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D. 19-- 2�,_, at- -- ---?�:50 - o��ao�k -----P�r. � <br /> _ _ -- - --- - <br /> TD �eea <br /> - <br /> -- ��,.�� - <br /> ---- �-�� ---------- <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> ---BeT�T�.�'1 J1�.,.�jQ�D-28...... _ _....... _ <br /> B�.__.___ __ <br /> --__ _ _ - <br /> --- - ---- - <br /> , Deputy. <br /> �.r�o� �Y� �er� �p ��e�e ��e�er�t�: <br /> �hat_.... ------�ve_,R.. Zu�.a Norman_ and .A._G_._I�Q�:?�an_,�r�f e< arid.�hLis�and --___----- -- <br /> ` } �J � s . _--- ---, }� -----N_�b_��.Sk�.�-------------- ---------------Grantor. 8----, in consideration' <br /> o the Courct o ..__.___.._._Ha,�.�.. and State o ___._________--____. <br />, o}' the s��n of.__� -- __ - _ __ - _ Three_.thousand fi�e _hundred_ __ - _ -_ - - _ DoLL,�RS, ; <br /> . -----------� <br />'' in- hand paid, do___.________ _.herebr� GR./IJV'T, B✓1RG�I�', SELL, .,4.ND CO.NVE:Y' acnto. ___ BeTtram_ VC..JO??e$ <br /> - --- - - ---- --- <br /> - -- - ---- - - - - -- - --- - -- -__ .. - - -_ _ ---___----- ----- -- - - - - _-- -_ -- <br /> -- -- ------ -- -- <br /> o the Count o -----------------.H317.!- - ---- - -----.and State o _. ..N_�bT�,S��,- -- Grantee the followin� <br /> f � f f--- - - ,- --- ------ , , <br />' described premises, situated in the County of.__-__. ____________..�a.�.l_� _________ . ________. __.____.and St.ate of JV'ebraska, to-wit: ' <br /> __ Frac_tional__Lots One. (.1) tv�� �2)_ and three__( 3)___in. bloc'� _Thix.teen__(_1_3_)__ i_n__Fairviev�___Park_ ,_ . .___ <br /> --�n ad�i_tion._in Cit.�r_Q.f �rand Island � - - -- - - _ - - - - -- --- - ---_ - - -- - _----- -__ ; <br /> ------- --- -- - <br /> -- __ - - - __ <br /> _ _ - - <br /> - __- _ <br /> -- <br /> - <br /> - �� 5 Stamps � <br /> 2. 0 I.R. <br /> Ca�e e�l ed - - - - - - - --_ _ - --- <br /> , <br /> ____ _ _ - -- -- . - - - - -- __ _ -_ _ __ <br /> --- <br /> --- - --- - -_ _ _ -_ ___ _ -- _ _ __ _. . _ . <br /> _ -_ - -- -- - <br /> Todether with. all the terzements, hereditaments, and appurtenur�ces thereurzto belonain�, and all the Estate, Rd�sht, Tit�e, Interest, '- <br /> Dozver, Curtes�r, Claim arzd Demand, iuhatsoever� of the said Grantor___., ccrr,�-vf-e�t�er-e+�'-�zm,—of, in or to the same, or any nart thereof. <br /> �o �abe anD ta �ol� the aliove described premises, zvith the appurtenarzces, unto the said Grantee_______a�zd to _.____..hi$. __ __ '. <br /> ; heirs and assisns foreve�•. �lnd__ 41te_ hereby covenan� ____with the said Grantee________.tlzat._. _W2.__ __ _. __._.__.hold_______said �remises <br />', b� 5ood and pe�fect title; that_____________�iT.E______-_________.ha _3i-@--�ood i•i�ht and lcawfzcl authority to sell arLd coravey the same; that thez� are <br /> free arzd clear of all liens and iracuinbrances whatsoever___.P•XC_E,{�'�].ri�-__a,_-_Yt1QT_t_g3g-8____O_f__y�12_5Q___riS2?i�l__Q_f__S_��95_�___3riC�___'��_Q� <br />', --all_ of v���ch---�xa�t ee_ assum�s -�nd_.agrees to _pay_ _- __- -- -------____ --_ __ <br />�, .,4nd__ _ ________ _.�P�__ _ _ _ _ _._____ __couenant________to warrant ared defend the said premises a�ainst the lawfc�l claims of all ' <br /> ° persons whomsoever __ eXC_B-p�lri�_ @ri.C-LtrY11�I'3ri4s'S.. S_t-a.tEL�-.s1.b0_VE_-------- -------- ------ ----- -- _ <br /> Dated the-- - __�.�_ ___ _ _ - -da�J �f---- -- J11T1@ -- --- - -�. D. 19_.2� <br /> u�zT�v'ESS ; ---- ---- -R._Zula:__N.Qr;rian- --- -- - -- -------- ' <br /> _ _ _ A. G._Norman. -_ _ - _ - _ - __ <br /> __ Arthur C. :�ayer _ __ - <br /> _ _._._ . _ _-- - --- ---� <br /> _ _. . - - - _ _ _ _ <br />� --- - _ _ _ _ _ -_ -- - - _ - - - - <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR�4SK�1, - <br /> �ss. �tt <br /> - <br /> - --__ .�Icl�.�_ - -- Coacntz�, On this ---- -1 -__ -da�J of--- - -- -e�t�121.G's - -._.__.�. D. 19---2�--, before me, !� <br /> the undersi�rced, a .Notar� Public ____ _ _ _ ___.._within and for said County, personally came____-._______ ________ <br /> . _R. Zula---N_or�ran _and_A. G._Norman_ v�ife--and__hus'�and_ .__ _ _- ______ _ ___ _ _ <br /> an <br />, to yne persorzal�y known. to be the identicul person___g__zvhose rcame_g.______.�;��_-__.______..___.__.affixed to the ' <br /> � SEAL� above irzstrument as �rantor_S___, and____��_�X_ __________severally acknowled�ed the same to be_tY1L'_�T___ ' <br /> volurztar� act arzd deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IdV' W'IT�N'ESS T��'HEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and af�ixed mz� o f�icial seal at . <br /> __ <br /> -�'ar311-C�. IS�.3I1L�.--�T� 8e'�.}C�.-Cp�.�- ---------on the date last above written. ' <br /> � r <br /> --- -___-- -- Arthur C�-�3'er--------- ----------- <br /> Notarz� Publie. <br />, �ly commissiorz expires.---- --.____sTLli1� -�_n 1925. - --.19--- ------- <br /> . ; <br /> L .i _ � <br />