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_ <br /> ��� <br /> ��. <br /> �� Lwl,L�I � �51l�LJJ�1 �� �� a ��0 <br /> �-J� �.J-J � � _.,� � �� � �� <br />.__._ __ _ .____ -- -- - ° - - <br />. . __ _ . __.,_____ _..___. <br /> „_��]17,3O-S7A7E JOURNAL COMPANY LINCOLN NE8 � � � i� � � � <br />,-_�_-°�-�-�-__at.___._`_."`�.`�----^--°--��v.�__ :.::;_ . . .:......__-..r_.�.-..�. . <br /> .__�...._ __.... .�..�..V__.._.._ II <br /> ,� <br /> I+'R�,M I herebr� certify that this instrument was e�ztered on dY'umerical '? <br /> Index and filed for record of.----------J.Liri_8....-------- <br /> ...William...Ro s�.,.�.ingle.......................-- -- ...., <br /> u�arrantv �l. D. 19-2-- --, at. ...... . .... .. :� - --o'clock .----P�_�. <br /> - 5 3 5 . _ _ <br /> ___ _ . _____ _ ..... _-.. <br /> � �eea � " �� � <br /> _ Z'� ��-�;�� �-��-e�% ------------- <br /> __ _ _ <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> - b�a,rt_in J..K�IIy -....... _.._ <br /> _..._... 8�---- -- <br /> _ __- - - _ _ _ - - ---- <br /> Deputy. <br /> i <br /> �.�o� �Y� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�er�t�: <br />� �hat. _'yilliam_Ross, single - - - -_ . w <br /> _ _ . - __ _ _ - __ _-- - - -_ __ _ - -- ---- ' <br /> Ha,ll __.and State o ________. Nebr�aka ___._._.___.Gran,tor.. .________ ara consideration ' <br /> of the Count�J �f - - - --- - -- } - -- - ---- - --- - - -- --- -- ---- - , � <br /> I' of the sum o _ _ Eight Hundred_Fifty- &__no�100----- -- --- ----.DOLL.f1RS, ' <br /> f- -- _ _- - _ _ _ <br /> - in hand paid, do__.____ _______herebz� GR�1NT, B.,4RG�IN, SELL, d4.N'D CO✓l�'VEY' unto. ________. �r'�1n J. K@lly <br /> of the Count�J �f----- - -H&lli- - - ---- - ---------and State of - - I�.e1�T_3$_kFi t - -- ------- , Grantee- --- ---, the followin� <br />, described pren2ises, situated in the County of.__._______________��3.�..�._�______-------___..____-.-.-____________.and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> ---`Ths__�a��--Qne-half ._�-E�_)-- of Lot Fifteen (15�__HQ_me___Sub�ivisiQn-,l.oc_ated__o�__p�,rt---of__t.��_-Northwest� <br /> ; <br /> __�ua.rte_r___of__Secti��n Nine_ (�) ,Township__Eleven__�11)_,Nor�h.__of__Range__Nine__ (_9_)__,West of the �th P. Il� <br /> __vrh__i__ch lie_s___7Uest_ o� 'JPhe_el_er_ Avenue_ as__the_ same___is__.sur4eye__d�nlatted_.and_recorde_d,Being a rec- ' <br /> , _.._tangu]�ar__t.�a�t_of__�;roun� having__a__Sou�� �xon�age of_ 110 fe�t__on___Stat_e__Street__ and _depth of ' ' <br /> ' 4 feet. ---__....______----_____- <br /> , 9� - -- __ _- - ---- _ _ _-- -- � ' <br /> - <br /> - - -- - _ _ .. .. <br /> - -- ; <br />'�� � �1.�� �.R. ��amps �. <br /> �Qancelled. --�- �__ __ _ - --- ___ � <br /> - -- - - - - - <br /> To�ether ivit.h all the terzeme�ts, lLea�editamerats, a�zd a�purtenances thereurzto belonsin�, and alG the Estate, Rd�ht, Title, Interest, <br /> Dower, Curtesy, Ctaim and �e.m.a�ad zvhatsoever of the said Gruntor.__-_,.�x,d.a�eatla�r-af..t�av�a, of, in or to the same, or anz� part thereo�'. '. <br /> �o �AUe attD to �pib the above described premises, with the c�ppurtenarzces, rcnto the said Grantee_______and to.__.hi�____.______" <br /> heirs and assi��ns foreaer. slrzd_-- _Z_ __ hereby coverzarzt_____._.with tlae said Cran tee-_______that-_- __ _ j__.._____ ____.__hol.d______.said premises <br /> b9 �ood and perfect title; tlaat.____.______Z__-_______________ha4�___daod ri�ht ar�d lawful authoritz� to sell arzd corLVer� the same; that the� are '. <br /> free and clear of all liens and ii2cumbrances whatsoeaer._______________._____________.________________.______._: __,_,' <br /> -____- - <br /> .flnd_ _ _ __Z _ -- - -- - covenant_______to warrant and defer�d the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of ald' <br /> pe,rsoias whomsoever - _ _ __._ ___--- -_ - -- ---- -- -- -- -._ -- -- <br /> Dated the _ . . 6tY1 . - __ _ --da�J of-- - .-3dSY-- - __- - �1:D. 19 ��. _._ <br />'' w'IT�v'ESS; �' ---- ---- --9Yi11_i�n--Rnss---- ------ ----------- ---' <br /> __W. J._�ilkinson __ _ _ __ _- - -_ _ <br /> -- -- - --- __ _ - - - --- - - -- ---------� <br /> _ _ _- _ _ - __ _.. <br /> _ -_ --_ <br /> -- - <br /> ST�TE OF ��EBR.,4SK.,4, <br /> ss. " <br /> - ��.1.1..._._ . - - Count�, On this -6t71 - ----da�J of--- - ..��! ---./�. D. 19---2�___, before me, <br />' the urzdersi�ned, a ✓l�"otarz�Public __ -_ - __ _ _ --___withir� and for said Countz�, personally came_. __. -__ ____ ._._____ _ ___ _ ._ <br /> , - '1Pilliam F�ass-a -si�gle man . _ -- -- _. - _ -- __ _ __ - <br /> -- -__ - _ -_ __ __ _ _ _ __ -_ _ _ - --_ <br />� --_ _ _ . <br /> _ - - - --; <br /> to yne personall� known to be tl2e iderctical person______zvhose n-ame._ ___ ____ i$_____ _____af)ixed to the. <br /> above instrument as �r°antor________, ancl____----_ he-.-__---- _-____sezera-lly acknowled�ed the same to be___ ___j�_�.g <br />' � SEAL� voluntar� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN' tiVIT✓V'ESS W'HEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and af�'ixed mJ o�cial seal at','' <br /> Grxa,T1C1 I S7.a.riC3.t�ri. .�c'�,�tl__C_�Liri't_Xi _.orc the date last aboae writterz. <br /> ---- - --- - -- - V�,-J=-�P_�.lk�.nsQ�----��_- ---------- <br /> Notarz� Public. <br /> lly eommission expires.---- '- -_Q.C.'�.fl�eT �$`.y1�26_ _ -- - - . - - -19.---- ------- <br />