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<br /> .. ...�I�.��-5TA7E JOURNAL COMPANY.LINCOLN.NEB....���� �.��-�. . . .. -....- _ _.. ._... .
<br />� . - .�..�....�.._�_.._ . _ _...._ ....,_ ..... .. . ..._.. . . .._..-• __
<br /> F'1���/1�1 I hereb� certify that this instrument was entered on JV'umerical�i
<br /> Index and filed for record this__ ______ ��.______.day of.___���_e?Y1b2T___
<br /> --
<br />� --- E-c���-r-d-S.--�d�r�cs,h�tsba�id- - -- -- - --
<br /> _......._ _ .... ..
<br /> _.._ . ... . - -- -
<br /> �larrantp �. D. 19---2�_.__., at_._ ---- �..---- ---- - -----o'clock.-----P�=-_..xs. .
<br /> To �eea ,� �—�- ;
<br /> ' � �J�
<br /> - -- - -��'_�-�__ .
<br /> ---------- --- --- -----
<br /> ��.,_�.�'------ --------------
<br /> - Re�ister of Deeds,
<br /> - --Haz el-�d.-�darks_,.wi.f.e............................................... . !
<br /> B✓._ -----._ _-- -- -
<br /> ------------Deputy.----
<br /> --- - --
<br /> _ _. --- ---- ---- - - -
<br /> �.r�o� �YY �er� �p ��je�e ��e�er�t�:
<br /> That------ -----------Edwa_�s�_.S. �a.rl�s.,_hu.�'�and-q-�-the__.�rant��__herein-�- -------
<br /> -- ----
<br /> _-- - --- -
<br /> I�I of the Courtty �f------ --AOL'���.8.$---- -----.artd State o�------------------------------�Qbr$5��-------------------�----------------------Grar�tor.----------, ira consideratior�
<br /> Loee d affection and Qn-e--and _no 1QQ_ __ ______.
<br />, o��he sum o� ----� _ -_- - � ---. --- --- -- - - -------- ---- -------------.D OLL✓1RS, ;
<br /> in hand paid, do__.___________herebz� GR�.NT, B./�RG�I✓Y', SELL, �ND CONVEY' un.to.___.._H82$1._�..�gTkB_i_�[1f8_ __Q_f___�h�__.�8x1'�O=___
<br />' __h�r_e-i-n.---- ------ --- ---- - - -- -- -- ----- - -- - - -- ---
<br /> of the Count�J �}•------------ ------ --�Q11�1.L�28 r - - --------and State of---- - -- -- -�8�?�_�8_�8. ---- ------- - , (�rantee----------, the followin�
<br /> described premises, situated in the Courcty of.________._________________________r7Gl_��.____..._______.._____.____.and State of .Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> --La�-�T��be�c--�?��e- (g-}--af $lock �Tu�ber Seven (7} �f �o�nie $�a� Addi.t-3.-or�-to---�rand_3_sland.t�f_ebr_aa�a,,
<br /> __aa--aurvEyed_,�latted and�_r ecQrded. - -- -- - - - -- - - ---- •
<br /> .
<br /> -----___ -- - _ -_ __ - - _ _ - _ - ___ - - --- - - - - - - ----- ---- --- - - -
<br /> --- -_ - ___ - - _ - ;
<br /> - - __- - -_ _ ---- - - _
<br /> ___ ___ _- - . __ _ _- - :;
<br /> I� - _ __ __--- -- ---- -- ----
<br /> - -- --- - --
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, '
<br /> Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__._., e�-e�'�-eetizzt-Q�-t;ce�rr� of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. ;:
<br /> �o �abP anb to �ot� the above de.scribed premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee:________and to__.____�1.�T___________ '
<br /> heirs and assz�ns forever. d4ncl____j_____._._hereby covenant________.with the said Grantee.-__.___that__.:_.______I______.. ____..__hold._______said premises !
<br /> by �ood and perfect title; that_____.--__-_I_.________._.__.ha 4e___�ood ri�ht and,lawful authority to sell and conve9 the same; that they are i
<br /> free and clear of all liens and irccumbrances whatsoever______________________________.____________________________________._ �
<br />', -- - -- -._ ... -- - __- - - _ . ._-- _ --- - - ----. -__--._-- - - - - - -
<br /> -_ ---- _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ ___ _ - -_ ._ -_.. -_ _ -. - - -_-- �
<br /> - -- --
<br /> ' v4nd______- _______. � x . ___ _ ___ _ _ ____.._covenant__.___.to warrant and defend the said prem�ses a�sainst the lawful claims of all !
<br /> I, persores whomsoever--------- -_ --- __- -_ ._ -- _ _ __---
<br />, -----.. --- -- ----- - --. - ---- --- --------------- - -- - - - -- —
<br /> - --- - --- __,.._ -- - - _ - __ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _. ____ -- --
<br /> _ _ --- --
<br /> ---- - - - - ------------
<br /> Dated the -- 2���_ --da�J o� --- - --- D�C�Ib_�T -. �. D. 19._ 2�--
<br />� W7TNESS : -- -- ---- --- ------LSf��rCl__S..__�TkB---- --------- -----
<br /> Richard Bu�riz
<br />� ___ -__ -- -___ _ _ -____- _ __ --
<br /> ST.�4TE OF NEBR�SK�,
<br /> ss. '
<br /> ' -- - H8�.7..... - - Countr�, On this- - - - 26t�'1----�--da�J of�---- -�e�.BA1�?�T---- - -----.�. D. 19----?�'--, before me, ,'
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notarr� Public_ _. .__ __. ._____ ____.____within and for said Countr�, personally came._ _______.
<br /> - - �d�rard___S._�a,rks_,_h�sbanrl__Qf--the_Gr_ante.e---in_�}�e---fo�e�aing__de_ed._ ------ ---------
<br />� to me personallz� known to be the identical person___.____.whose rcame_________________.i$______________..af�xed to the ;
<br /> � s�',$j�� above instrument as �rantor__._____., and_.._____..___�e_________.__�es�a�,�b�c-sceknowled�ed the same to be._ __hi�__ <
<br /> voluntary act and deed for the purpose thereirz expressed. ,
<br /> I�" W'ITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my rZame and af�'ixed mz� ofj'ieial seal czt j
<br /> --�"*TF�,21S�.- I8�.8T1$- _�Y1--S8i.C1.__�"_Q.LIl'i'� ____ ___on the date last above written. '
<br /> � �t __-
<br /> ---- - -- - --- -Richard-Buenz---- .
<br /> -�------------ --
<br /> Notarz� Public. '
<br /> ;i ✓llz� commzssion expires---- -�----..�T_��,X-�2_�_�926_ _ -- - _ - - -- - -—19..---- ----�
<br />� �,i � ; �
<br />