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�: . _ _ <br /> ��._, n <br />� � � �J J�� � � �J 1�\�!J// � ����\/���J�j�\/�/��T ��%��/�JJ�, <br /> ���� �J—J��J�� J J �/�/ �:�%� . <br /> . ..._ ...._.._ ..,_..._.. .__ . . ._._.�...__��. �.—_._ _._...—_ __..__. . __._"_._ <br /> .....'1�Q�—S7A7E d�ll@NAL CQtdPANY._LINCQ�I.N..NEB._..._... ...... ... .._ ... . , ..._.._. .. ..__._. �_ _. .. ._. .__ . .._... .__..___ ._.__._ _. .. . _._._._.. <br /> �� I�'.I��� I hereby certifr� that this instrument was entered orz Numerical <br />� ' I! <br />' ; Index and filed for record this.--------�? of.--____slU,l J----------------- �i <br />! ____�dward Bader & wife ;; <br />, ------ � ---�-�----�-�---..,------��......................��-------�----.......--�-- <br /> �� �. D. 19--��1.}---, at------ . _....�s�Q- - ---- o'clock-----.�?•___..M. <br /> �' <br />- To ___ _. - ... �larrantp ��� � <br /> �eea <br /> ' <br /> � ,��� ;, <br />� -- -- -- --- - -- ---_.------------------------------ -------------- '. <br /> .Re�ister of Deeds, ;� <br /> ;! <br /> ; ---�2ar�nee--$.-�as�ez�........................................................ � <br /> � <br /> 8�---- . --- - - - - ---- -- ------ ---------- ;i <br /> Deputy. ;i <br /> �' -- -- -- -- ---------- ----- ---_ - _ � <br /> i ',, � 'I <br /> �r�o� �YY �er� � � e�e re�er�t�: � �i <br />; p � � �, <br /> �, <br /> That_ .___9P6_,�d�.rd__ Bade� -�.nd Cla�a_B�der_,his_ �►ife,�-- - - - -- - -- - ---- �__ - - --- __ -- - � � <br /> ii <br /> i <br /> I� ------- ---- .. - <br /> -- - --- - __ - <br /> � <br /> 'i �Al�.- ----.ccrtd State o --------------------------- - - - - � <br /> � of the Countr� of. �--_ f N6b��$kS�---------__-.-----_-_-----------------------------C�rantor.--S-------, in consaderation jj <br /> � <br /> ' ;; <br /> ;',of the sum of------ --- -. ..__._._. _._. - -- -- FOlI�__'�hOtt$�21�__0���.00 - -- _ --- --- -- - -- ------.DOLL.fIRS, i, <br /> ;! <br /> 'in hand paid, do_--_-_--_----__herebz� GR�JV'T, B�RG.gIN, SELL, .,4ND CO.N'VEI^ unto.-_-. ..-_-_---_- �,18TS21G-@--�+.�8.8�.�1 ----------__--.--____ .._------- '� <br /> " I� <br /> --- -- - - - -- - - - - ---- - - - - - -- <br /> - � <br /> I� <br /> ' � <br />� ; of the Countz� of__ . __$��._�.s _._ _. __._and State of __. I�T@1�rS$ICB.. ,�_ `. ___ , Grantee_._______., the following �� <br /> �I <br /> !!; described premises, situated in the County of._________�_______________$a,lli__.__.._.._.____.________._..._.__and State of Nebraska, to-wit: II <br />� ' ;.---ThE---�o_uther-l�r._3eve�.ty ei�ht f�e-t-of--Lnt-S1�_� 6) in Black-Si�- (-�)--of--RuasEl--Whe�lEr_'_-s--�dditio <br /> ; _---�Q----�rand__I.ala,�d,Btebraska-,being -a-rECtangular---piece--of--grflund___havin�--a--�QUth�rly--fs_Qntage _t��_ � <br /> , <br /> i, <br /> ; __ <br /> �2.-�---f_e�t---nn__Ei�hth--g�reEt-,a--depth_af-_ 7g--feEt--and-bouaded--on _�he-9�est -by__I�oew��___Str_se�.-- - _ __ �i <br /> �i-- __- - - _ --- --.. _ ----- --- --- �-- - <br /> _. .-- - - --- -- -- - -- - - - -- - - - - ----- �� <br /> I _ _ -- ���:'00 I.R. 3tamps ) i <br /> (Cancelle�_ __ _ _._ ) - ____ _ __ - - - - -- - -- - <br /> ___ _ -- -- � <br /> , <br /> � <br /> � - --- -- - -_ _ _-- __ -_ _- -___ -- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _. _ -_ --- -- - ___ i! <br /> II I <br /> ' _"' "'""' ' _'____' __""_ _"'" '"_"____'_"'"_"""'______________'______--___________""_-_'___'_____________-_- !� <br /> _-_"-___-____-_"_-_'__-___'"'""""_"_____"...'""""'_'_"'____..__""_""_'_""_" " <br /> ..""""""_""____"_________________________________"______"_____"_'_"_....._"'_"____' '� <br /> I I� I <br /> r � <br /> ----- --- ------ ----—- -- --_ ___ _ __—- — --- — — __ _-- — -- — -- — -- — <br /> _ — — — -- — — —— — -- --- -- <br /> ;{ To�sether with all the tenements, hereditamerzts, and appzcrterzances Lhereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, <br />, i <br /> i'Dower, Curtesz�, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said G�antor.B_., cu�.e�ea�lae���-t�e�e,-of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> I !' �0 �a�1C ariD t0 �QYD the czbove described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_____.__.and to__.______._hie--------- <br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. ✓�nd____B�______herebz� coaenant .___.__.with the said Grantee.________that__._. _ _q[e_.. - _ _ ____hold _...___said premises ' <br /> i <br />' ;; by �ood and perfect title; that__.____�@-. ____.haQE____�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are I <br /> i free and clear of all Ziens and incumbrances whatsoever____ ______ .____..__ _____ _______. . _____ ______ ______ _____. i <br />'il` - <br /> ---- -_--- --- -- -- -- ---- --.._- - - -----__. -- - _ __ . _- _ _ -__ ___._- ---- - <br /> -- --- __ _ _ - - - _ <br /> - - � <br /> - _-- _ . .. _--... - __ .._ - ____ __. ... . ._. .___.._- -- - ---_ __ ---- - -_ -- - -._ _ <br /> � -- - -- _ _._ _ __. -- <br /> -- <br />� � � � II <br /> ' ;'�Ind_____________ _. _______ __�e______ ____ _ _______covenant ______to warrarct and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all �j <br /> y I persons whomsoever--- _ _-- _ - - - - _ --- -- -- -- �I <br /> - - --- --� -- <br /> --- ---- - ------ ------- - ----- <br /> -------- --- --- <br />� ' <br />� - --- -- - ----- --_�- ------- ----- <br /> --- - ----- _-- ___._ _ _ _.. - 'I <br /> _ __ - -_ _ _.. <br /> _ _ -- ---- -------- ' <br /> --- --- <br /> � - -- � I <br /> + Dated the__ �1'ih -- ---- -----------daz� af.- -------. �I111.�ti <br /> -- - --- - - - -- .�. D. 19._��3• - �I <br />' I <br />� ; <br /> �; u�rTNEss ; -- -------.Edward---Bad�r.--- ------- -- -- --.--- i <br /> :: �, <br /> . I - _.Cl�ra--Ba.�.sr -- -- <br /> - - - -- _John-AIl_an--- _- --- ---- � <br /> _ -- - --- � i <br /> ; � <br /> ------- - ------ -- -- - - --�-------------------- _ - � <br /> I jl <br /> I --------------- ---- ------- - - -- --- - ------------------------� i <br /> ' ,� �- - ------- --- - -- - ----. --- --- - -- �; <br />� �� � STd2TE OF NEBR./ISK�, �t <br /> ''' �ss. 6th 'i <br /> ;I.. - - - H8.11._.... - - -- County, On this-- - --- - -- -- -----da�J ���---- ---_----��y s--- --------�. D. 19---��---, before me, i' <br /> � the undersi�ned, a Notarz� Public__. ______. __ ______within and for said County, personally came-.____ ____ __. _____ ..___ .. __-_ .. - _--____, II <br /> � _ Edward--Bader and-C_lar�. Bader,hi$ wi.f e,_ __ __ _- _ ___ -- -__-- -- - - �; <br /> � ___ - __ - __ - -- --__ - ---_ -_ _ _ _ _ _- - - ---_ . - --- __ __ _ _ - <br /> �� <br /> , <br /> ' to me personallr� known to be the identical person_g___.whose name_.__g a;�E __afj'zxed to the i <br /> ` i <br /> ' t � �j�g�_______-----...severally acknowled�ed the same to be_th�ir-- !� <br /> SEAL above instrumen� as �rantorg._._____, and_ __ . <br />,".�:� <br /> Uoluntary act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. � <br />�.�; I,N YY7TNESS YVHEREOF, I have hereurcto subscribed rnz� name and afj"ixed my ofjicial seal at <br /> _ GP811C�_I 818ria-��ri 88�CZ -�"s4Uli�q� - _-----�on the date last above written. <br /> ; . - --- -------�TQ_hn All_aa . ---- ---___.-- -------- � <br /> Notary Public. <br /> ; .My commissiorc expires.---- - JBri� 'r13�-�34 _ - - __ _ _ - - -.19.------------• <br /> -- — - � <br /> �i <br /> � <br /> I I <br /> , , <br />��, � � <br />