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��� �. <br /> ) � ���'�� �°�'���� �.��a ��� <br /> _._ _ ___ _.__ _ ___ - ___ .. <br /> � . =5'fATE JOURAAL CO'GfFAN4,"CTNCOLft.NEH.' .`. _ _.....___._.... .. . .._., . . . . <br /> �� I1'R��VI I hereby certifj that this instrumerct was entered on Numerical � <br /> " fi f 7--------------.da�✓ af--------------July-- - .. �: <br /> Index and led or record this__._.___._______ ___ I <br /> .------Jo_hn---3ass.,husbaxict__,---.--.......__-...---.------ ,i <br /> . �. D. 19--25 --- at----- - -3�7>Q _1--- -o'clock---------P._..M. i <br /> ' _. _ _. .... . _. - --. �4arrantn � � <br /> To --- �eea ���,�-�e � i <br /> _.. <br /> �--�( - - ------------- -�?��,_--------- <br /> - - -- Register of Deeds, il <br /> �� <br /> I, <br /> I <br /> _ -�inn-i e-3as s,.�uif e......... ............................. . . ........ � <br /> 8�-- - - -- ---- ------ �I <br /> -- -- <br /> Deputr�. ! <br /> -- --- - _ <br /> _ ----- -- - - --- - -..._. <br /> -- ' <br /> ii <br /> � ii <br />� �.r�o� �rY ,�er� �p ��je�e �re�er�r�: , <br /> , � <br /> ,, , <br />'' - � - - - � - - -- - - -- -- - --- - ___ - - :i <br /> That John__gass__hueband_of the__ Grantee___herein � <br /> �i <br /> -- - - - - -- _ __--___ -- -- <br /> _ - __ - --- __ _ -- _ _ --- -- - - ------. ___ -- -_ .._ .._ <br /> �� <br /> ,� - - ,; <br /> �, <br /> of the Count�J o�---- ----HSI.�-�-----------------.and State o}----------------------�--N@bT88k$------------------------------------------------=- <br /> __(�rantor_._.___.__., in consideration I <br />'' o� the sum of.--------- 0n.e-Dol1€�� €�,�1d ��tttrSa Z,t3ve &t�d �f�e�t3�o�i- - .._ -- -- ---- - •- - - -------D.C2I.I �"�S� <br /> in hand paid, do________________. hereby GR�NT, B.�1.RGd4IN, SELL, �ND CONVEY' unto..__-_M111�1.�.8_..S�BS_���f.�__0.�°'_ ._t.l�,e.._G��,�tOT_______ �j <br /> '��� ;i <br /> ` �--herein - --- --- -- - - ------- �� <br /> i - ---- --- --- . -- -- - -- .___ - � - - - -- ---- �I <br /> -- il <br />_ : of the CountJ �f---- - . ---- H�.�.li- ------and State of. - -- - �1T@�?_T8.S�C8 - - - - ---- -, Grantee -------, the followin�' �' <br /> li <br /> described remises situated in the Count o .___-__._______A811_ . and State o Nebraska, to-wit: j� <br /> A , �J f s -- - - - - f <br /> �, � �---. �; <br /> ; ----Ls�t--Fa_u�---(-4�----in--Blo_ak---Ten_ .(_14)- KernQhan_and_�e_cksr :s_ Addi-ti��--ta---the--City--�-f---��anti---I-aland i <br /> i <br /> ' ----Nehraska,-ae---surQeyed-,-pl.�tted a�d re�o�ded�- 3t�b�ect �4 one- �v��gage af �24�.0�-tc�-'F�e-F���-�� <br /> ----abl_e�__Buil� Loan--As-so_cis�tir�r�---of--Grsr�d �aland,Nebr�e�a. -Al�o-s�b�eEt to al�-esc�es�me�at;ail <br /> _ �_ _ _ . _ _ ---- - --- - - -- �i <br /> --�f -ev�zX-na.�u���s� sai d propErt�.- � --- - j <br /> __ - -- _ _ _ - - -- - ---- <br /> _ - -- -- - -- -_--_ _ _. --- --__ -� �� <br /> _- - - - - ___ ; <br /> _ _ _ . _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _-- __ _ _- __ <br /> !, <br /> ;� <br /> --- - - <br /> il <br /> -----_.- - - ----- -- - ---- -- _--_- � ---- ------ --- <br /> - - __ - - - -- --- - �� <br /> _ ------- _ _ _ _ ._ - __ -__ - ! <br /> _ _ __ _ _ _ ._- - _ -_ _--- <br /> I <br /> __ - - - -- -- , <br /> ! To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�sht, Title, Interest, � <br /> ' �I <br /> �Dower, Curtesz�, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said C�rantor.__._., and of either of them, of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. � <br /> 'i 218 � <br /> the above descr'bed emi e w' h t T <br /> � �0 a�e anD to O�D a r s s, at he a urtenances unto the said Grantee______and to____...______________.__ , <br /> , � � A PA , I <br /> � heirs and assi�ns forever. �nd,____.__.�_____hereby covenant______with the said Grantee________that._____ __ _ _ j----_-__.__ _..hold _.______said premises �� <br />, '! br� �ood and perfect title; that________________L---__________.ha__1T_@_�ood ri�ht, and lawful authoritr� to selG and convey the same; that they are I <br /> I free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever___���.� �___ �__�baQ�---�ta��d*-- <br /> 'i � P S ----- - - -- -- -- - -- ---it <br /> , ,� <br /> ----- --- -- - --- _ -- ---_... _.. - ----- ___ ____ __ --._- _. _. - -- - -- _ _ _____._. __ <br /> --- -- ------ -_____ - -. _ _ _ _ __ <br /> -� II <br /> F - ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ ...__ _ ___ --- - - -.. -- - - -_ - .. - .. . <br /> - ---__-- - ____- <br /> -- - ___ <br /> .�lnd.______._ __________j__ _ _ ___ __ _.__.__._._covenarct 7varrarat and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims. of all I <br /> ,�. <br /> , <br /> ,� persons whomsoever_r$XC��-88- 8bQVE $�8t8C1. _--- ----------- --- -- - - ------ ----- - - ------ ------ - - - - - --. ... � <br /> ;i <br /> i; <br /> „ ------ - --- ---- ----- ------ -- ---_ - __- -..___.. ___ __ _.._ - -_ . _.. _ ---- __ --_ .. ---- <br /> --- - - -------• � <br />'' ' Dated the--- ------- -- -b --da o � <br /> ; � ----- � f-------- -- --J'uly-- - ---.�. D. 19_2�j___ __._.. <br /> � <br /> W7TNESS ; -------------- --- --eTQ1�Y1 -$8.88 - --- ------ - - - --�----- <br /> - - __. -- _- - - -- --_ _ - <br /> ii <br /> -- - _ _.Richard �uenz ----- -___ __ -- . <br /> �� --- ---- - - --- --- - - -- ---- --- ---------- <br /> i� <br /> � - - -- -----__ - - - - - - -- - - - - --�---- <br /> f', <br /> i� ST.1TE OF sN'EBR�SK�, - <br /> ' H811 ss. <br /> �� ---.._.... - -� -- -- -�Countz�, On this-- -- -�.-- - -- --- .--da�J �f�--- -----eT111�I------ - -- - --- -�.5(. D. 19--2�-----, before me, � <br /> i�the undersi�ned, a Notar� Public____ ___________ .__.._ _______within and for said County, personally came__.-_ ____ ________ ___ __ _ ____ ____ I <br /> i <br /> = John _Sass,gsantor in the__aforesai�--c���d _ __ _ _ _- _ ___ -_ _ <br /> i: <br /> ; _ _. __ _ -_ __ -___ . _ _ _ _ __ - _ ------ - __ . - -- _ - <br /> __ _ <br /> I! to rne personallJ known to be the identical person________whose name.. _._ �8__�"ixed to the � <br /> i�i <br /> !I �gEAL� above instrument as �rantor___.___.__, and._._.__218_--__ ..-__-____severally aeknowled�ed the same to be__ _1118__-- I <br /> f; voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> �! IN W7T.NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my of�icial seal at <br /> ,: ,. <br /> I' C*TL�.Y1C1 I_81.a,At� j.Y1 8S�-Cl--C-Q11I1'� - --.--on the date last above written. I <br /> �i � �s <br /> ' - -- - - -- Richard Bue�z- --------�---- - <br /> Notarr� Public. <br /> ; <br /> .My eommission expires--------Jt].].y--12i_1�26 _ _._ . _ _ __-------- ---- ---- .--19------ ------ � <br />— � <br />— �—_-- -- I <br /> ;, <br /> �� <br /> ;; <br /> �; __ -- -- <br />