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<br /> I�'I��JI�l I hereb certa that thas instrument was entered on Numerical ;I
<br /> �' Hu1C12,. Leririer�t��lO.OVV ----- Index and filed for record this-----------------------21-------.day of.--__----�'ga.rCh-_-_--__-_ '�;
<br /> �; ,
<br /> '!
<br /> � .1. D. 19_2� ---.------o'clock------P�__..M. �
<br /> � - � �---- �larrantp �----, at........... ...-._3. . -- �
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<br /> -- ,ti2z i
<br /> T� �eea - �
<br /> _. �_i�� - - !
<br /> Re�ister of Deeds, ;
<br /> ,�
<br /> Arthux Knuth
<br /> " - -------- _..- ----- - -............_...................................._........_. ;
<br /> 8�---- . - _- . . __ _-- - - - - ,
<br /> -- - - ---- ,
<br /> Deputr�. ;!
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<br /> �.r�o� �YY �er� �p �C�je�e �re�er�t�: �
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<br /> That -- -I-,Hu,l_aa-��n�1�r,�._.yaido�---- --- -- ----- - ';
<br /> ` o the Count o -----------Ha,ll- f ------------N_ebTaska.i-----------------------------------------Grantor---------- in consideratiorL '.,;
<br /> � �J � � - -----.arcd State o -------- --- -- ,
<br /> I o} the sum of�---- - - _. F'lftEeTl_.hu11C1reS]. -_ -- -- - _ -_ - - . -- -- - - - ------.DOLL.RRS, ;�
<br /> I
<br /> in hand paid, do _--------------herebz� GR.gJV'T, B.,4RGv4IJV', SFLL, .gND COJV'VEY' u�zto_--- AT�ht1T- -Kritl'�h- --_- -_ ...- ------ ------- - ------ !
<br /> ;�
<br /> --. _ -- _-- --- - -- - -- -- - - - _ -- - _- --- --- - -- - - _ -
<br /> __ _ _- ---- '�
<br /> 'i
<br /> of the CountJ �f------ ------- �.�1.f --- - --and State of- - - N2bT�:s�a.-� - ------ , Graratee- - , the following!i
<br /> ' described premises, situated ir� the County of._______.________ H��-Z.�____..._. ..._..__.__ ____...._.___.and State of Nebraska, to-wit: i;
<br /> �
<br /> ___ The East�rly half of the ?�esterly ha.lf (E2 '�l�)_ of Bloc'_r Sixteen ( 16) ( someti:�es described__ '!
<br /> _ . ---- -- --- - . . . ��
<br /> � tl fI • �'� • '��� ' � 1 c ' ' g ��
<br /> -------- s_-- --Lo�_-Txi_re�__(3-)_ . _Zn sa,id_bloc� in .'.,inaol h__.,; Aadi_t_i�n---�o----�rana_I_��.�nd_ bein-'---the--icienti-.
<br />, --�-al---��e�f�._ses--cl.e.scribed--in- -�h.e _�.e_e_d___r_��nraed__i� Rook -��---�_f_^.e_�ds,a�_�a�;�_ _1�-3_---in__ said-Count_yjl
<br /> �
<br /> ----------------------
<br /> _. __- _ ._ _ . __ _ _ _ ��1. 50 I.F�. Sta.mps - _ _ -_ __ _ -
<br /> __---- _ - ___ _ __- - -_ - ��
<br /> _ _ - - -- -
<br /> Cancelled � !
<br /> ------- ------- ----- --- --- ---- - - --_ _- - - --- - - -
<br />.
<br /> -- --- ----- -- - ---._ .._-- -- - -- . --- ii
<br /> ------ --- __- - _- _ __---- - _ ._ _ __ _ _ ___ _ _. _ _ _ __-_ ----- -- - __ _ _ _. _ _ ..- -___
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<br /> ' ------- ------- ------ -- --- -- _ - -- --- - - - - --- - --- _. - -- --- - _ _ - - - - ---
<br /> ___ - ____ _ ---- ,'
<br /> ;
<br /> ��
<br /> 'i! To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenanees thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest,'i
<br /> '. ��f-('',.zar.tesz�, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor___., cz�d.o�.ei.�laar-r�-�7ae�v,T-of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. ';i
<br />, �0 �dbP ariD t0 �OY� the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee..________and to...____hi$......_______ ',
<br /> I' heirs and assi�ns forever. d4nd______ I____hereby covenant________with the said Grantee_______.that___._.._ I _ _ .._ . _ _______.hold_._____said premises i
<br /> ,�
<br /> ' � � A f ' , - - � � f � ✓ , � ;
<br /> b ood and er eet tatle• that.__.._____I_________________._._.ha_Z1__C'__ ood ri ht and law ul authorit to sell and eonUe the same• that the are
<br /> ; free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever____ eXCen�1T1�__SU_�C1�,�._ �.SSeSS��ents __�or �rater �''31T1S lri ___
<br /> �
<br /> - ';
<br /> _t.he-s um-of-�11_f�0-anr�__in-�er_�st--- --- -- - -- -- \ -_ -- -- --- ------ - -- _ __ -- ---- 'i
<br /> ;i
<br /> - _._._ .__ ..- - - ___ - -- - -- - - ---- - - ---..- - - _ -- - - -- -- - -- 'i
<br /> -- -- -_ ._. - ----
<br /> ,�
<br /> f premcses a ainst the lawful claims o all
<br /> .gnd_ _ . _ _._ ___I ______.__.___eoaeriant _____,__.to warrarzt and de end the said ' � f �'
<br /> _ . - - --- _ �
<br />' ; persons whomsoever._ ______ eXCe�t_ltlg .�,5 _ St�.t2_d_ _. ____ ____
<br /> I
<br />, + - -- - - - --- --- - _----- ------ -_ - _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _- - _- _ __.-- - ---------
<br /> -- - ---- - ___ _. I
<br /> ' Dated the-- - - - 1� ---- -_._daz� of. _ ...... -�L'arCh - - --.g. D. 19__ 25__
<br /> I'
<br /> ; W'ITdV'ESS 2 -i
<br /> -----_.--- Hul&a -�enner-- - - - --- -- - �
<br /> ,; '
<br /> -
<br /> _ _.. _- -- - _
<br /> - - --- __ Arthur _C._�ayex - • �
<br /> ,,
<br /> , __ -_ --
<br /> ,
<br /> I I
<br /> , _ ---- -
<br /> ---
<br /> ------ �;
<br /> ��
<br /> ,,
<br /> �,
<br /> ----- -- - - - __ - -- -- - -
<br /> -- --- - -------- �
<br /> __ --- _ _-_ _ __
<br /> - - - - -- -'��
<br /> i�! ST.gTE OF NEBR.gSK�, � � � !��
<br /> I �
<br /> ' - H�.11:. - Countz�, ss. On this--- - - �b�� _ ---da�J �f ---- -�3.T-C$ - --.1. D. 19--�'r�- -, before me,!i
<br /> i I
<br /> ;j the undersi�ned, a Notarz� Public___ _____ _._ _ _.___within and for said County, personally came..__._____.__.__ .______ ___ . _ . __;�
<br /> __
<br /> ,
<br /> ! _ HUlda Lenne.x,� w�.c�Ow __ _ _. - _ _.�.__ ---- -- _ _ _ __ -- _ __ _ _il
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br /> ;! - __ _ _ . . _ - -- -_ _ __ _ _ - __ . - _ ii
<br /> --- _-
<br /> � to rne personally known to be the identical person_---.---whose name_____ �S ___afjixed to thej,
<br /> J
<br /> ' �SEAL� above instru.ment as sraritor._______, and__._____she_ -______._seve��� acknowled�ed the same to be_. _ _�1_eT__'�
<br /> z±olu,ntary act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. ��
<br /> :i
<br /> ` IN W'ITNESS W'HEREOF, I have hereurzto subscribed mr� rtame and afJixed my ofjacial seal atj;
<br /> ;I
<br /> ' G�Ta.I1G, ISla.T1ClT_171 Sa.ld CQ'I�.T1"�j_r _ . __on the date last above written. �'
<br /> ;I
<br /> ;, - - - Arthux C_._D�a.Y�r-----------�--------------'�
<br /> ; Notary Public.
<br /> ' . . . �u Q �
<br /> ! ✓Yly eommassaon expares-------sTL1��- �.�2.j.___ - - - -- - - ---19---------------- ;
<br />��-_-=_ - _
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