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,� <br /> ���� <br /> �� � ` �.•����� � � �:,�1�J/I,,'l���/v/�,IJ �nr 15� ���\'{�I�///I'T V '��V . <br /> � � ��IPl; C%��y� J ��/MJ � �J� <br /> _.__ . _ _ ___---- -____ _ -- -- --- - - <br /> � _ __.,.__. ____ <br /> 'L].�-SYATE JOURNAL COMPANY LINCOLN NEB• '��Y �� <br /> �—�—�� _�_:__,.�_'___:_:__ _.��.:.:_..__ �:�:::.._.._._._e.��.�_ .� _ .._._��_�_. <br /> T+.RO.M I hereb� certif j that this instrument was entered ort Numerical � <br /> � - Index and aled or record this_ �� _.__________.da o <br /> f �' --- � f -_-- �urie---- - <br /> -- �i_l��an.. :��y.e�s�._.�. h�.s:�. .... -- � <br /> ' �arrantp ,�. D. 19 ---�5 _, at--- -?±=30--- --- -- o��ao�r� --P.__�r. <br /> _..____.... ___ _TO. _ _ _ -- -- -- <br /> �eea . � � <br /> --- ---_ - - - __ -- <br /> ----�`��'---------- ' <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> Ed A. Jones Jr. <br /> _._ --- -_. -__. ---...___._.__................._.............._._. <br /> B�__ -- -- _ - ---- _ -_ - -- <br /> - - ---- --- <br /> Deputy. , <br />��I ------ _ _ --- -___ _ __ _ _ i <br /> �r�o� ��g �er� �p �C�je�e �re�er�t�: <br /> That -- _ L_ilt_ian .���y.ers .� � , ,-•Y� , ' . _ b- - - A <br /> - <br /> � and_ Geor e _�'�, `�� er.� _eac_h_ in h_er ana his _osrm__ ri ht and as the._s ouse <br /> of tl:e other <br /> of the Cour�tr� of---------..._�I31_1-r-------------.and State of-----------------.----------IV?�br�;l_Ska.-�----------------------------------,Grantor5----------., in consideration <br /> of the sum of._ _.- -- - - ___ _ _ ---- _ _ _ FiVe_.Th01,1s�,Tld ---- -- - _ -- -_ _- -__- ---- -----.DOLL.,4RS, ; <br />�' ' in h,and paid, do_.._._. -------hereby GR�1.NT, B.�4RG�IJY', ,SELL, ./�.ND CO.NVEY' urzto.--- --_._�Cl. A.__sTOrl�$--sT�.-----_ ------ -- --,- <br /> t <br /> o the Count o ---- - -- --�I�.11 - ---------and State o .--- -- �_ebT3Sk�.� - - - - -----� -- , Grantee-- -----, the followin� <br /> , f � f �--- .---- - f <br /> described premises, situated in the Count� of___________.__.._.______H�.�._�._i__________.__________________._____.and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> ------�i�r_th--Fif.teerl__(1�-�_ Aares �f_�Qrth half of_SQ�a��i East -c�uart_er___Qf--NQr�_l�__Ea_st--qua.�ter---jN.� ,.SE�--- <br /> -----NE_,�-�1 of---Sec_ tion __Four--�4)- in_ tottimship- �leven--(ll� North_,Ran_�e _Nine_-(-9 )----�est 6r' P. M. ---- -- -. . .> <br /> _ . . <br /> -- - ---- _ -- ---_ --- -- - - - - _ . - <br /> - _. _ - - __ <br /> _ - <br /> _ _ <br /> �5. 00 I. R. Stamp s <br /> -- -- _ _. �C�.ne€;31ed - _ _ - � - <br /> To�ether with all the teyzernents, hereditaments, and appurten,ances thereufzto belon�irz�', arzd all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, : <br /> Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Demttrad whatso�uer� of the said Gran�or.___., . , of, irt or to the same, or any part thereof. ; <br /> �o �abe anD to �oID� the above deseribed premises, with the appurtenances, uizto the said Crarztee__._____czn;d to._____Y1�8_ _.____ '� <br /> heirs and a.ssi�ns forever. �lnd_. W2_____herebz� covenafzt________.with the said Gra.rztee ________t�zat..._ _�e _______.:____hold_.___.._said premises � <br />, ` b� �SOOd and perfect title; that._________�?v�___..________.ha_.4�..�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to selZ and conUey the same; that the� ¢re;': �" <br /> free and clear of all lierzs and incumbrances whatsoever----___---__--.----_--__--_----_-_--_----._-_--__-_-___-____----_-_-_--_---__---- ; <br /> -- -- ---------- - ----- � <br /> ii <br />, ,: ._ _ -- - _ _ _ __ _ --. _ ._ -__ - -_ _ - - - . - __ _ - - - --- - - <br /> !�./�nd._-_ __ ___ __�e_ _. _ ____ covenarLt__.______-to warrant and defend the said premises a�ai�st the lawful claims of all <br /> persons whomsoever------ --- ;' <br /> -_ _ _._. - - - <br /> � <br /> - - . __. <br /> - -- -- --- --- <br /> Dated the--- -- ._lc��� _-- _ _ ---�a�J �}- - -- _. �TiII?-�.. - -___-�. D. 19 ���-- <br /> 1 <br />�' W'ITNESS : --- -I,.�._7._���1 -=i�l er E� - --- <br /> __ _ __ _ �eorge_��'�, .. ��yer� -- - - - _ _ ': <br /> -- -- _ __A�thur �, �.�i�,y�r -- _.. � <br /> _ . _ __ __ _ - _ - _- - <br /> - _ _ <br />� - - - <br /> , ST�1TE OF NEBR�ISK.F1, - <br /> I �ss. <br /> -- ..�d�,�. -- - - Coa�nty, O�c this l���- --- -da�J �f---. - �ILi11e r -- ----d4. D. 19- �5-- , before me, ' <br /> the undersi�ned, a Nota-rr�Public---- __-_- _______within arLd for said Countr�, personallJ came__ _________ _____. _ ______ ' <br /> -- - - <br />�, ;; __Lillian__'�:�yers __�n3 �e-orga- ''t• ��yers._,zvife and-__husband __ _____-----_____ -- _ - <br /> to rne personall� known to be the identical person_8__.__.whose name___g____.. _a,T-g- .----- --��'ixed to the I! <br /> I � aEr'�L� above instrument as srantor__8___.,�y_________ _______severally acknowled�ed the same to be__ �h.Bir <br /> Uolufatar� act ar�d deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I✓�° WIT�V'ESS WHEREOF, I have lzereunto subseriUed my name and afy'ixed my ofjceial seal at <br /> ' _ _Grand Islanc�,ix� said_ County,__ ____ __ ____on the date tast above written. <br /> � ---- __ -- - -__Ar_tY��u� C._?�i�.ye�-------�-------- ---- ' <br /> Notarz� Public. <br /> ;: ,Mz� commission expires---- -- - J�e-�-��- 1�z� -_ __- -19.--- ---- -- �.. <br />_ , -- , . <br /> - -- --_,.- -::- -.,_ <br /> --._.- = ___-` <br /> � _,_:—- --�--- <br />_ �[ <br />