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I�� <br /> _ I <br /> ,I ---. --- -___-. _ ._ -- -- _ - -- - - _- --.__ _.___ __ - - - - - - -- ___ _--- - -- --- _- . - - -- __ <br /> _ _ _ -- -- - <br /> i�✓Ircd__________ __ ____ ___?��I.e..--_-_-- _ _ _-----_---__covenant warrant arcd defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all <br /> ' <br /> I �persons whomsoever..__- --- - __... __ _._ _ -- - _ .___. � <br /> _ ---- --�- ---- - - - – <br /> ---- - - - <br />� � I <br /> I, '� - --- ----- ------ ----- �---- ----- - - --- - --- - --- - __. _ -- _--- --- .__ . .____ -_..__ .-- __--- - --------- <br /> i Dated the-- ----- -----�n��- - ---- --da�J �f--- ------�'�=1 Q�-- - --- --------.q. D. 19.-- 2��- I <br /> ;I <br /> � <br /> i i <br /> � W7TNESS• u�-as C_.__="enck <br /> ii • ----------- -.A..-�-----�--- - � - --- - �--- - -- I <br />_ I� r -- -- Lir�-�_i_e- �.-'Zenck - - - - - - <br /> �� <br /> - - - - -_ --___�,_._u._ Sr�?�_e i.r- -- --- --- <br /> ;� - - ---- _ --- ---- -- ---- - ----- --- <br /> '! I <br /> � --------- � --------------- <br /> ----------- - - --- <br /> � -- _ - ---- - - -- ---- - - ----- � <br /> � ST�TE OF NEBR.gSK.�I, II <br /> !! �ss. <br /> '' ---da o �TLL»°_ ---.�. D. 19--Z-�--- before me � <br /> �'�-- �---�- _H3�.a, -... - - Countz�, On this_--- -- --.��'�h- - J f�- - -- - r-- - ---- , , <br /> ',the undersi�ned, a Notary Public_____ ______ _____.________within an-d for said County, personally came___._._...___..__ _._.__. ._.._. __ <br /> - -- --- � <br /> � .Qu�ust C,__=:�e:�c'�_�nd_ Linr ie E. '"enc�_=h�asbar� and !�rif e, __ _ . j� <br /> _ _- <br /> , <br /> �; <br /> ;: <br /> '` to rne personal,lz� known to be the identical person____S_whose name__-___S_.......�T.e.__________________afjixed to the � <br /> I, <br />� �� ( SEAL) above instrument as �rantor__S____, and_..._�y_ ._______.severally acknowledsed the same to be__vhei�__ <br /> - ' voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> �; ' <br /> ! IN IW7T.N'ESS W'HEREOF, I have hereacrcto subscribed mr� name and af/'ixed fny ofj"icial seal at � <br />� � �' G� . Is�. d r '� Co � <br /> , __��7 1 C� ..a,7 1_ .��_� S a.l�______ L 1 Y 1'�3 T_� _ ___o n t h e d a t e l a s t a b o v e w r i t t e n. i <br />�. i: <br />� �i <br />, ; -L�.�_.__Sh�heir. - -- - - -----�-- - <br /> - -- - ---- <br /> !' Notary Public. <br /> �; .My eommission expires------�--�''�2�-_�.�-1_�.3.1.___ _ - -- - - -_ --_ _ _ - -19.---- ------- <br />— �---- <br /> i� <br /> ,i _ <br /> I! <br /> �� <br />