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D. 19__�-r� ii <br /> � f - - 3r:_ - - . - ; <br /> �! <br /> ,; W'ITNESS : � -- ---------E d -A, J�n ea-Jr,-- -- -- - - --- --- ------ ' <br /> � _._ - E�._i_th ._J. JQnes - <br /> - _ __A�thur-�.. Mayer_ - -_. -- - - _ il <br /> � - _-- _- - ---- -- -- -- - - - -- --- - -- -----�i <br /> I <br /> ---------- - - ----------- -- --- ----_--- ----�----------� � � <br />� ST�TE OF NEBR�SK'�4, � <br /> r �ss. � <br /> ' -- -- Ha.l.l. -- - Countr�, On this----- - ---da� �f�----- - - tTu1�� -�-- .g. D. 19---2��---, before me, <br /> � <br /> ;i the undersi�ned, a Notary Public___: . .. ._._ _____._ . ______.within and for said County, personally eame__._-_ ----- __.__....___ ._____ __ _____. __.______ <br /> ' Ed---A._�Ton�s--Jr_.----and__Edith__J. Jones_,husband-�nd-wi�'e • __ _ __ .----- --------- ----- <br /> - -- -_ __ _ _ -_ _ -_ _ _- _- -- - __. _- - -- --- - <br /> ' . <br /> ___ _ _ -- -. - <br /> to me persorcallr� known to be the identical persorz___B_.whose name____8 - --8,�e _..afJExed to the <br /> (SEAL) �zbove irzstrument as drantor__.__8__, and__. __�h�y_ __..___severall� acknowled�ed the same to be'�h2�_--- <br /> voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> i IN W7TNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed rnz� name and afJaxed rnz� of�"'icial seal at <br /> Grand I sland,in sai.d County,. ______, _ ___.___on the date aast aboue writtera. <br /> ', --_ ___ <br /> "; - --- --- --- Ar_�hux C.._�ayEr.--------------------- ' <br /> � , Notarz� Publie. <br /> . ; <br /> ' .My commission expires.__. _._.__ fi <br /> Jun e .9 - 19 29� - _ _ -- _ _..- -19.-----------� <br /> � , . <br /> — � -- -_— — — <br /> ,: <br /> �� � <br />� �, � -- <br />