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D. 19--��-fi--, at---.... ..... ...�. _. _ _-. .... �-- o��ao�k------�._�r. <br /> i __ . _. ___ _ _ .. _. __- _. - �� <br /> To �eea _ � - <br /> ���� �� �-1�>��.� <br /> - - - _ _ <br /> _ --- -- ------ ------------ <br />' Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> _ �2�'�.r�'c�.�Yl ?�._�_Jr��S.._.......-- -_.._...._.._...._....._..._.._ <br /> B�.__.._... _ -- _ _ _...__ <br /> -- -_ _ - - - <br /> Deputr�. <br /> ��o� �Y� ,�er� �p ��je�e ��e�er�t�: <br /> . <br /> That.- - _Im�?':`f'.T'�rl_Tl.._�T1c1LY'_S_J:"1._�Tlt�.._. i;1�.T-1-E-.c�.Tlt'�_EY'_jC1i1__��1_S--Wl_f�t _- _ -- - <br /> of the Courcty of----- - H8.11 s-- -------•.and State o}-----------------l�Q'_t�T�S���.�---- --- --------- ---------------Grarztors---------, ir� consideration <br /> o} the sum o}.-- - - --_. _ __ _ Four_ Th�u_s_�.nd_ and no/1�0_._ __ _- - ---. - -- - D OLL�RS, ' <br /> irz hand paid, do__.___________herebz� GR.Fl✓1�'T, B�RG.gI✓i�', SELL, �4ND CO.JInVEY' unto ___._.__.._B.QI'_�'Tatri___"".__�TQi1_8S_ ______ <br /> : -- -._-- - --- - - - - -- -- - -- -- - - - - -- -- - - -_ _ - - - _ - - - -.._ <br /> --------and State o --- --- i�T e�Zc�Sk21-- - - - ----- , Grantee-----------, the followin�, <br />, of the Count�J �f---------------Nal l-.+ -- ----- f <br />' described premises, situated in the Countr� of..________.._._-_----H�.�-�--�---.-.-.-. ---------------------------and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br />'' _--Lo-�---�.i�h�---���--�lo��t --Ten (1Q)___in_ Sc�im:�z��x' s _Ad�.i_t_��� ._to. C.it_,�_ o f__�ra_nd I sI�_n__d--- . _----- <br />, --- --- - - _ - _ - - _ --- __------�_�_,�..�_��__, -- - __ - ---- <br /> - -. <br /> ��- 00 I.R. Stamps <br /> - -- ___ -_ --- __ - <br /> . <br /> - <br /> - - -- - __ _ _ _ �Canc�lled . <br />�'�i -- - __- _ <br />'� __ ___ - -_ _ -- - - - -- -- - - -- - - -__ -- - . - - <br /> _ _ - - -- - - _ - - - -- _- _ - - ___ <br /> ___ - - _-_ _ ._ <br /> __ - __- - --_ -- <br /> -- --- __ -- - <br /> li � - <br /> t <br /> Tooetlter with, all the tef2emer�ts, lzereditamer�ts, arLd appurte�zarzces thereunto belon�ins, arzd all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest,', <br /> � Dower, Curtesy, Claim arzd Demccnd whatsoeUer� of the said Grantor.___.,�n�,ef-e�,t�te�-o�-�I�e�rrn, of, in or to the same, or any part thereofl. <br /> �0 �abP altb t0 �0�� the aboue described premises, w�th the ap�urterLarcees, zcnto the said Grantee______and to______11�..�____________ <br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. �lnd._ LVe_ _ he,reb� coverzant ._____with the said Gra�ztee.______that_ __ Z'Pe ___ ...______hold__.___said premises' <br /> '; br� �oocl a�d perfect title; that.___-.__TN�---_---_-_--_---.haVE___5ood i•i¢ht arzd lawful authority to sell and coravey the same; that they are' <br /> , free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> i� - _ __ _ _ _ _-_ _ ___ _ _ . - - _ _..---_ . _ ___ -_ _ _ _ -- --- -_ j <br /> ,� <br /> ;i �lnd______� _ �e _ _ _ warrarit and defend the saic� prernises a�ainst tlae lawfzcl claims of all - <br /> persons whomsoever _ __ _ _ _ _ - _ __ -- - ---__ _. _ - _ <br /> Dated the-- 1�1��__ _-__ _ --.da� af-- - - :�y - _ _- -- -- - �1. D. 19 ?5•-- , <br /> W'ITNESS : ------------------.-���axvin----Ander.son <br />' ,. � <br /> _ _ l,l�ri-e- Anc�erson_ <br /> Ik - _ _ Art'r�ta,r �. =�'.a.y�r _ _ _ _ - <br /> ST�TE OF ✓li'EBR�1SKg, <br /> I, `` ss. . � , <br /> - - all_ count on this _..-- - 1 r'___.._-.- � � <br /> - � - - - �J, 5 -da�J ��--- -�-a-Y � ---�1. D. 19_�5_ _-, be�ore me,, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notar�Public._ _ - - ---------.-within and for said Countz�, personallz� came_____ ._ _ ___ ' <br /> • ' n 7 �� C`� ' ' <br /> _ '_.��rvl.n_ An��rson �knu W�,rie Ana�x�on_,-husband a:.na_�rif� - _ _----- -- - - _ <br /> to �rze persorzally knozvn to be the identical persorz.__S____whose name___S.. ______3T-B__._.____________afjcxed to the�� <br /> j' above instr•umen.t as �rantor_._S___, and.__-__--�_�ley--_--_-____severally ack.nowledsed the same to be�_ 'G11_81T_' <br /> ����L� voluntarrJ, act and deed for the purpose therei3z expressed. - - <br /> , I'�" W72'.NESS W'HEREOF, I have lz,ereunto subscribed mz� name and affixed mz� of�'icial seal at <br /> �i'Z'aT��.- 1��.211-(�.�-1T1 Sc11C�'. L��"�ty� - ------on the date last above writterz. ` <br /> ' ---- -_ __._9r��_u7°__�� �.y_er. ----------------.. ._ <br /> A NotaTy Public. ; <br /> „ <br /> :: ` <br /> � ✓lI� com,missiora expires.--- - JU71�. 9 tt 1C�g�_ _ -19.------- ----� ' <br />---_�.-__ --_—._:------- <br /> - -_ - _ .. <br /> . ; <br /> ' 'i <br /> ; <br />_ i� �i I <br />