeof. I; <br /> ii I� <br /> �0 �QabC att� �0 �QYD the aboae described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________and to_____.__h�_3____--_ i� <br /> °' lxI���"�OT I <br />, heirs and assi�ns forever. ✓lnd _:"___.__.hSerebz� covenant_______.with the said Grantee._______.that______ _ '�t1eX____.___hold__._____said premises ' <br />, �� �i <br /> j by �ood and perfect tit,le; that_.____:���-3r_-._____..__.hau�---�ood ri�ht and lawful authorit� to sell and corzUey the same; that they are iI <br /> i <br /> •,I!free cznd clear of all Liens and incumbrarcces whatsoever-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> I� <br /> __-- -- -----!i <br />' � -- _ - _ -- - _____ -- -- - --.. - -- ,� <br /> _ . __ _ _ . __ -- ---_ .__- -- - -__ - - -- - _ ___ ', <br /> _ _ _ _ -- __ ___ � <br /> �� <br /> -- _ ___ ___ _ __ -_ _ -- . __ -- - _. ----- - ----- - _�- - - - _ <br /> --- _ _ _ --- __ i <br /> i.,4nd. _. covenant warrant and de end the said remcses a aanst the lawful claims o all 'I <br /> __ --tl:ey _ � p • � • f !i <br /> - - - --- , <br /> . i� <br /> �; persons whomsoever - _. -- -_ __ -. __-- - - - -_- <br /> ------ ---- ----- ------ ----- -- -- -- -- - - - - --- '� <br /> __ _ <br /> � ; <br /> i <br /> � - -- - - --- - --- - ------ --- -- -- - __ . __ __- - - -- _ - _ -- - - _ __ 1 <br /> - - __ _, _ -_ _-. __ , ' <br /> � " �li <br /> I <br /> , Dated the-- - --_ �.�?1__.._ ----_.da�J �f- - ----- �U-� _ _-- - 5 !i <br /> i ---A � ✓1. D. 19.-2-- �� <br /> ,I W7TNESS : -------- ----A_],b_�x-�--�?ucko�r- - ------ - --- -- -- ----- �� <br /> � Dora �ucFiz�'_s����_ _ __ _ _ i! <br /> I - _-- - -- -- - -- __ - - �han ah s13uc'_.a�. �'� <br /> � -- - ._ - - E• �• �1���� - . � <br /> j " --- Li�zie Niemoth - � <br /> ' ------ - --- --- - _ _-- --- - --- -- -------� Gemr�e PTi e-mo�� <br /> � -- _ ----- �. <br /> _ - -- - <br /> I,� ST.gTE OF NEBR�SK.,4, �� <br /> , ss. <br /> i <br /> � --�- ---- -..�Ic^�zl --....--- -- Countz�, Ora this--- ---- - - -7'i,'Cl�_ -----da�J �f---- --- - -A'1�;11S-t i-- -- _ -��. D. 19--2-��----, before me, I <br /> "� li <br />' ;the undersi�ned, a Notarr�Public_____ _ .__ _. _.__ _____.__.within and for said County, personally came_Alb-8r u-_Eu�kQ��v-_-_�21d--DO��,---_ �i <br /> ; �i <br /> !� �u�ko_�r,.��.� '.'?��e,C�a.rl_e_s__�uc���v _�.r_�?--?i���l.�arl__�uckazqrhi� ..uif�,Liz�ie✓Ni�-- - - �i <br /> �� - m��h__:�nd �.e�s�e-'�'i e�^��h_,-her- htas�a��- ! <br /> _- -__ _ -- _ _- -- .__ --- --- I� <br />, � to me personally known to be the identical pe�son___�_whose name_�__ a.��. ___�ixed to the I! <br /> i ,,.,n above instrument as srantor and.____._th��...___________severally acknowled�ed the same to be_L'�e j,�_ � <br />, . ' ( 47J.C�L, '� g"'"_""_f I <br /> ' voluntary act and deed for the purpose thereirz expressed. I� <br /> �; IN W7TNESS W'HEREOF, I have lzereunto subscribed my narne and af�'ixed my ofJicial seal at �I <br /> � r !� <br /> ' ___ ___on the date last above written. <br /> � �r�.nd_Isla::d. a.n sai� .�o�axi� _ , <br /> i � �' .___ -- <br /> � t I; <br /> „ <br /> �' ------. --- G �ro�er- -- - ------ ! <br /> �, ��'-+� ` --- --------------- !. <br /> �l Notarz� Public. i <br /> j ;� . . . . _19.----------� �I <br /> ✓l2y commasszon expares----. .._-F�b- ���1��j�- -__ ___ ----- _ .__- ---- - ---_ - . ', <br />� '' _ - - --- _ � <br /> ;� <br />� ' � '� <br /> �� __ � <br />