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��� <br /> � <br /> � <br /> ) � � �'�� � � > > � � � �� � <br /> �L� L�L�"J � � � <br /> ��_�� �,_J�� _.�� J ��a ��� <br />��.�__w _.�___ ___.�____m_ _�___���___ _ <br /> _ _____�__.�__: _� _ _: :_ __ �� _ <br /> 71730-STATE JOURNAL COEEPAN.�_,LINCOLN.NEB. _ _ __ _.._ ==--'- <br /> T�.R��I I herebr� certify that this irLStrumerLt was erctered orL Numerical <br /> - Irzdex and filed for record this--------1� of.---------Jtll.y----------- <br /> .-- -Ar_�hur._C.._Mayer---&--�rf.--- --�- -- - - <br /> _ . _ . ... _. � <br /> .... �larrantp .�. D. 19--2�----, at------------- -3--- -- -- -- - o��ao�k---------P_��r. <br /> To - � �eea �" <br />� - __ _ - - _ --- ----- - ------ <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> _E.lmer �._Bi�ahap .. _._.._ _... __... s - -_ --- <br /> � -- -- -- _- <br /> - --- . _ - - <br /> - _ . _ __- -- -__. _ __. _ _ <br /> Deputy. <br /> , <br /> . <br /> �.r�o�n �Y� �er� �p ��je�� �re�er�t�. <br /> That------- we_,Ar_�.hur_ C. �ayer- -and_�lizab_eth__C..�.�r�r_rhusband_and_�if_e--- ------_------ ----- - ___ _ <br />��I of the Count�J o�----- H81.1!- --- --.and State of------------------N�bT88kS�-- -------- <br /> _________,_ _.Grantor__-:;______, in consideration <br />' of the sum of.---- -- -. _ _ <br /> Th1T_��._ Ori�-- �t�rid�eC�-- - .._ -----------.D OLLd4RS, <br /> irz hand paid, do_...______._____hereb� GR�NT, B�1RG�lIN, SELL, �✓Y'D CO✓1�'VEY' unto.._._L+'1Ti9eT_-�'._B3.S�1Q�_ _ _ ..____ .__________ . <br /> ----- --- -- <br /> -- - - --- -- - - -- -- ----- - _--- - -- __..____ - -- - - - --- __ --- _ _ -_ ._ _ - - -- - <br /> � �J f i ----_ -------- -----'--arLd State,of- - -- - - --���TS.��tB,s - - - - ----- -, Grantee , the followin� ' <br /> o the Courzt o ___._____________$811- <br /> . �.. <br /> described premises, situated in the Count9 of.____._._._ ____.__..__��1.�.1_�________________,______________._._____.'_.and State of Nebraska, to-wit: � <br /> .-----LQt---ten---(-1�-�---in- black_ �'ourteen- -(14}__ in- Gilbert!s Addi-�ian- ta--C-ity--o_�__Grand_.:I_sland------- --__ --- _. <br /> ---- - -- -_ - - _ - -- __ _ _- - --- - -- - - - <br /> ------------------- - - -- - - - <br /> - _ ____ _ . -___ <br /> �3._�(L_I.R._stamns - --- - - _-- _ - . _- - -- _- - __- __ <br /> -- -- -- - - _ _ _ �Cancelled � <br /> - - - -- _ -- -- <br /> - -- - --- _ - - - - _ - -- -. <br /> -- - - - ---- -__ - <br /> . ---- ---- -- , <br /> , <br /> I - - - _ --_ __ -- - _ - -- - -_ __ - _ _ - -- <br /> To�ether with c�ll the tenerne�2ts, hereditaments, arzd appurter�ccnees thereunto belon�in-s, and all thn, Estate, Risht, Title, Interest, <br /> Power, Curtesy, Claim arzd Demarad whatsoeaer of the said Grantor..__., �.e���s��l�e�, of, i�z or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �0 �abP flri� tq �OIb the abor�e described preinises, with the appurtenances, ufzto tlze said Grantee________and to._______�1.�8_________ ' <br /> heirs and assisns forever. .�4nd.____W8 -- --herebz� covenarzt______.witlz the said Grantee_ ._____that____. �8-_... ____ _ .____hold_______said premises' <br />���, by �ood and perfecL title; that._________W�__--_..__-__-.lz.a-ve___�SOOd ri�lat, and luwful ccuthoritz� to sell and eoftver� the same; that they are <br /> free and clear of all liens arzd incumbrances whatsoever.____gTBTl.tmrB___tiQ__�lO�.Cl---pQBB_888�£2ri__Llri'��_�.__�'j.S_S_�i__�.�T..:_Q_�___���'�, <br /> 1g25 --- --_ _ __-- __ -_ _ - _ - _ -_ _ - - - - - - - --- _____ <br /> I� �qnd.__ We _ _______covenant__..___to warrant and deferzd the said premises a�sairzst tlae lawful claims of all <br />' persons whomsoeaer- - __. _ __ - _ _ _ <br /> Dated the- - -_14n_- _ _ -- .da� �f---- - - _JL11� ---- - - _.�(: D. 19__.25_.__ : <br />, u�rT.�ES,s�; \ - ---Arthur--C. �ayer---- - ---- - -- <br /> _ ---- - E_li�abeth G-��.Y�x - _ _ __ <br /> -- -- _ E.G. ��o ger <br /> ST�Fl TE OF NEBR�SKd4, <br /> HSll �ss. � <br /> - - ----_._._ _ - - - -- Couraty, Orz this-- ----_.�.Q__._ _ - ---da�J of�--- - -�Ll�.�s-_ -----./�. D. 19--=-2A', -, before me, <br /> the ur�dersi�raed, a Notar� Public __ ---- .__-____-within arzd for said Countz�, personallz� came__.._____.______.__ ____.__ <br /> -_Arthur_C._Mayer and _Elizabsth �._MayEr_,hueband and__wi�e__ --- __---------___---__ -, <br />, to qne personall� known to be the iden,tical persor�___6.___.whose'fixed to the'- <br /> �sLA�� above instrument as �rantorB______, and________the�t---------_--severally acknowled�ed the same to be___ t�1B3.r' <br /> voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> �N' W7TNESS WHEREOF, I have hereun,to subscribed m� narrze and a�'ixed my ofjacial seal at <br /> �*"T811C1 I81821C1��Tl_ $S�tl COLtil��_�______ ________on the date last above written. <br /> - - ---- - ---E=G-•-����x--------- ---� -- <br /> • Notarz� Public. <br /> .Mr� cornmissiorz expires- -=- -I��Bb_._��i 1931a - -__ - ---19.---_-- ----. <br /> i{ <br />