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D. z9-�5------, at-------- -- 1Q:30- - --- -o��ao�k-�------s...�. <br /> � �larrantp ; <br /> __._ - ._.....TD --._ __ -- ...... ���,�� � <br />_ ��� � �eeD ji <br /> - <br /> " --- - _ -- - _ __ - -,`-�r'�-------- �� <br /> , Re�ister of Deeds, <br />', � <br /> - -?�•_D.,.Ftuple_ - --- ..... .......................- ......................_.. <br /> �I <br />'� 8�-------- - - - ---------- - --- ---------- i� <br /> Deputy. �� <br /> -- - -- -- I <br /> li <br /> �.�o� �YY �er� � � e�e re�er�t�: ' <br /> p � � � <br /> ���� <br /> That --- -�fE-rPc�.til--D�.�uple-..and-4�a-1-e-Au�le,husband-�n� v¢if� - _ ---- ----- - - -- - -- -- ii <br /> ;� <br /> - - - --- - ---_ - <br /> . -- - - .. - -- - -- - - - - <br /> i! <br /> -- - - ,: <br /> ---- -- - - ---- -- - _ _-- ____ _ , <br /> ���; �i <br /> ; of the Count�J �f------H8I1�---------- -------------.and State o�-----------------NGUT a.$Z�s�.-�-------------------------------------------------------..Grarttor�---------, in consideration �i <br /> ,, '� <br /> ,of the sum o}.----- -- Four__Thous__�nd- - ---. -- ------ ----- -- - - - ------_.D oLL.�RS, i� <br /> -- <br /> - _ i, <br /> !in hand paid, do ---------.____hereby GR.g✓VT, B�KG✓4IN, SELL, �ND CONVEY' unto.---- -------..9Y..I�,-R11P1� ------- - --..__---- --------- ----,--_ __----- I� <br /> ;� <br /> -- ---- ----- ---- -- - -- --- - -- - - - _ __ - - - -- - ---- -- -- - _ - - - -- -- - - - <br /> iI <br /> ' o the Count o -----------------------H�t�.l. Ii <br /> ' f �J � s------- ----------and State o�-- --- - - N��J�_�S�S�_ - _-...... ---------- , Grantee----------, the followan� II <br /> ; ,� <br /> ' described premises, situated in the County of.____.______________��.].1___________._____________._..__________._.and State of Nebraska, to-wit: !I <br /> -- !i <br /> I <br /> ;� <br /> ', ----Lo-t---Eigh-t---(�_) -�-lack �T��� �9) G�lber���- Addi���n �a G�and Is�:and,Alebras�a,-aeeord�n�--to--- . !i <br /> ; ;i <br /> ---���--r.e.c_Qrde.d glat-ther_eQf, _ _ --- - - - ---_ _ _._ -- - -__ _ ----� ;� <br />� -._ -- -- - - <br /> _ <br /> __._.------------------" <br />, - - ---- - --. _ _ - -- - __ _ - -- �� <br /> - �4. 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To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurterzances thereunto belon�in�%, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, ji <br /> i "I!Dower, Curtesy, Claim arcd Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__B, ��,eref—t�Jver�of, in or to the same, or an�part thereof, 'i <br /> ;f <br /> i �u �abr an0 to �ota the above described premises, with the appurteraances, unto the said Grantee_________and to_____.__.___���____ II <br /> 'i �',r a. t,0r B ' <br /> ; heirs and assi��t,s }orever. .�4nd._.___�_________�ereby covenant_._____with the said Grantee______that.____._ ��e�____hold__.____said premises � <br /> b ood and er ect title; thcct.__..."�h@.._.___._.______.ha_-�T_e-. ood ri ht arcd law ul authorit to sedl and conva the same• that the are '� <br /> i � � � f 3r � � f � � , � �I <br /> ;'; free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever----- .------------------,------------------------------------------------------------ i <br /> ; -- - ------- -----i: <br /> � <br /> , ---- - -- -- -- --- - _. _ . ._ _ __-------- _ ---- __ _ --_. _ _ ._---- -- - --- I� <br /> -- - _ _---.._ - __. -_ _ <br /> - _._- <br /> j; <br /> ; - -- -_ _ _ - -- ____ -- _ _ _ ___ ----- - __- - - -- -- __ -- -_ _--- --- _. __ - - - <br /> _ --- - �i <br /> I�, ; .,4nd___.___ _________ _..t�].�3T _____ _ _.___ - _-----_covenant warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all ;� <br /> �� <br /> ; persons whomsoever------- --- -- ..__ . -------_ _------- il <br /> - _ __ ---..- --- ---- <br /> ------ - --- --- --._.. _ _..�. <br /> � -- - _ _--- _ _ -___- <br /> _- ,� <br />' ,; � '� <br /> , � __ -- - -- - - ---- --� - -- --_-- ._ - ----- -__-- - - -------- <br /> - - -_ ___ _ - - <br /> _. - - - -- <br /> -- <br /> ; . ji <br /> Dated the-- ----l7th-- - - ------da�J o�---- -----�TU�1@ ---- - -- ---- .g. D. 19.--�� II <br /> ��; . W7TNESS _---- -�---PSlll--M.-ALip7.6---- ------ --- -- -- ---� II <br /> ; <br /> II <br /> � _ _ -.Qpal-e--Aupl� - -- ---- il <br /> ---- - -- - _ - _E.__�.-Kroger_ - __ - -- - -- i� <br /> , ,, <br /> _. -- -- - - - -- ----_ .--- -- -- - - <br /> ; ----- , <br /> , <br /> � <br /> , ----- ------- --- - - ---- - -- - -- --------------� <br /> ; <br /> _ . _ . -_. -- - -— _ -- -- ------ I <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR.<1SK'.g, ;� <br /> „ �J � -- 7 -------_.da�J �}�---- - -----�Tllri-�i------ ---,�. D. 19_2-�}---, before me, : <br /> ss. <br /> � .- -- -- -� - -- count , on th�s-- --_ 1 th �� <br /> , <br /> '„ the undersi�ned, a Notarr� Publie.__. . ________ ______within and for said County, personally came___._ . _._._.._ __--_____ ___.__ ____ ____ ________ <br /> � _ - � <br />� _P�u1-�.-��pl�- and Opale R�ple,h�z�b�nd and _wife __- - __ __ - _._ _ _ -- I <br /> � <br />� ; <br /> ;; to me personall� known to be the identical p,ersorc8-__.._.whose name_._�-____ .._gT$----- ---___----af�'ixed to the <br /> i �SEAL� above irzstrument as �rantor_S.__.__-, an.d__..--th@3t_---__-_----severally ackrcowled�sed the same to be_'�h@3.T--- <br /> I <br /> volzcntary act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. , <br /> I.h" YV7TNESS W'HEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my rcame and af}"ixed my ofj"icial seal at ' <br /> �, _�T3T1Cl z BI�T1C��3.I1 �_8��,__�Ot1T1�_p.r_ ___ _ ____on the date last above written, i� <br /> ' - - ----- - --E..CT._Sr_ogsr- --- -- -_..--- --_� <br /> � <br /> ;, <br /> Notarz� Public. <br /> �' .My eommission expires----- --F.21? 2�rlg 3�-- - __ - -19..--- ------- � <br /> � - <br /> �, <br /> �� <br /> I� <br /> ,� <br />� ! <br /> I <br />