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<br /> � � � ��
<br />� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ �_ ._ a_. _ �_.__.___�._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ — — — - --— --
<br /> -STATE.IOURNAL COMPANY.IINCOLN.NEB. . ..��-�'-�_��--�-.�......�.�..�_-��..�..'� . . .. . .
<br /> .FIiO�Vl I herebr� certify that this instrument was entered on Numerieal'!
<br /> ' Index and fiZed for record this------------------_�_�..._._._...day of.----------I��..-.------------ f
<br /> _.,.�a�.i.e..,D...S��.�,�.f.��,...(,.�.Q��.t�e��,Y:..K��.�,Q �
<br /> D.R.�..��km�.hn.� . &._�illiams....Scheff�l �f1�CC��ltp
<br /> �l. D. 19.--2'r1_- -, at-�,-- - _:- - - - _-- o'clock----P�.__.M.
<br /> her husband. TO �eea
<br /> ����� ���,z�-�
<br /> _ _ -- ----- ---- --------__.
<br /> Re�ister of Deeds,
<br /> - He�r y $.�r eb ____ . _. _.... _... _ B� _-
<br /> _ ------- - _
<br /> - - - ------
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �.r�o� �YY �er� �p ��je�e ��e�er�t�:
<br /> That---- -__ .- --��-�Kati� D.-Sche�fel---(-�a�-merlg- Katie --D.AiEa�mann)- and__�illiam_ �eheffel_,her husba'�d,
<br /> of the Countz� of_------H_8.�.�._}-- ---------------__,and State of------------------------------N_��T�,SkB�--------�--------------------------Grantor----8---, in consideration'
<br /> o}' the sum of�- -- -- _._ _ . Twefltyy-f.iv� b,�ar.ea oo/ioo t �2_5o0._00� _- - -----------.�-b.�4�',�
<br /> in hand paid, do_____________---_hereb� GR./���'T, B�RG.l1I✓V', SELI,, �qND CONVEY' urt,to__-_-_._��11T3P_�..�i�_t3b_�___________ . _
<br /> --- _ _-- -- - - -- -- -- -__ __ __-- -- - - --__ ____ - ___ _ --- --- - _ -_ ---- -_ _ __- -- - . _ ---
<br />'�i of the Count�J ��---__._-- --�Sll.�.___ - --- -- --and State o}� -- --_ -_N.ebr$.8k�.�- -- ----- - , Grantee---------, the followira�
<br />' described 7�remises, situated in the County of____._._______.___.____�ali.a..._ ___________________________.and State of ✓1�'ebraska, to-wit: '
<br /> .
<br /> ----LQ_t__Eigh-�---�-�')---_in-fll��k_Seventeen --(17)_ of_�ernohan- and--D-e�ker!s__AdditiQn__�o_._th_e_-C-itY---Q-f--Grand�;
<br /> I'� ---I_sland_,N�bsas_ka,as surveyed,platted_.and_reearr�ed.. _- - -----
<br /> - -___
<br />� - - _. _ - -- -_ _ -- __ - - -
<br /> - _ -
<br /> - _ __- --_ .- - _-
<br /> I - ---- --__ - __ - -
<br /> --------------------
<br /> I'I _ ��2,_54 _,I.R._Stamps_. _- - _ __..
<br /> -- -- - -- - ---- ------- __ - -- -_ _ - . �
<br /> -- -- - �---- -
<br /> Canc elled . -- -- -
<br /> ,_ _ -- _ _ --- - - _ -- -- -- -- __ -- -- __- -
<br /> -- - --
<br /> --- -- --
<br />, -.. -_
<br /> ' ---- - -- -- --- - - - -_ ---_ ___ __ _ _ __ - -- ,
<br /> __ _ _. _ - __ _ __ __ --
<br /> -- - --- --- - --- - ---- - __ --__ - ---- -- -- --
<br /> __ - ---- - -- - -
<br /> - - -_ - ---
<br /> -- -- - - _._ __ ___ - - - - _ _ __ _ _ - -. _ _ __- _ _ -_
<br /> __ - -- - -
<br /> .__ _ -
<br />� __ - _ -
<br /> To�sether with all th.e terzemen.ts, hereditamerzt,s, and appurtefaar�ces thereurzto belon�in�, and alG tlte Estate, RL�T2t, Title, Interest,;
<br /> ' Dower, CurtesJ, Clairn and Demand zUhatsoeaer• of the said Grantor.8_,-�,Fi.a��a�1�e�+-af-��aaaw�, of, in or to the same, or any part thereo�'. '!
<br /> �o �abP ana to �uIb the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________arad to.__...____�1�..$____ ___ '
<br /> _
<br /> heirs and assi�ns foreUer. �?nd_. ___w8___ _laereb� covefzant _._.with tace said Grantee_______.that_._ _ __ _ WB... ._ __...____hold.______�said premises'
<br /> " bz� �ood ancl perfect title; that_.________�►e__________.__.aza_�e_�ood ri.�ht arad lawful authorit� to sell arzd coi2vey the same; that they are'
<br /> free and clear of all liens cznd incurnbrances whatsoever----------'-----..--__----_-_-_---_-_---------------_--_-__-----_---_-----__
<br /> - -- - - ------- ------ ---- --- -----.
<br /> ' �
<br />,� ✓Ind____ _ __ __ _ W8__ __ __ _ ____ -____ _covenant_______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst tlae lawful claims of all �
<br />'I persons whomsoever _ - _ __ _ __ ___ . __ _ _ _- - - .__ _-- -- - ----
<br /> . :
<br /> -- --
<br /> Dated the---_. _ 1.Sth _--- da�J �f---- - - -�p� - --- --.g. D. 19__.__��.
<br /> u�rT�ESS : ,____ .___Ka.tie__D._Scheffel_ F'_ormerly__' ,
<br /> _ __ _ _ _Kat_i�--I�,R_i_eckr�artn _ .__.
<br /> - _ _ _ _ _ John Allan _ .__ __ _
<br /> - -- _ -�ill_ia.m- S�heffel- ----- - ----
<br /> _ _ - --
<br /> __ -- -
<br /> __ -_ _ _ --
<br /> �r
<br /> ST.FITE OF .N'EBR�SK�4, `�
<br /> �ss.
<br /> - -fiS1�.-- - ..Countr�, 0�2 this ---- -- - �.$�}3-- -da�J �f-- - - --- -14dB�� - - -----✓�. D. 19--�r".�---, before me„ �
<br />'�, the urzdersi�»ed, a Notar� Public _ _____wLthin ar�d for said Courttz�, personally came_ ___
<br />�'' Katie D. Scheffel �ormerlp Ka�ie D,Riecktt�nn,and_�illfam �cheffel,
<br />� _ _ _ __ _ _ - - _ _ '
<br />' her husband, _
<br /> to rne persofzall� known to be the iderLtical person_____t�__wlzose name____8._ST-@_ .________.___...affixed to the?
<br /> ��EAL� ubove instrument as �ranto�6_____.__, und._-_th�_ _____________severallz� acknowled�ed the same to be__th-e-fT_-'
<br /> voluntarr� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> I�1�" W7T��'ESS W'�I�REOF, I Rave herezcnto subscribed mz� name and af�xed rnz� ofj"icial seal at'
<br /> GT-�YIC�. I8-�.it.Ild f�A 8�,�4�. �"OL�YIt�� - --- -----on the date last above writteTZ.
<br /> ----- - - -rTO��--All-g71 - ---------- ----------.
<br /> Notar� Public.
<br /> JVly eommission expires-- -------------e18T1,-�-�-1-�-�4--------- __. __19.--------- ----
<br /> ii ,
<br />