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� ��� <br /> 4 <br /> ' J � L�JLIJ�� 1�LJ��J��� ��� W'�Ja ��m <br /> e_ ._�.. __.._. _ <br />— __. ._.. . _ .. . --__._.—— - <br /> _ .. .-5TA7E JOURNkL COMPANY�,.LINC04N.NEB. . . - .. - ..-.._ _. .____ . _.... .._ __.�.�.._ .._,_..._.,_.._ <br /> _ _._. _ <br /> j F+.RO✓VI I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical I <br /> 5 ' <br /> ' Ed. A. Jones Jr. & wf ? .�.-....... J� - ! <br /> Index and �tled for record this..................... daz� of.-----------------..e-._............... '� <br /> ,, <br /> ....................................................................................................... � <br /> � .g. D. 19..�5-----, at.................. � ...--- - -- - - o'clock-----.-P.__..M. � <br /> ; . . . ..._.... .... . _ �_.. _.TO_ . ...----. �4arrantp _ _ , <br /> �eea <br /> ���� �-u��- <br /> ------- -- ---- -- -- �----------------------------�------------� �� <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, � <br /> � <br /> _-Philip F._&---C1ara:...E. L�ullis ' <br /> ............................................. i� <br /> B�J--- - -- --- - --- - ---- ---- ------ !I <br /> - � <br /> Deputy. <br /> _ -_ ---- ------ - ----- - _ .__ � <br /> — !I <br /> ;j <br />��� �.r�o� �Y� er� � ?� e�e �e�er�t�: , <br /> � p � � <br />�� �� <br />; That.________�'!e_,Ed___A,__�?one_s_�_Jr._�nd Edith___J,._Jonesthusbarlcl and cvi�'e �i <br /> ------ ---- - --- -- <br /> - - -- - -- <br /> ----- <br /> ,; <br /> ----- ----- -- -- - - - <br /> - - --_ _ '� <br /> - <br /> ---- <br /> - , <br /> ' of the Count�J �f-------��11.;_-------------------,and State of-----------------�TebT�a.sk3.---------------------- ---------------------------Grantor.8--------, in consaderation :' <br /> ------------- ------- ' � <br />', of the sacm of.------ --- -- TwETlt_y Fi V2__Huridr eC�i --._. _ . - - _-- -- -- - ------- - ------ ------.D OLL.IRS, !' <br />', in hand paid, do .______________hereb GR�NT B.-4RG.gIN SELL .�ND CONVEY' unto.____ Pr_ili. F,...RUllis_ _an_d Clar� E. Btllll� <br />, � , � , - p _ - - - - , <br />� ' .---�q_int---tex�_�4n_ts---�i�h._�1�h-� _.of_ survivorsh-ip ----- ' <br /> -- ---- --- -- -- - - -- - ---- - � <br /> , � f H -�---- -- ---------and state o --- - --- �ebra.ska - - - ---- -- . , • I <br /> of the Count o ____..___________ �.L1_ f � Grantees________ the ollowara <br /> --- 1 <br /> � <br /> described premises, situated in the Countr� of.________..___.___ ...Aa11 i f , ' ,� <br /> --- <br /> ...and State o Nebraska to-wat: <br /> _ Commencin� at a �noint rTine Hundred Ninety (�a0) feet North of tre Sottth East corner of the '� <br /> - -- - _ -- ---- -- - --- <br /> • , <br /> � �t�st of__th�; <br /> - ; ----I�nr-t-h-�,a�t_--�uartex--of--�ec�_ion_.F_our-- (?k) -'��z��ship EleuEn--�-11-)---?�?�_r�h.,Ra.n;� __?�in.e_ (�� '� . ;� <br /> _ 6th__P. ���,_and_ runn_ing_ tr.ence_ T?�rth on_e hur_d.red__Ten_ (�1��__feet _thence_�'est seven_hundred ninetyj <br /> . . _ - - _ _ - <br /> --._�.�rfl--- ��92-)---f-e-��-,-�hFnc.e_ South_-one---hu�_dred_t_en_-(_110)- f��t ,th�n�_e_.Ea�t----sev���_.__�urdred--Ninety--------- 4 <br /> � , <br /> __t�ro___(_7a2� feet_ to.___the_ place. .of_ _beginr__i_�g,_�nd_ containing___t�o (2� acres. <br /> -__ � <br /> __ _ -.. --- - - - ,� <br /> ----- --____---�------ ; <br /> _ _. _ - -- __ _ _ i <br /> __ _- - - <br /> ��. 50 -I.�. �t�.mgs � � <br /> C anc el l ed ;i <br />; -------------------------- - --- -- --- ------------- - --- -- -- -- --- - - - _ - - - -- - �� <br /> ;i . <br /> - -- _ - - <br /> -- - __- _ _ <br /> _ - __ __ - _ __- - - <br /> , <br /> _ �� <br /> -�__ . _� -- -- - -- _._ _ ___ - -- - __ -- _� <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, �� <br /> ,� <br /> �; Dower, Curtesy, Cladm and Demand what.soever of the said Grantor,s-., a�tt�-�f�cther���i�st, of, in or to the same, or any part thereof, �i <br /> ,: <br /> ,� <br /> �� �a �abe anD� to �ol� the above described premises, with the appurterzances, unto the said Grantee_8_____aiid to___���_�.T._�......._ I� <br /> ! heirs and assi ns orever. .11nd.__gTBnthereb covenant_._____,.with the said Grarztee________that____ _ tr ey hold _______said !� <br /> � } y premises <br /> by �SOOd and perfect title; that__.__'_____±�?ey_..._.____.ha__4e_�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and conuey the sarne; that they are � <br /> -- - ;� <br /> ;; free and clear of all liens and ineumbrances whatsoever--------------------------------------------------------------------------_- -------------------------'� <br /> ---- - ------- <br /> ;i <br /> !i <br /> " -- - -- __ .... - -_... __-_ __ __ ---- ----- - r <br /> _ --- - - - -- _ _ -- _-. _ _ ' <br /> � ; <br /> , -___. _.__ ._ _._ . _ --- -- -_ .. - - __ - <br /> - - - _ _____ - _ - -- --- --- <br /> -_ -.. ___._. .. _ _- __ i <br /> �Ind. _ .-_______ _t_h_Fy_.__._ _ warrant and de end the said ' ' � <br /> __.-__. - ____-_ f premcses a�aanst the lawful claims of all <br /> . persons whomsoever- -- __ _ _ - _ <br /> __ - ----- --- ---- <br /> , --- -- - ---- -- - <br /> , --- ---- -- - <br /> - -� <br /> _ - - - --- ----- ---- ------ -- -- - _.-- - --- - --- -- - - - --- <br /> -- ---- --_ _--- � <br /> � �F�� � <br /> � Dated the___._ -- --L�-- -- _-. --daJ �f-- --- �'y - -----✓1. D. 19._25'- � <br /> -- - <br /> � <br /> � " W'ITNESS : Ed A. �TOrieS Jr. <br /> ; --- ---- -- - - i <br /> � �'. G. T�roger _ _ _ _. yd��r._.J, J�n�s - - - - ; <br /> - - - - __ _--- - <br /> -- <br /> I <br /> ; -- - --- --- - ---- --- - - --- - - <br /> - - - ---- - -- -- <br /> ,;, I <br /> ; ------- ------- - --- --- ---- _ <br /> ---- -------- ------- --- !� <br /> ; <br /> �; ST.qTE OF NEBR�SK�4, ; <br /> �ss. '� �J f� -- -- --�� Y� --��. D. 19----�- ----, f , <br /> .. - -- -H211 - -.County, Orz this--- --- � �� - --da o ''�& � be oTe me � <br /> ;!� - -.._ i <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notarr� Public__________ _______ __ ____ .______within and for said Cozcnty, personally came.--_-..- ___._._________. _____ . . ___ � <br /> `I Ed A. Jones ,Jr, ar.d Edith J. Jones zhusband and wife. <br /> _ - __ ___.__ ___ -- __ <br /> _ - - -__ _ . - _ _ _ _ -- _ __ _ i <br /> � � <br /> - __ -- - -- __ _ - -- --- -- -� <br /> ''. to me personally known to be the identical person__g____.whose name._�___..__�;xE...-_____ ._.----afrixed to the f <br /> i � <br /> ; � �EAL� above instrument as �rantor___S____, and_-___.t$ey____________severally acknowled�ed the same to be�Y1��T._._ I� <br /> voluntarz� aet and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IJV' W7TNESS WHEREOF, I have �zereunto subscribed my name and af�"ixed my of�'icial seal at i' <br /> . i <br /> �� _�Tc.Yl(�. �512.21C�._�_�71 s33.C�_ COLl?1t_�'�____ _._. _...on the date last above written. � <br /> ,I _ _ � <br /> � ��� � �- - - - -E._u. Frroger----� <br /> --- -- - ---- <br /> Notar� Public. ' <br /> i <br /> t ; �lly commissiorz expires-•--- FE''b 26 '�931- - - - -- _ --19--- --------- �i <br /> r- - — — --- --- <br />_ . �' <br /> � <br /> i <br />� ' <br /> �; <br />