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B___.arcd to____th_6�T.. _.__ ii ' <br /> I heirs and assi�ns forever. d4nd____W�_____herebz� covenant__ ____.with the said Graritee�s_.___.that.____ VPe______ _ ____.hold______.__said premises i' <br /> '' bz� �ood arcd perfect title; that___.__�t.6..-____________. ha_�g_�ood ri�ht and lawful authoriLy to sell and coravey the same; that they are � <br /> I ! <br /> i <br /> !', free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever.,�xc.ep_t__.s__mo_r_tgag_e_._in___fa4ar___Q�___P.et_ez�__D�Qhr_,r_eco�ded__in_�' <br /> � �I <br /> l --Bo_ok--5-7,-pag-e-2�6---�vhi-c_h__�¢ith--accrued -ir�t-e-r-est_no.�r_amoun�s -tQ -��2?�.-50-,�o--b-e--_as.sumsd__and_paid----. i! <br /> � �i <br /> + -k�y._ Grant ees as- part__Qf .s.aid c_on�ideratinn. - - -_ __ - -- -- _____- -- - - - - - -- - - - _ __ _ �� <br /> � �nd_ _____ _________W8 _ __ ___ _ _ -__ _ _ _ _______covercar�t ________to warrant and defend the said premises a�%ainst the lawful claims of all iI <br /> � ; I, <br /> persons whomsoever- � -�XC-BjJt a.s. .t0_ 38.i.d_ _mo_T-'�gB.gE.__ -- --- ----- --- --- - - - ----� - - -- -- -- - -- -- li <br /> ji <br /> ---- ----- - - -�---- ------ ---__ _ -- - - -....._ ._ . ___ __ __ _-_ _ -_ ___.. _ - -. __ <br /> ------ ';j <br /> - -- -- � <br /> i Dated the----- ----20_th-___ - -- --da�J �f�----------- tTt17.Ya - -------�. D. 19- '�5•- I <br /> ii Ii <br /> � WITNESS ; _ ------------Andr ew--M._Loovn- ---- -- ------ ------ <br /> i <br /> E._A2. C.ra.wf_o_rd_ ------------ - <br /> _ . --- - - �IIy�'t_7�.�_..�J.�.�.Q_�?Y�. . _- - - - - - I� <br /> --- ----- . - - ---- � <br /> - - --- -- - --- --- --- -- -- ---------------- -----------', <br /> ; i <br /> ;, <br /> --- <br /> orm�n--Jon_�s. --- ---__ ------- --------- _ - _ _ - - - -- - i( <br /> � - - _ . _ <br /> I�•« ST.1TE OF e�`�S'��4A�£'�?- - �i`i <br /> ss. � <br /> ''''' �- .J$sp�x'. - - - - - Countz�, On this---- ----2Q_�h._...------da� of�---- ---- --<TulY-r----- -----�.,4. D. 19--��--, befose me, li <br /> �i <br /> ; the undersi ned a Notar Public__ _.__.___ __ _ . __________within and for said County, personally came_----.. _._..__ __ ... _.. ..____ _ __________ _________ 'I <br /> � , �J � <br /> � ,, <br /> ,' Andr�w M._Laven---an�.__�iyrtle J. L�own,hi-s---wif_e, _ _ _-----_ __ _ _ _ _ ___ _ .---_ _------ � <br /> , <br /> ; <br /> , <br /> � - _._._ _ _ _ .._ -- - -- .- -_ . ._ __ .. _ ___ - <br /> ; - - __- --__ -- -- - _ --- - --- � <br /> � to rne personallz� known to be the identical person__.8.___.whose name.___g_ _. . .g-T g af�'ixed to the I <br /> �� <br />• � �SEAL� above instrument as �rantor__..g___, and____.__._���3t__ ._____severallr� ackrcowled�ed the same to be__ t�{;i-�- <br /> !' voluntar� act and deed for the purpose tlaerein expressed. �i <br /> ; <br /> IN T�'7TNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and af�"'ixed m� of�icial seal at �� <br />,_ � . j <br /> ' ._ CBTt}1�.g8,lri _ 88�_C� CQLtri-t-3l _ _________ _ _ ___on the date last above written. ii <br /> ,•; --- --- - - - - Gert.rude C• Te�---------�---------. -- i� <br /> Notary Publac. ;) <br /> ' .My commission expires.-----_._,�.j%T�1-5-7.�.�7 -- -- __ - -19.----- -- <br /> I�— — ----- � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> i <br /> i <br /> I � <br /> ,. 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