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��� <br /> �. <br />________ _ ___ ____ <br /> ����'�� ��'���� �.�f��� ��m <br /> _.____ <br /> ._ _ __ ___ _ _ _ __ _ ___ _______ ____. <br />�_�,_71730„-STA7E�0�,1(�NALCOMPANY LINCOLN NEB � � <br /> ij T+I��JIl � N � � � I hereby certifi� that this instrument was entered on NumericaZ'i <br /> ! Index and filed for record of.-___-__�ILIri!E_-_--_____ ' <br /> ---�'?eQxo.e.._.�'�_�Lid.l-�y--8c--;r?.�----- - --- -- - -- <br /> �larraatp ./�. D. 19.----�5--, at-_._.__..-----�- -�:1�-- - -o��ao�k--------P...�r. : <br /> _ __ _ _ . <br /> __.. . ....... --.. _ <br /> _ T� �eea �-- �� <br /> -- ��'-���- - -�� ---------- <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> E�. A. Jones Jr. <br /> - - -- ----- _.............._.... _ ..._....... ...._.... ....._ , <br /> B� - ---- __ _ - -. _ . -- -- ' <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�o�n �Y� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�er�t�: <br /> Ti,,at - - 'n€,�eo�ge_F.Dudley-ar�d-Lauise--Duc�ley,husba�d and ��r��e _ _ _- -- -_ - _ _ <br /> o the Count o .__._...___H�.11. and State of__________.._______._________N�k2r;�Bke,_} ...-._.Grantor.._S__.___._, irz consideration <br /> f � t' � --- -- - <br /> �� of the sum of._�.. _ __ _ _ _ .____Fift e eri_Hliric�,'.ecl-�-y�l�jQQ.4Q ------ _D OLL�RS, <br /> -- ---- - __ --- ---__ --- ---_.. <br /> ' irL laand paid, do_. ___ _ ___ .herebr� GRd4NT, B✓1RG�IN, SELL, v4ND CO.NVEY' urzto_ __.Ed A._cTOT1GS_�cTI'�_ ______ ' <br /> -- -- -- - ..._ _ - - - --- - - -- - - -- _..--_ _ - - _ - - _ - ._ -- -_ _ -_ --- -'. <br /> of the Count�J �f---------- Hall-� --- -- ------------and State o�- -- - -N_Gbr=�BKcla_ . - ---- ------ - , Grantee -------, the followin�, <br /> descri-bed premises, sitacated in the Countr� of.____________________H��,1_;__._______._ _____________________and State of ✓1"ebraskcz, to-wit: <br /> � ---_Ln-t--F-o-ur----�-�-�---i�r�--�].a_e� -�n e ( l) in :"i l�er��-s -Addi��.�r� to -�Y�e C it 3t af Gr�;nd-�s�a;�e�,l�ehra-e�ka-, - . <br /> ---a_cc_o_r_din� .to _th� -rec�r�€d plat tY�er��f.--- -- -_. __- - _ - - --- ___-- - --- - <br /> - -�ub_�_ec_�-to_a, -m���:�age �� ����.00-or- -r�o�m a#' r�corc�- a�a�ns� sa�e�-p�emises--�v�icY�-t�e gr��e� <br /> - as sumes a.r�-�l--agx._.�_�5, �o I�aY __ _ - - -- . _ _ - _ <br /> __ __ - - -- __ <br /> _ _- <br /> ---------- ------- -- <br /> I.0� I.R. - <br /> -- <br /> �U�:mps _. - <br /> _ Cancelled <br /> To�ether zvith all the teTZements, hereditaments, arad appurterzances thereunto belon�sifz�, and all the Estate, Ri�%ht, Title, Interest,'; <br /> ' Dower, Curtes�, Claim and Demand whatsoevef• of the said Grantor,�_.,-c�d-e�ei��ee�ro#'-��ke,�, of, ir� or to the same, or any part thereof.:' <br /> �Q ��(1$ Qi�D tQ �pj� the above described premises, tuith the ap�urtenances, unto the said Grantee________artd to._____x11B_____________' <br /> gran�ar�s �; <br /> , heirs and assi6ns forever. �Ind._ __*-____ ere z� coverzant__... _.with the said Grantee_________that-__ they_ __ hold_.______said premises <br /> by �ood and perfect tit,le; that______��?.eY_._._________.laa�T@____sood ri�ht ccnd lawful authoritz� to sell and corzuez� the same; that they are''; <br /> free ccr�d clear of all lierzs and incurnbrances whatsoever______�X�_B�t_1T1',il�,,' �k1e I210T'��Sge. a,bOVe___Yi1_�ri'��Oried __; <br />' .flrzd__ Trej� _ _ __ _ ______._cove.narLt__.______to warrarLt and defend the said prem�ses asainst the lawful claims of all, <br />', �ersorzs whomsoever______ E�:CejJt �z,S._a,���e_ S'�at_et� _ __ <br /> Dated the 2�ti ___ _-_ - daJ �f --- -- aTZL7'��---- _ -. .__- -.Fl. D. 19_.2�j -- <br /> i�'zT�v'ES,s ; � - ------ - - �Enr.�e-F..Dud1eY---- ---- --------�' � <br /> ' _ - E, G. Kroger _ _ � _ _ __ Y�s s Laui se-Dud1��- __ - _ <br /> - - _ _ _ � <br />' - - --- - -_ , <br /> __ - - _- -- --------- -- _- <br /> - --- <br /> STqTE OF NEBR.�ISK�1, <br /> ss. <br /> T -- -- Countz�, - � da�J �f---- --_.....JLI�I�� --- ------�4. D. 19---�'r'�---, before me,`� <br /> rial�. --_ on this__.. - -- 2 rd --- <br /> the urtdersi�ned, a �°otarz�Public ___ __ _ _ _ _ _______withirL and for said Countz�, personallr� came_ ___._ ._ <br /> - - -- - - -- . - � <br /> _ Ge�_r�;�_ F. �u�lle� and-Louise.._D_adl�y-,husband--and �rrif.e __ _ _ --- <br /> , _ <br /> to rne personally known to be the identical per°son_S_.___.whose name._8-__-_�,�-g-- _._---__-_-__-afy'ixed to the <br /> ( SEAL) above instrurnent as �rantor_.3___, and____�hEy ---------severallz� ack.nowled�ed the same to be__�hL'��-- <br /> voluntarr� a-ct afzd deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IJ4" W7TNESS Li�'.HEREOF, I have hereunto sacbseribed mr� name and af�'ixed rrzz� ofj'icial seal at'; . <br /> Gra,�1�1 IS13:1d� �11 83i�._C�L171�- - -----orz the date last aboae written. <br /> - Yr <br /> E.-� -; <br /> -------- ---� <br /> Notary Public. <br /> r j . . <br /> . . . _. .. _ _ -- - -- -___ -19.---- -------� <br /> ✓YIr� commassaon expares_______ . eb__2.o�,1�31_____ ___ <br />