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��� . <br /> ���'��� ���'����� ��1��a ���0 <br />_� —_ _ _ __.___ _ _. <br /> � � ' �. T . "=5YATE JOURNAL CO�PANY.L►NC04B,NEB: V� � � � <br />___ . . ._ ....... ., � . . _ . . ___ <br /> - -- � � ._..._.�.. �) <br /> I�'R��VI I herebz� certify that this instrument was erctered on Numerical 'I <br /> Index and filed for record this _._._-_ �-�__ .__. of ___.__sT]iTl�__ ! <br /> Amalia Nie�th,unmarried -- : <br /> --------._----- --- -- ---------------------------- --------------.. ; <br /> i <br /> � - -... �larrantp �1. D. 19.--2-c�r--, at------ ---3-��Q-- -- ---o'clock------P�...M. ;i <br /> ___. . ..._... _.. ... . ...TO - �l� <br /> -- - �eea <br /> -- <br />_ ��=� � ---����-�� ; <br /> -- -- - - �� _-- --------- <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, � ) <br /> ---�Pm:]�t�r- J.-I�i�mo_�h............ .................................. .... ! <br /> B�- - --- - -- __ - - - -- - ---- :� <br /> Deputy. <br /> ' - ---- -- - --- ----- ------- - - -- _ _ __ __ <br /> ! <br /> ` � <br /> �.�o� �YY �� �p ��je�e �re�e�t�: <br /> , <br /> That. ____.__ I_,_Amalia _N_iemoth_san_ unmarried__.�vaman, _ _ ___ _ ' <br />�I <br /> _---- -- - _ __ _ -- ---- - __ - ------ <br /> _ -- __ - --_ __ . i <br /> __ _ ---__ - - ___ __ __ - - _ -- - _ _ ,, <br /> ; <br />; ' of the Courctr� o}-----,.-------H811-s----------------,and State of-------------------------------N2b1"aSka�--------------------------------------Grantor__-------._, in consideration�! <br /> of the sum of----- ._- -- . - --__ FOtlr_ thOt18a.11d -- -- _-- ----- -- --------.D OLL�RS,:j <br /> � �� <br /> in hand paid, do__....___._________hereby GR�l.NT, B✓1RG�?I.N, SELL, .FIND COJV'VEY' unto.___________.�Ga.1t�T. �T._N�_eT210th '� <br />,, --------- ----------- --- ----- - --- -- -- - - -- - -_ <br /> — -- - ----- ---- -_ -- - - - <br /> - -- - - - <br /> _ - - - -- <br /> ;; <br /> of the Count�J �f------------- -- I3811-s-- ----------------and State of._ ---- - --N.ebr�6k8a-- _ _- - -...--- , Grantee - , the followin�'� <br /> described premises, situated in the Countz� of..______________.__.__________��7�_l_�._________________ ______._.___..and State of Nebraska, to-wit: '; <br /> _---No_rth___west_-quar_ter-_o-f---North _east quarter_ (�I'��_NE�)_ o� -$e�tion. Fourteen--(_14)�t_o_�mship,_twel__v__e_.;; <br /> � ---�12�--NQr_�_h,Range__Nine- (9� �➢'ert 6!' P_.I�'. -- - - -_ - -- - - - - I <br /> --- - -- _ _-__ _ -__ - . <br /> � <br /> -- ------------------- <br /> � II <br /> --- _- -- ----- -- - <br /> _ -- - <br /> _ <br /> �4 00 I.R. Qtamps _ ___. � <br /> _ _ <br /> _ _ 0ancelled _ _ -- <br />� � - - .- - <br /> __ _- -- - - __ - _. _ <br /> - _ __- --- --- - - - <br /> - -- -- <br /> . _ _ _ .. <br />� � - - ���i <br />� ------- -�-- ----- �--- -- -_ _ _ _ _ <br /> --------- ------ ---- �--- --- - --- -- - -_ - __ _ _ - <br /> - - - - ------- � <br /> -- - - __ -_-- __ _;� <br /> • <br />� <br /> ,, <br /> - ---- - - - __ _ _._ _ . __ . . <br /> _ ___ ___ -- - <br /> _ _ _- -_ - ------- <br /> _ _ - <br /> - _- <br /> To�sether with all the te�zements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest,j <br /> ' Dower, Curtesy, Cla�m and Demand whatsoever of the said (�rantor.___., a�-e�eztker-v+�th�cm, of, in or to t,he same, or any part thereof, '! <br /> �a �a�e an� to �ol� the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grur�tee________and to.____._.his______.._�; <br /> � <br />� ! lzeirs and assi�ns foreUer. .Elnd._____:' �-_.__hereby cove�zant__ ____,_with the said Grantee.________.that_____ _ � _ __._ _ . _ ___.._hold__.___said premises� <br /> : „ <br /> by �ood and perfect title; that____-_.-----_I_______._._-,.___.ha._'Pe.�ood ri�ht and Zawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are� <br />, free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever__._____._..__________,___._______.___________.___________________ � <br /> -- -- -- - -- -- i <br /> ----- - -- -- - -- -- ---- _ - -- . .---- - --_..-- -_ __ _--- --- --- --- - __ - _---. ---- - -- -. _. _ _ _ ___ <br /> _ �� <br /> -,� <br /> ---- --- - -- - --- --_ _ . - _ --._ -- -- --- - _ _ - -- -_ _ _ <br /> i <br /> .gnd_ ________ __________I____ ________ . ____ __ ___._______covenant _.._____to warrcznt and defend the said premises a�ainst the Lawful claams of all;� <br /> � persons whomsoever - - -- - -- _. . - .. _ _ - . _- ------- -- �i <br /> ,I <br /> ----- --- -- --- ----- --- - -- --- - -- - _ -_ _ __ ___ -- - - - - - -- -------- <br /> _. ( <br /> Dated the. _ 11n June <br /> -- - -- da� �f ---- ---.fl. D. 19 __2�. _ ; <br /> - tiv'zT�v'ESS : ,_Amalia _Ni_emoth___.____ __. <br /> -�-- ----.i <br /> �; <br /> � Arthur C. �dayer - --_ - - - - -- -- - - -'; <br /> --------- - -- <br /> ___-- ---- -_- - - - ------- �� <br /> , <br /> - - -- - - -- - -- - - ----- ---------- -- - -----------,� <br /> ;'. <br /> ..-------- ----- <br /> -- -- -__ � -- - - -- - --- ---- - ---------- <br /> � <br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR.gSK'�, � <br /> ':�'� -� -- �� ...Hc111.._- - � �-_.Count�J,�ss. On this-- -- - �-1�►� _ -� ----da�J of�---- - ---- s�S�ri�s __ -- - --.,4. D. 19---�-�-��--�, before me,�� <br /> , <br /> � the undersi�ned, a JV'otarz� Public___ __ ____within and for said County, personally came--__ ___._..._ ___-___ ________ _ _._ _ _ _________I <br /> Amalia,_an_unma�ri._e�__v�oman---------__----- _. - i; <br /> _ -- -- -__ _ __ <br /> �I <br /> u <br /> - -- - -__ _ __ _ - __ _ - __- <br /> __ ._ --- __ __-_ ._ -.__ --- -. _., <br /> - _ _ - ��i <br /> I' to fne personallz� knowrc to be the zdentical person___-_____whose name.____ _____..__i$-_.. . fj'i <br /> _---a xed to thel!�. <br /> �' aboUe instrument as �rantor.________, and___----------- ------ ---------'seaer�Z'�g'aeknowled�ed the same to be_ h_e�-_._; <br /> � SEAL� voluntarz� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. � � <br /> I.N' W'IT.NESS WHEREOF, I haue hereunto subscribed my name and afJixed my of�'icial seal at�i <br /> � jl <br /> _ GTa,Tld T813?1d_�3.ri 881d COU2'1�y.�__ __ _._on the date last above writtera. ;j <br /> . �i <br /> . ------ Arthur C._2.2a3�eT - - - --- - 'i <br /> � .N'otary Public. ;� <br /> �! .My eommission expires----- -- ---�TL1I1e_-�-��-- -2,`�29•-- - ------__--- -_ _ - __ - ---19----- ------- i� <br />— ----=—a--- ---------- ------_ _--- _--- ;I <br /> ; <br /> il <br />'� �; �- �- - l� <br /> - <br />